title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fantastic Friday

Today's high temperature was: 45 degrees
Sunny until late afternoon.

Today was the day to take Pammie to the Ophthalmologist!  I got up early.  Our appointment was for 9:45.  She got here about 8:30 and we spent 45 minutes talking and laughing and cussing out my step-mother LOL.

The reason I wanted Pam to go to a REAL eye doctor is, four years ago she had an inflammation in her left eye and had to have steroid shots in her eye.  Pretty painful.  Then a year ago, she went back to the Optometrist and he told her she needed glasses--$400.00 kind of glasses.  I use to go to an Optometrist and know, they are in the selling glasses business too.  So........ get checked out by a specialist, he gives you a prescription and we go to Costco and get her a pair of progressive lenses for less then $200.00.  I am just so tired of her not being able to see and not being able to afford glasses.

This is the Ophthalmologist that Fred went to and raved about.  But Medicare wouldn't pay for the $200.00 exam unless you had Diabetes or Cataracts.  The last time I went to the Optometrist, he said I had the beginnings of Cataracts so...I went to the REAL eye doctor the next year.  

While she was filling out the forms that are required she said, "Momma, how old are you?"

"Well, two days ago I told someone I was seventy-three, but I think I am really seventy-four.  Do they need to know that?"

"No, but...I forgot how old I am and I know I am twenty years younger then you, so........."

"You were born in 1959--subtract that from 2013."

"You know I'm no good in math."

"Well, can you subtract nine from 13?"


"Okay then."

"That's four.  What number goes in front of it?" she giggled.

"I'd feel better if you put a three in front of it.  I can't believe I have children in their fifties!!"

We got to laughing and nudging each other--the office girls were watching us and laughing too.

Fred liked this doctor.  I liked this doctor and Pammie liked him too.  I must say I am IN LOVE with this guy because he told Pam, "the inflammation is completely gone!"  Also SHE DOESN'T NEED GLASSES!!  He told her to go to Wally World and he wrote down what strength of "cheaters" to get.  Use them for reading, computer work, even TV, if she wanted.  He wasn't trying to sell her anything!

HOWEVER--because of the steroids the Optometrist poked in her eye,l she has the beginning of a Cataract on her left eye.  Our doc said that, "the steroid injections will cause the Cataract to grow faster."  WELL CRAP!!!  Wish I had taken her too him when she first had the inflammation, but then....I didn't know about him then.

Because Pam has NO insurance--it only cost me $60.00!  AND no trip to Costco for $200.00 pair of glasses.  WOW!!  Really good news.  She wanted to pay--I had already talked to the office girl and she said, "No!  You aren't allowed to pay!"

I said, "That's right!"  I walked over to get my purse and I heard Pam say, "She's an old lady.  I'll bet I could take her down!"

I walked back up to the desk and the office girl said, "I don't think you can even see her with your eyes all blurry."

Then I looked at Pam.  "My, what big blue pupils you have my dear.  Now--step back so I can conduct my business here."

So we came back here and she came inside to let the dilation wear off a bit before she drove home and we laughed some more and hooted and hollared and talked about all the rotten men we have ever known, and cussed out the step-mother some more and by the time she left--I was on a real high.  I wish I could spend time with her more--we have such a great time together--we are so much alike!

I was going to go to Costco after she left because I need bathroom tissue and paper towels and Kleenex and that would be the only reason for me to go to that hated store, but...I decided to go on Monday morning.  

I have just relaxed all the rest of this day, but I noticed, I have been smiling all day long!!!!


  1. My eye doctor is the same way about giving you the numbers to look for when buying cheaters. I use cheaters for the computer and prescription glasses the rest of the time. I have done so many crazy things to my eyes that I love having a guy I can trust on practically on speed dial.

    Glad you had a good time with your daughter. Sounds like you both have a good sense of humor and that sure makes you both fun to be around.

  2. Laughter cures so many ills, and makes the heart SO happy! I'm really glad that all went well; that's awesome! You are such a good mom, Judy and I know Pam respects you AND that is a good thing also!!


  3. Glad you had such a great day with your daughter! So great she didn't need glasses!
