title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Today's high temperature was:  76 degrees
Sunny, soft breeze, comfortable--beautiful!

Ah-hh.  October in Michigan...how beautiful it is.

The tree across the street gets more color every day

I got out to the porch at ten this morning and painted until noon.  Then, back out at two and painted until four-thirty.  Everything that is suppose to be painted white, is painted white.  Two coats on it all--except the railings and posts by the steps--they have one coat on.  

It was a beautiful morning.  The wind was coming in from the west, so I didn't hear the continual roar of the Interstate.  The birds came to the feeder and chirped around a bit and the wind chimes, hanging over head, tuned to the notes in Pachelbel's Canon in D, made a nice backdrop of soft music.

I think it is going to be a drippy day tomorrow, so I will use that time to go back to Lowe's for another brush and to Wal-Mart for some Diet Pepsi and pick up a prescription.

Apparently the exercise is good for me as my shoulders and arms aren't near as tired as the first day I started and my calves aren't getting those nasty cramps in them I had a few weeks ago.  I am generally, all over tired, but I recover quite quickly with some rest, sitting in the recliner for half an hour.  However,my bottom really hurts--from sitting on the hard steps to paint, I suppose.

I have sanded all the wood first, so the railing by the steps, is nice and smooth.  I want to paint the risers on the steps white, but I haven't a clue as to how I am going to get down low enough to see and paint that bottom one.  That will come the next opportunity I get to paint.  Should be interesting.

No painting this Saturday as I just found out, Michigan State football starts at noon and University of Michigan football starts at three.  I shall have a favorite day--sitting and watching back-to-back college football games.  Last Saturday, they both had "byes", so they didn't play--I almost went into withdrawal, LOL.

I am not paying any attention to what is going on out there in Washington D.C. because, I truly don't give a rat's patootie.  Both sides actually seem to delight in fighting.  He won't give an inch, so they won't give.  They present a plan and he sticks out his tongue at them.  He presents a plan and they thumb their noses at him.  It's not his fault, it's their fault.  It is not their fault, it is his fault.  It is all rather second gradeish in my opinion.  Too bad we aren't back in the day where Harry Reid and John Boehner could just get together and have a duel.  Meantime, they are getting their pay, while people who have planned trips to D.C. or the National Parks are having their vacations ruined.  IDIOTS!!  All of them!

I got an envelope from the RNC, wanting my opinion on some planks in their platform and of course, a donation to The Cause.  I gave them my opinion and then I wrote them a small note and said, "I am a life long Republican.  A moderate.  I would send in a contribution, if I thought you were still the Grand Old Party of my youth, but since,  you seem to want to kill that notion with promoting the Tea Party, not only will I not contribute, but if one of them is nominated, you can take my name off the rolls of the Party."

I dislike every Tea Party candidate I have seen!  They are way too radical for me--so far off to the Right, I can't see them.  That is why I have never been a Democrat--they are so far off to the Left, I can't see them.  They always seemed the radicals to me--now the Tea Party is becoming the same way.  There are no moderate, sane candidates that I know of.  Nancy Pelosi is just about the weirdest person I have ever listened to and Ted Cruz is the same.  

There has only been one time in my life I didn't vote for a Presidential candidate--back in 1964.  Goldwater scared me--he wanted to go into Viet Nam with more troops and I couldn't vote for that.  Johnson, on the other hand, said he wouldn't send any more "boys" over there, but he was such a weird duck, I couldn't vote for him.  Of course we all know, he lied like a skunk and increased our troops in Nam, only to have a huge failure.  

We shall see what 2016 brings--if I am still alive.  It may be another election that I don't put my "X" in the box for either person.  Instead of getting a bumper sticker that says, "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him."  I will get one that says, "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for either one."  HAH!

Ever forward!


  1. Maybe you could duck tap an extension onto a paint brush to get at those low places you want to reach.

    You're not going to believe this but I lost my slippers in the house for 3 days...sound like someone you know? LOL I finally found mine on top of a filing cabinet! I can't tell you how many times I walked through the house, looking at very square inch of the floors.

    We may be on the opposite end of the political spectrum but we sure agree about the damage the Tea Party guys are doing. Before they came along at least there was polite discourse and compromise in D.C. All of life is compromise. It's called living in a civilized society.

  2. You're doing so well with the porch. Hope you can find a way to do the low down stuff.

    Judy, I'm not really cognizant about politics, but I agree; they're acting like school children who weren't raised to be polite and have manners. I'm afraid, very afraid for the next generation.


  3. I think that I would have the same problem on that bottom step. Maybe if a kid goes by...you could hire him to do it.
    Your comment on my blog..."There's always next year" sounded like a typical gardener. We are always saying that...even in the early spring.
    Have fun watching the games...Balisha
