title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday, Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo--I like anything with mayo on it.  Sorry--there I go again making light of a very important date in history.

Anyway--church was wonderful this morning.  We had communion.  In my church, we don't have communion every week, so, when we do, it all seems very special.  I have been practicing kneeling by my couch, to see if I could get up.  Today we had communion by in tincture--where you go up, take off a piece of bread from the loaf, and dip it in the chalice of grape juice.  Yes--I know--grape juice.  We are Methodist's--we used to use wine, but when prohibition came along, we started using grape juice and never went back.  We do not get into the whole transubstantiation thing--where the wine and bread are changed into the body and blood of Christ.  Ours is more of a symbol--a remembrance of the Lord's Supper--of what He suffered on the Cross.  We have a prayer of forgiveness of our sins beforehand and a commitment prayer to live our lives in a better way--WWJD way.

So--I digress--(always), the Pastor states that it is the Lord's Table and all who believe that Jesus was the Son of God are welcome, was crucified, dead and buried and rose on the third day and is alive in Heaven.  You don't have to be baptized--you don't have to be a member of our church or even our religion.  Everyone is welcome at the Lord's Table--I like that theory.  All SHOULD be welcome at the Lord's Table, in my humble opinion!.  So you go up, break, dip, eat and walk back to your seat.  HOWEVER--because we are Methodists and don't stand on a lot of religious dogma, you can take communion in your pew if you like, or if you can't walk to the altar.  You can take it and then go kneel at the altar rail.  You can take it and go back to your seat and then eat it.

Well--all my life, we took communion kneeling at the altar rail.  We had a small church so we went up in groups enough to fill the altar rail, then the pastor came along with the bread and we had those tiny little glasses with the grape juice in them.  It just feels more intimate, emotional to me, to be kneeling at Jesus' altar.

So today, I went up and got "The body of Christ," AMEN--over a bit to the chalice, "The blood of Christ," Amen AND THEN DEAR FRIENDS--I went over to the end of the altar rail and kneeled!!!!! I prayed a prayer of reconciliation for my daughter and I and then I got up--it was kind of hard.  I had to sort of push myself up with my hands on the rail and I sorta tweaked my new (left) hip, but I did it!!!!!
Okay--now to write a little about Dar and her visit yesterday--when she was so tired and just had to tell me why.

That's Dar's house, through my front windows.  The tan one.
As you can see, she has a double-wide.  It backs up to the woods,
but it doesn't face the street so she has no view.  
Before she bought it, Fred and I did look at it and considered buying it
for the extra room, but........I would have had to move away from my glorious Lilac
bushes so--no way.

This is my house.  It is 16 feet wide, but it is longer then Dar's AND
I am on the north side of the street so snow and ice on my parking
pad melt quicker then those on the south side.

So Dar walks in, gives a big sigh, asks about my day, which she doesn't really care to hear, and then tells me that she and her sisters-in-law had a big garage sale and in her words, "I made a fortune!"

"Well...great!" I say with a big smile.  "I saw your brother hauling stuff out and filling up the wagon yesterday."

"We made two trips with that wagon and filled up his SUV!  I worked all day Thursday and today.  We must have had 600 people come through.  I dickered with them too.  I price everything high and then I dicker and they think they're getting a deal."

"Oh.  Did you sell everything?"

"All but four pieces.  I even sold that grill of mine that doesn't work."  (Nice).

"Why would you sell something that doesn't work?"

"Oh--they got a good deal.  They can fix it."

"Did you tell them it didn't work?"

(laughs), "No--they'll find out."

This woman wonders why Jesus doesn't sit in the chair next to her bed anymore.  Hm-mm.

"I made five hundred dollars!"

"Where did you get that much to sell?"

"I emptied all of Connie and the kids stuff out of my house.  I got rid of it all."

"Did you notify Connie that you were going to give her stuff away?"

"I notified her in January.  She e-mailed back that it is her house too and that she didn't want me to give away her stuff.  She said that as soon as work slowed down in the spring, she'd come get it."

"You're going to end up having a problem again.  What is going to happen when she comes to get her stuff?  Are you going to pay her for the stuff you sold?"

"No!  I don't care what she does!  She can come to the door.  I'll call the police."

Well--isn't that nice.  Connie's name is on the title to the house, along with Dar's.  Dar moved out last summer because one of the neighbor's friends saw Dar hitting Connie's kids and told her.  Remember me telling you how she was hitting them with a broom?  She was accused of child abuse and can no longer work in the church nursery.  So--to my way of thinking, if Connie's name is on the title of the house and knowing that Connie is the one who purchased it, so her mother would have a large enough place for Connie and the kids to live in when they came from Greece--I am thinking that Connie probably has a right to take legal action against Dar.

As Pearl said, "She wants everything her way.  She wants it all when it isn't even hers.  She is going to get in trouble again and.......guess who's house she will run to when she gets all in a frantic panic."  

Thanks, Pearl!!!
I didn't make a fortune Saturday, but I did make this.  I am trying to attract Baltimore Orioles to my house.  Everyone tells me to put out grape jelly because they like that better than the nectar.  So not wanting to just set it out on the porch railing and attract an army of ants, I made this hanger.

I got the filigreed pan at Wal-Mart, then put picture hanging wire in three spots--it fit through the filigree so I could tie it off good, put a pot saucer in the pan, grape jelly and tied the wires together at the top.  Then hung it from a hook that clamps onto my railing.  It is near my bird feeding station and hummingbird feeder.  I hope I get to see some of those beautiful orange and black birdies!!!

Until next time-enjoy.


  1. Oh my goodness, what are we going to do with that Dar; a piece of work, that one. Maybe after Connie comes, she'll complain to Pearl rather than you. Or, did I forget that Pearl and Dar aren't friends? I can't believe she sold her daughter's things. :(

    So glad you were able to take communion and kneel at the altar even though it hurt, I know you were blessed in doing so.

    Your yard is so pretty; nice and green.


    1. Actually, Jackie who lives in the blue house across my me, is supposedly her best friend, but she comes to me with her mental problems because she says, "You are the only one who will understand." Which says a lot for me--apparently she thinks I am mental too--which of course, I am!!! Pearl dislikes her immensely!!!

  2. I see you got that picture thing worked out...great!

    1. Joanie--I had to uninstall Google Chrome, go in through the old Internet Explorer, get the pix uploaded, in seconds, then go back out and re-install Google Chrome--which makes my FB games run faster. I knew I could figure it out some way--thanks for your help.

  3. What a meaningful Sunday when you can kneel....happy for you.
    I hope Dar doesn't get arrested for selling her daughter's things, after all, we would have no more interesting essays about her ever-fascinating activities.

    Your flowers look lovely. We use orange halves to attract the orioles. Good luck. They are very beautiful!

    1. Yes--I am adding orange halfs to the pan, along with the grape jelly. Haven't seen any yet.

  4. Love your bird feeder - beautiful! Well, I guess Dar is one of those people - what's hers is hers and what's in her house is hers, and if it's yours, it may be hers too!

    1. Yikes--she has a couple of my DVD's--I hope she didn't sell them too because they were in her house. Possession is 9/10's of the law?

  5. Glad you enjoyed your Sunday service. A long time ago I used to be on the alter guild at church and I used to have to fill hundreds of those little cups! That bird feeder is very clever! I an anxious to see how it works!

  6. Way to go with the kneeling. I love that you'll try these things!

    I imagine Dar is going to be in trouble when her daughter gets back. She's a headcase.
