title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Saturday, October 26, 2013

My Karen

You all mentioned how cute she was as a baby.  We thought she looked like the Gerber Baby.
Karen was due September 23rd.  I got pregnant New Year's Eve/Day 1961.  When October rolled around and she still wasn't born, I questioned the doc.  He said, "Mother nature knows best.  The baby will be born when the baby is ready to be born."  He didn't believe in 10 month babies--no such thing.

She was born October 24th, with those big brown eyes and two tiny teeth.  When the doctor took out his pen light to check her eyes, she quit crying and followed the light around with her eyes.
The doc changed his mind. "Well-I don't believe in 10 month pregnancies, but I gotta say--if it is possible...she is.  She looks and acts two months old!!"

We were so excited to have a brown eyed-dark haired child in our family of washed out, pale, blue-eyed, light haired Dutch/Germans.

She is still as beautiful today at 52, but more importantly, she is the most wonderful, caring, kind and spiritual woman I have ever known.  Everyone says that, not just me.  She is completely accepting of everyone, she never gossips, she is so unconditional in her love for me.

...and she and Mark have a beautiful family

When people talk to her, she leans towards them, so as not to miss a word.
This always makes you feel like you are the most important person to her at that moment.

Mother's aren't allowed to have favorite children, but if I did..............well, you know.


  1. What a wonderful woman, mother, and daughter, and I have a feeling she is just like her mother in many ways!

  2. Wow, how wonderful that you can say you raised a woman who is beautiful inside and out! that truly is something to be proud of.

  3. Very nice tribute to your beautiful daughter! I can see why you're proud..

  4. She was beautiful as a child and she's still beautiful.
