title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mission Possible!

Today's high temperature was:  89 degrees
Today's humidity was:  51%
Sunny--hot and humid

I just absolutely refused to go outside today.  The hot, wet air felt like it wrapped around me in a smothering embrace, when I stepped out on the porch to put the cat litter in the garbage pail, so............

Instead, I went on a complete and last, thorough examination of this house, in a quest of finding my moccasins!  This time, you would have thought I was hunting for the Holy Grail.  I started out in the bedroom--I worked in a clockwise direction.  I looked behind curtains and checked window sills.  I even looked up high on my cabinets and shelves.  I looked low under every piece of furniture.  I opened every box and trunk--every cubby hole was searched.  Da Nada.

It was suggested I pray to St. Anthony, so I did that: "Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony, come around for what was lost, must now be found."  Nothing.  So...I give up.  

Now--in that same spot, is another pair of slip-on's

So--what to do on a hot, humid day?  Stay inside where the temperature is 75 degrees and dry.  Hopped into the shower for a nice, long, very warm hosing down, then I looked out my window and what did I see?

They are taking apart, the house behind Pearl's--apparently they are moving it out of here.

Put the wheels back on it and took it apart.

Getting ready to put the protective covering on it
so they can haul it down the highway.
But wait...what is that on the roof? 

Be still my heart!!  
Let's watch this beefcake for awhile.
I think I just did an eye-hump!!!
Takes me back to when I was 16 and the football boys
used to come out from town and build up their muscles,
helping my Daddy in the fields.  I, of course, was on hand
to drive the tractor.  Saw a lot of tanned, muscled boys back then.
Had to wear a little bib to catch my drool.

Got the protective coating all on and probably haul
it out tomorrow.  Opens up my view for sure!!!

After a fun morning of watching beautiful young manhood, I sat in my recliner and made lists.  Watched my soap.  Cross stitched on Elmo.  Watched the TV news coverage of all the stuff about Syria and what we are or are not going to do.  Such a farce!!  

Dar came over to tell me that she has indeed been hired by Meijer's as a cashier and that she gave the Salvation Army notice--3 days notice.  Her boss, instead of wishing her luck, said, "I am really happy for you....and for me.  Now, I won't have to put up with your arrogant, mouthy attitude." (okay)

Dar said back, "And now I won't have to bite my tongue anymore and keep from telling you what a rotten manager you are!"

Guess she burned a bridge there!!

Pearl came down to show me a top that she wants to buy.  Kind of cute, it is purple and on the front is a picture of a cat laying in a hammock.  Merle goes to the Cardiologist I suggested tomorrow to get his Holter Monitor--finally!!!  Pearl is mad at her bank because she gets access to her account/statements on-line, so they quit sending her paper statements and she wants both.  I told her to go on-line where she can request both.  She said, "Oh, I hate that damn computer!"

Then she wanted to go through the house to look for my moccasins, so we did a walk through together and she proclaimed, "They aren't in THIS house!"

Then, tonight, I watched the President's address--Yawn--nothing new there.  I find it a bit strange that we are now letting Russian President Putin do our diplomacy for us and we still haven't made up our minds if we are going to throw 100 cruise missiles into Syria, or stay out of it.  

I am just about done with every lasting politician!!!  They are all so worried more about their next election, that they don't get anything done while they are in office.  I think they are totally out of touch with how the average American feels or needs.  All they do is bicker at each other--like they are campaigning for their next run at office.

The saddest part of all--I do NOT see one potential GOOD candidate out there!!!  Hillary Clinton makes me want to vomit!  I would rather cast a vote for Billy Boy, then for her!  I cannot stand any of the Tea Party people.  I could vote for John Kerry, if I had too.  I feel for the guy.  I think he would be a really good Secretary of State, if his boss would quit throwing him under the bus, making him look like he doesn't know what is going on, every time he makes a statement.  So--who does that leave?  In order for the Republicans to get back in the WH, they need to nominate a Hispanic or Black...because white, Republican voters  are in the minority now.  

