Why do we call this a Grilled or Toasted Cheese sandwich, when it is basically fried?
Why is it when I buy my Diet Pepsi liters from Walmart, I have to use an adjustable wrench to get the caps off, but when I buy it at Meijer, I can twist them off comfortably with my fingers?
Why is it, I mailed a Christmas card to a friend. It came back stamped, "Address Unknown", yet when I sent her a Thank You card a week later, it never came back. Same person, same address, she received it.
Jennifer gave me a pre-loaded Visa Debit card for Christmas. $50.00. When I tried to use it yesterday, it wouldn't go through. I came home and called the company that sold these gift cards. They checked. I have a balance of $12.00. They told me the places the gift card had been used: $1.00 Mc Donalds, $37.00 Toys R Us--towns in California.
I told them I lived in Michigan. The card was securely fastened in its Gold cardboard packaging--how did it get used?
Maybe an employee working at the card company, stuffing gift cards into their packaging, took a card with her on lunch time and made some purchases, then came back, put the card in the packaging and the company sold it on-line to my daughter.
They are supposed to be sorting this all out, but...I had to download, fill out four forms, send photos of the card, and mail it to the company in Pasadena, CA. I wonder if I will ever get my Christmas gift.
Why is there this political double standard in America? When the Tea Party held protests, the Liberals were furious. When the Liberals held the Occupy Wall Street protests, the Conservatives were furious. When President Eisenhower played a lot of golf, the Liberals were furious. When President Obama played a lot of golf, the Conservatives were furious.
When JFK supposedly "stole" the election in 1961, the Conservatives were furious. When George Dubya supposedly "stole" the election, the Liberals were furious. When George Soros paid and bussed in Liberals to protest, the Conservatives were furious. When Conservative Bikers are headed to DC, the Liberals are furious.
Why is it okay for one group, but the same thing done by the other group, is not okay with the first group?
Why is "tolerance" the buzz word for both groups, but neither one practises it?
"A house divided against itself, cannot stand." Abraham Lincoln.
What's bad for the goose is also bad for the gander--right?