title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Weekend--

Friday--the leaves in my driveway were ankle deep.  My car was covered, so I drove uptown, to blow the leaves off and parked on the other side of the drive.

 Soon, the spot I had left, was covered.

Saturday--Pammie picked me up and we drove down to Karen's.  Helene and the Baby were there.

I got the quilt done Thursday night.

I have never seen an 11 day old baby so alert.  Maybe because she was delivered C-section and didn't have to go through all that trauma?
Great Aunt Pammie, Baby Della and Grandma Karen

4 Generations!!

Sunday--the kids and I enjoying a nice quiet evening.

This morning, my Lawn Guy came to take care of the leaves.  Even while he was blowing them into piles and filling bags for pick-up tomorrow, the Maple trees were shedding more leaves.  I guess I better buy more yard waste bags because this chore isn't completed.  :-)

I don't ever remember having 69 degrees and sunny on November 7th.  What glorious weather we are having--unusual for Michigan this time of year.

Tomorrow is the big day.  Thankfully, after 18 torturous months of campaigning.  Suddenly, today, Michigan, who has been a Blue State for a generation is tilting toward the Republican side and becoming a Battle-Ground State.    

I will be glad when this is all over.  It has made many of us depressed, angry, confused and tired--just plain tired.  No matter which of the Devious Duo wins, Wednesday will still arrive and life will go on.


  1. Such a beautiful baby! She certainly does look alert!

    1. She is unusual, in my opinion, in her alertness and calmness. I only heard her cry once and Momma fed her and the rest of the time she was awake quite a bit, being passed around.

  2. Oh, my gosh, the baby and the baby quilt are both so sweet! Love the four generation photo, too.

    Does your fireplace throw any heat or is it just for looks? You cat laying in front of it might be a clue?

    1. It does have a heater with temperature control, but I don't use it. My furnace thermostat is set at 72 which keeps this place plenty warm.

  3. Just perfect. Perfect little baby girl! Perfect 4 generation family. Perfect way to get rid of leaves. Perfect way to end the day .... so glad you got your fireplace!!!!

    1. When I lived out in the country, I mulched my leaves with the lawn mower and let them enrich the soil under the grass. Then, of course, we raked up a big pile for the kids to play in and then--we filled up the atmosphere with a big fire--it smelled so good!

    2. I am so happy, that I am old enough, to remember the delightful aroma of burning leaves!!!!!

      Luna Crone

  4. That precious baby? She really is alert, and adorable. I don't know if I ever told you; Hunter came out with her eyes wide open. We were in shock.

    Yes, let's get the election OVER!! We probably won't know the winner until Weds morning, if then. What a mess!

    God help us all.

    1. Hunter still has her eyes wide open--thank God!!! Pick me up on your way through. :-) We can move in with Joanie. LOL

  5. Beautiful little one! I hope she grows up in a compassionate world beyond the dear, sweet family she will grow up in. I'm exhausted by all the rancor of this election, but hopeful the basic rules of democracy will outlive the indecency.

    I got up before 5am to be there before 6am when the polls opened. Already there was a long line. Hooray! People aren't turned off to voting! From 10 - 4pm I'll be driving voters who need a ride to the polls.

    1. Just be careful and don't run over any Republicans. LOL

  6. Precious baby! And so nice to see you!

    Oh those leaves. But you have the best way, of getting rid of them! And yes, they will continue to fall. We have one tree, near the driveway, which still has its leaves. -sigh-

    Oh well.... But it's we modern people, who worry about such things. Wayyyy back, in other countries anyway, they make a form of mulch out of them. Which was wonderful for growing things, in the spring. But we, only think of how messy they look. -grinnnnn-

    Happy still-watching-the-leaves-fall hugs,
    Luna Crone

    1. I still do--mulch my gardens with leaves. The lawn mowing guy has been instructed not to blow the leaves off my gardens. :-)

  7. beautiful pictures of you and the baby!! my husband won't clean up leaves...he says they are natures "free decorations"!!! what a crock!!!!

  8. Your little great grand is gorgeous! What a cute little face! I too along with the rest of the world am so glad that this farce of an election is finally going to be over! Then we will just continue on with our farce of a government!

  9. what a beautiful baby
    you are holding :)
    I'm jealous :)
    about the leaves
    I have so many
    many still on the trees
    and will need help soon...