I have loved politics since I was twelve years old.  Loved how it worked--fascinated with the nuances of it all.  Now, I hate to even read about it or watch it on TV.    

Putin says Assad will turn over his WMD, BUT, the US has to agree NEVER to intercede militarily--ever.  Well, that;s not a very good idea.  Obama wants to throw in a few missiles to let Assad know we don't like what he is doing.  Oh yeah, like that is going to deter the madman?  Kerry calls Assad a "Hitler"--well you don't go after a Hitler by throwing a few bombs his way--you go in and take him out.  We don't want to go in, because we can't afford money or personnel for that full scale action.  If we throw a few bombs his way--that will just give Assad a reason to retaliate--to escalate.   If we stay out, we look weak.  If we go in, we look like the aggressor.  In the meantime, with all this wishy-washy, going back and forth on a decision, we are losing credibility in the world as a world power.  

...and all the average American wants is for our government to do something to get us back to some form of economic stability.  


Tomorrow--I am finally (after thinking about it for 6 months) going to my chirocracker, getting a massage on my shoulder and neck and a neck adjustment.  I just cannot take the continual pain that runs from my shoulder up into my neck and down my arm--causing numbness.  

Then, after that, I am going to the Rich People's store for some salads and CAKE, then on to Meijer's for some file folders and a fire proof box and then, on to Subway for a "five dollar foot-long", and then on to Lowe's to get some deck paint because--My front porch has needed taking care of for three years.  Fred put a light stain on it five years ago--the steps are worn down to the original color/original wood.  I am going to paint it--dang nabbit!  Grey steps and deck and white railing and posts.  Then I am going to put black treads on the steps and next summer--put down a blackish piece of rubber backed outdoor carpet piece I have out in the shed.  I am real tired of this brownish porch that in no way matches my white house with black shutters.  I know--every one around here seems to stain their decks and porches that color, but--I am going to paint.  Probably have to re-paint it every year.  I don't care!!!!!  So there!!!!

Yesterday, I got Pam's name on my bank accounts as POD--she can access the money after I'm dead.  Got her put as beneficiary on my life insurance and in essence, have made her my executrix. Done with that youngest brat of mine.  I don't care if she is an attorney--she can help Pammie if she needs the help, but I want Pammie to sell the house, transfer the car title and keep whatever money is left over--if there is any.  She will split the sale of the house with the other 3.  Karen told me to do it. Mark told me to do it.  I didn't ask Jen, but I am sure she would be relieved not to have to do all the paperwork and make the phone calls.


Now--I am trying to pin Pammie down on when I can get her to the Opthmalogist, get her eyes checked and get her a pair of glasses.  I am tired of my daughter not being able to see!!!!  She loves to cross stitch and read, and she can't, because she can't afford glasses.  She saved for five years to get her dentures.  I gotta take care of this one thing--then I can rest easy.



  1. Maybe you needed to look for your mocs on the roof of the house being moved! I MIGHT HAVE GONE OVER TO SEARCH YESTERDAY....LOL....what a mystery.
    You are right, Judy, a Cape Cod visit in October is perfect. We have that eat here now....AC on!
    Would love to come along on your trip to the rich People's store....have fun.

  2. When I lose something the first place I look is in the trash. That's the only thing that leaves the house. Someday you'll find your moccasins when you've given up all hope and bought a new pair.

  3. I don't know why, but I thought you had left the shoes on
    your porch because the first thing that came to mind was
    that someone or something had taken them. So, what do I know?
    It's aggravating to lose stuff; I do it all the time. :)

    Yes, poor Pam. I hope you can fix her up with glasses, Judy.


  4. I lose things because I put them in the place that makes sense at the time, then time goes by and I forget what made sense. Then I happen upon it at a later time and think duh - that was why I put it there.
    I'm getting senile!
