title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Past Life & Past Lives

I have never felt the presence or had a dream about my Father.  He was rather cruel to me for the first 68 years of my life.  He died 8 years ago.  I rarely even think of him.

I do have nightmares of some man trying to hit me and I wake up kicking and yelling, but I always thought those nightmares were of my second ex husband, who tried to kill me twice in the three years I was with him, and when not trying to kill me, was extremely abusive emotionally and physically.  I suppose the "unseen" man could be my Father?

I get into trouble when I have those dreams.  Two weeks ago, I bit the inside of my cheek when I had that dream--it is always the same dream.  The time before that, as I kicked out, I sent Maggie the Cat flying off the bed and on her exit, she dug her claws in deep on my shin.  I was up for an hour, trying to get the bleeding to stop.

One time, I flayed out and knocked the lamp and radio off my bedside table, another time, fell off the side of the bed, trying to get into the corner to save myself.  Down on the floor and fully awake, I had a heck of a time getting back up.  HAH.

It has been explained to me that these nightmares come from deep in the sub-conscious.  Something we have buried and don't even thing about during our normal day activities.  Then, when we get into deep sleep, our sub-conscious kicks in and brings these things up.  Usually they are from unresolved issues.  I have forgiven my Father, that's why I don't think the "unseen man" is him.  I thought I was over thinking about my second ex, but in reality, I never could find out why he treated me as he did.

He has been married 7 times to date.  I have met 4 of his exes and although he abused them emotionally, he never laid a hand on them.  Hm-mm.  Not a nice thing to say, but I just wish he'd die and I check the obits every day to see if it has happened yet.  He's 87!  How long is that awful person going to live?  Maybe when I know he is gone, the nightmares will end?
I had an appointment at the food bank this late morning.  The shelves were quite bare.  I needed hamburger--none.  I wanted a bag of salad greens--none.  

After wards, I headed up to the Homestead.  Stopped in to see Pammie before she left for work, then on up the road and checked at my son's place--his truck was gone, then on down the road to Susan & Chuck's.

Susan has let her hair go natural and she has pure white hair--just like our Mother's father.  It is beautiful  AND  she got it cut real short.  I mean short.  Shorter than mine!  She has worn a chin-length Bob for years and years and this cut makes her look so much younger.  She is just adorable and Chuck loves it!!

I got home around 5:00 and jumped on the computer to work more on the genealogy I am doing.  The lady's father will be 103 on May 7th and I want to get his side of the family done, printed and put together so I can mail it off and she can give it to him.  

It is a really good genealogy.  In that, I mean I have traced part of his family back to when William the Conqueror was King!!  That would be in the 1066!

That takes time to get all that info, and then write it down, so I just stayed in here and did my thing.  John showed up around 7:30 and I told him I was busy and didn't have time to stop and chat.  

He'll be back tomorrow and by then, I will be ahead of the game and can stop and talk.

Now, I'm so geared up by my find that I will find it hard to sleep.  So--off to play some games on Face Book and then bed.


  1. I'm geared up by your find, too! LOL

    I sometimes wonder if the little girl inside us realizes we've grown up and can fight back. If only we could wake up to someone to soothe us! I used to get nightmares of being chased by a man with a knife. Sometimes the knife would go in, and I'd die, then wake up. I trace my nightmares back to my brother menacing me with a kitchen knife and stabbing me, when I was, maybe five. >>sigh<< such nice families we came from! One day, I decided enough was enough, and consciously brought up the horror to face it down. Took 45 minutes looking my terror in its eye... then from somewhere I 'heard' these words "Death has pierced your soul and Christ :-) is [now] in it" With that the terror ceased and peace infused me. Haven't had that nightmare since.

    1. We do come from nice families!!! It's just that there was one in our immediate family, not so emotionally well, that messed us up. :-)

    2. You're absolutely right, Judy! When I had my first breakdown, and in the hospital, I wrote a letter to my mom simply wanting to why she treated as she did, and wanting to clear the air. She told me many years later, she never got the letter. I found it in her cedar chest after she passed.

  2. I dream a LOT but never nightmares and it's not that I haven't had some bad, scary stuff happen in my life that I never talk about. My dreams often wake me up and are unsettling so I can imagine how terrible it must be to have true nightmares and a past that included spousal abuse and parental abuse.

    You know intelligently that a man who'd been married seven times has a screw loose in his head so if you can forgive your father, why not this jerk? BUT I have to wonder if it's not him you really need to forgive but rather you need to forgive yourself for the perception that you let it go on for so long before getting out? Forgiving ourselves is often harder to do than to forgive others. I like what Oprah says about this topic..."if you had known better at the time you would have done better" i.e. not married the guy in the first or gotten out at the first sign of abuse.

    1. He was wonderful, loving, caring, non-judgmental.
      The first abuse happened the night we were married--after the wedding when we were in the UP. At that moment I thought, "What have I gotten myself into!!!" I had given my house to my daughter and I had no place to go, so decided to just be a perfect wife and everything would be okay.

    2. Well, this explains a question I've had quite a while, and now I see you gave the house to Pammie. But, I'm glad you love where you live now and not too far away to visit Pam, Mark, and Susie.

  3. I'll be back to read the comments; the kids are due any moment, and it's pouring rain. YAY, NOT!

    My second ex was emotionally abusive, and when we got married he put on the application he'd been married twice before and come to find out, it had been five - I was #6.

    I know what you mean about reading obituaries, Judy. I finally saw that a particular man who had done unspeakable things to me. And, yes I was glad he was dead. It that makes me a bad person, so be it. I'll be back tomorrow. Love you, and wish you didn't have those nightmares. xoxo

    1. WOW Sally! My second ex put I was wife #2 and come to find out I was #4--that was a shock. Why can some men be so dang awful?

    2. One time after I retired and was working pt, one of my former step-daughters saw me; ran over and I got the nicest hug. It had been many years since I'd seen her. You know what she said: "Of all my dad's ex-wives, I liked you the best!" LOL
