It was a nice day. Did I miss the fact that my youngest and my four little grandchildren weren't with me? Of course I did. Did I ponder on that fact and let it ruin my day? I did not!!! I enjoyed the time I had with the kids I had around me. It was wonderful!!
Watched Survivor last night--I still think it is the best reality show on TV. I am glad Cochran won--I liked him a lot.
When I went to bed last night, it was 32 degrees outside and expected to get into the 20's. 80 is the predicted temperature by Wednesday. I brought my plants in to sleep in the house.
So what do you think of Charles Ramsey? He's the guy who helped the women get out of that house in Cleveland. They are calling him a hero. We so love to attach that term "hero" to anyone. Amanda Barry is the real hero in my opinion. She's the one who got out of the house, yelled for help, and saved the other two women and her daughter. Charles just happened to be eating his McDonald's lunch and heard her yelling and screaming and went to investigate what the ruckus was all about. Yes--he got involved, which is a rare thing these days and I think he should get free McDonald's for life, but a hero? I don't know.
There is a fire fighter near Detroit. A store was on fire. There was no one inside at the time. He and a few others went inside to knock down the fire. The roof started to collapse and they all ran out--he didn't make it. They are calling him a hero. Who's life was he trying to save? No ones. He is a fire fighter who had an accident and died from it. Yes--he should be mourned and have the fire fighters honor guard at his funeral and his wife and baby should get tons and tons of insurance money, but.................
I guess, to me, a hero is someone who saves another's life. Who goes above and beyond, to save a life. I am too critical I guess.
How about that Jody Arias--what a nut job. She could get the death penalty. I do not believe in the death penalty, but, now she is saying she wants it because staying in confinement for the rest of her life would be worse then death. She, of course, by those words is trying once again to manipulate, but if she wants to be lethally injected, then I say, go for it. Personally, I think life in prison would be much harder on a person then dying. Do you know, it costs more tax payers money if a person is on death tow? We pay for ALL their appeals--it can go on for ten years.
How about Dr. Gosnell? The abortionist. He killed at least seven babies who were alive at birth and one woman, that we know of. One of his methods for abortion was to implant a tube with razors along the edges, into the woman's womb. Then, after it was implanted, he activated it, the razors came out and cut the fetus into tiny pieces which were expelled. A doctor? Doctor's take an oath to "do no harm" and to save lives--he is NOT a doctor. Should he get the death penalty? Jody only killed one person, this guy has killed many.
And then there's the whole Benghazi mess. I should not give my opinion on that I suppose. Seven hours those people called for help--for jet fighters, that I now hear were close enough to get there and lay down some fire power. Seven hours, while someone somewhere gave the "stand down" order. Seven hours, those people at the Consulate begged and pleaded for help. Then, our Secretary of State went to the families, looked them in the eye and told them, "it was a spontaneous demonstration because of an anti-Islamic video." and she sent poor Susan Rice out on the Sunday talk shows to repeat the same lie. and their boss went on Letterman to say the same and then off to Vegas where he partied with the Hollywood Stars.
Where are Bernstein and Woodward when you need them? Remember Watergate? No one was killed then. They investigated the cover-up and found out the truth and Nixon was ousted!
Remember the whole Iran Contra Fund thingie--they grilled President Reagan and Oliver North about that and it was all televised for the world to see.
Remember the bashing when President Bush landed on the aircraft carrier and stated "Mission accomplished"--they were all ready to ridicule him and accuse him of mass murder in Iraq because there were no weapons of mass destruction--even though his State Department said there was.
So even if, the White House didn't know the "real" truth--which I doubt--are they going to get off Scot free? Think about it--Benghazi happened two short months before the 2012 election. Obama was going around campaigning about how they took out Osama Ben Laden--we had pictures from the Situation Room, showing them with concern on their faces, our Secretary of State gasping, hand to mouth. Where are all the pictures of them sitting in the Situation Room and watching seven hours of the Benghazi attack? Wouldn't look good? Might cause someone to lose the election? Probably and you know who, will run for President in 2016 and life will go on.
He says, "Benghazi was a long time ago," yeah--eight months ago.
She shrieks, "What does it matter?" I guess it doesn't--only to the families of the four that died.
This is only my opinion. It is nothing against my Democratic friends. As one of them said to me on the phone the other day, "I thought he was going to be the best President we have ever had. I was so excited when he was elected. Now...I'm ashamed that I voted for him. I feel like he has betrayed us."
I had those same feelings back in 1972. I voted for Mr. Nixon twice--I supported him--thought they must be lying about him--and, in the end--was ashamed that he had betrayed our country.
So--a lot of news about Cleveland and Jody Arias. None about Gosnell, and very little about Benghazi. Such is the way of our society now. NO ONE wants to step up and admit they may have done anything wrong. I would have so much more respect for a President that admitted, "I was wrong", or "We didn't know the whole truth," or "I will get to the bottom of this and the truth will come out."
Transparency? Fair reporting? Yeah--right! It took me years to realize that the press is Liberal in their reporting--open to all gaffes that Republicans make, closed to the same from Democrats. Now--that doesn't mean I am a FOX news watcher either because...they can be the same.
Off my soap box.
Enjoy your day. I may or may not be posting. I have some issues I am trying to work out in life right now. I may have to write it down to get it out of my head--if I do, the whole ugliness will probably go on here. I will warn you, if that happens, so you don't have to read it.
Just write what you want, we'll still be here "listening". :)
ReplyDeleteCharles Ramsey is a hoot. You know McDonalds is loving all the free advertising he's giving them. I feel the same as you about the hero "label" that is thrown around so much nowadays. When someone does what they should do, we call them a hero. The Dr. Gosnell story is too horrible to contemplate. He will never see the light of day again and I'm fine with that.
ReplyDeleteThat's terrible about your son. I have a niece who has scoliosis and has suffered with chronic pain for years. So awful.
I agree pretty much across the board. Too bad we can't get him to resign like Nixon! And go ahead and know we'll all be hear listening!
ReplyDeleteI had to catch up on your last four posts! Your carpets look great after being cleaned! I'm glad your daughter is getting her user out of her life. I'm glad you had a nice Mother's Day, what a great family picture.
ReplyDeleteI agree with with your feelings in this post. It is a crazy world isn't it?
Post whatever you feel you need to off-load. Here in the UK there's a phrase "better out than in"...! Sending loads of best wishes, Jx