title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, April 11, 2016

Pride Goeth Before The Fall

Well, I just thought I was the Cat's Meow!!

Quite on my own, and because I am so brilliant, I switched from 5mg Melatonin at bedtime to 10mg.  I had been having trouble sleeping through the night.

Well!  For 5 nights straight...to be at midnight and awake (before the alarm) at 8:00.  WOW.  Plus, I felt so good.

So, of course, as I tend to do, I was bragging to everybody about it.  Then the Pride Karma dude got in the way, and took me down.

Last night, I took my evening pills and climbed into bed around 11:45.  The cats settled and off to sleep---they went.  Not me.

At 1:00, I got up and took a Tylenol PM, sure to do the trick.

At 2:00, I got up and took a Benedryl.

At 3:00, I finally fell asleep.  Consequently,  I didn't wake up until 10:30.

The day half shot, plus I felt like I had been dragged through a knot-hole backwards, from all the drugs.  I had so much I wanted to get done today.  Finally, the snow and rain we have been getting for the last week, was gone.  The sun was shining brightly and it was 55 degrees!!!

I did manage to get myself in gear at 2:00 this afternoon, and made it up to Wal-Mart to get a new shower curtain liner--the one I had was opaque from all the lime, got a new filter for my air cleaner, 2 jugs of Diet Pepsi and a gallon of milk.

I was practically dragging by the time I got home.

Then--to top off my day, Dar stopped in at 6:00, just as I was about to fix myself a sandwich, sit down and watch the news.  More drama about her son and grandchildren that are living there.  Drama about her work place.  Drama about her Dad.  She was in a hyper state.

I scared her outta here at 7:00 so I could finally get my supper.

John and Maizey stopped in at 8:00.  He was limping badly and in a lot of pain.  The cast he had to wear is an air cast.  You SIT down, pull it on, lace it up and then inflate three bladders, placed at three different points on the cast.

Yesterday, he STOOD up to put it on, pressed his foot down hard in it and inflated the bladders.  Because he had put all his weight in the cast, when the bladders inflated, they kept his foot clamped in there like it was in a vise.  It hurts worse now than it did when he started with the whole problem.

I asked him if he had read the instruction manual BEFORE he put on the cast.

Of course not.
<men can be such idiots>

"I read it this morning and realized what I had done," he said.

He brought me about 2# of sliced ham, so I couldn't get too disturbed with him.
I'm hoping I sleep well tonight so that tomorrow I can get the utility area cleaned and the humidifier emptied and cleaned up and put away.

The weather man made a promise today that are done with snow and winter.  Temperature expected to increase all week and be 70 on Sunday.  

We Michiganders are hoping.  We love snow and winter, but not in April!!!


  1. Ah. Elusive sleep. About every two weeks I have a night like yours. UGH! So thankful I don't usually have any appointments. We can tough out a day if necessary. WHY do you set an alarm? Another UGH.

    Now I am working(volunteering) Tues/Weds/Thurs ... might be a different story. But I have Ambien to fall back on!

    Good luck with your weather!

    1. No alarm, alarm. I have my clock radio (yes I still have one of those) to wake me at 9:00am or this Old Slug would sleep until noon! HAH!

  2. Well, diphenhydramine (Benadryl AND Tylenol PM and all other such products) just does not agree with me. I hate the way it makes me feel. You described it perfectly -- dragged backwards through a knothole. Melatonin works ... until it doesn't. So I feel your pain. Get some rest. xoxo

    1. I seem to only have the sleeplessness problem when I can't get my mind to turn off. Why does my mind get all creative or wondering about "what if" at midnight? Sunday night it was all about, "What if I can find someone to build me a simple plain wooden screen door for my back door?" GEEZ LOUISE!!

  3. Those nights are so awful, and kill the next day. I have been using lavender essential oil each night. I dab several drops on my nose, then breathe deeply about 5-10 times, and I am gone for about 7-8 hrs. I started doing that when I was sleepless after the knee surgery and it took away the insomnia! I buy the little bottles of it at the Natural food store. Hope you feel much better today.

    1. I'm curious to see if that works for me!

    2. I have heard of this. I have a Tart Burner in my bedroom with Lavender wax melted in it and I also use Lavender scented dryer sheets when I wash and dry my sheets. I wonder, if I put the oil on my nose, would the cats lick it off? HAH!

    3. Ms G avoids my side of the bed because of the lavender but it is worth it. She bothers LM instead.

  4. Melatonin does not work for me and then I'm afraid to take Ambien or Benadryl on top of it which I usually have in the house. (I'm not gutsy enough to mix my drugs.) Getting enough sleep is a constant struggle for me. I'm up every 2 hours to pee and sometimes can't fall back to sleep. I'll have to try the lavender oil mentioned above.

    I'm surprised Dar's family is still there. I thought she gave them a deadline. I could be wrong.

    1. I used Ambien for years and then, as I got older, it made me feel awful the next day. Doc told me to use Melatonin--a natural hormone we have when we are younger, and goes the way of most hormones, as we age.

  5. Every time I take melatonin I wake up with a headache! Too bad because as far as a sleep aid it works really good for me! I hope you are better today and can get what you want to do done! SO glad that we are finally getting Spring weather. Although you know I love this state this Michigander does not love snow and winter anymore!

    1. I first tried Melatonin when I was in my early 60's and it made me sick the next day--all drugged out feeling. Now, it works great--most of the time. My Lilacs seem to have weathered the weather. Lots of buds. Most of my Daffodils however, are laying pressed on the ground from the recent weather.

  6. Not in April is right. We've had a cool spring, too. Not as cool as yours, I'm sure.

    That's terrible about Johns leg/foot.

    I wish Melatonin worked for me, but it just doesn't. I try to just go with the flow. When I can't sleep, I give myself a little while to fall back asleep. When that doesn't work, I get up for awhile. I go on the computer or watch TV - all things they say you shouldn't do. Then I go back to sleep in an hour or two. Not optimal but it beats lying there and thinking about things I shouldn't think about. Know what I mean?
