title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Friday, May 3, 2013

Stuff and Such

I woke up this morning in a state of panic.  I sat up on the edge of the bed and my hands were shaking--it felt like my whole body was trembling.  My mind was so fuzzy.  Weird.

My Buddy is so long and large that for almost a year, he can't fit in the litter box.  He would back in, then leave his hindquarters inside and put the upper half of his body outside, resting his paws on the floor.  I had the biggest, tallest litter box, known to man.  It wasn't affecting him, but I wanted more comfort for my big boy, so off to Wally World I went--on a mission to find a better bathroom for The Bud.

I got one of those plastic storage boxes that fits under a bed.  It has wheels on it.  I can roll it out to clean it and then, roll it back under the counter in the computer room.  He loves it!!  He walks into it, turns around facing forward, does his thing, covers it up and off he goes--spreading litter along the path from computer room to living room, with those big feet of his.

This morning as I was cleaning out this huge area, it reminded me raking out and smoothing a sand trap on the golf course.  Yeah--I know, I'm weird. 

Meanwhile, back in the bedroom---
Little Maggie, watching birds in the bushes.  
A Robin is building a nest in that bush.  
I think Maggie likes her new litter box too.  She romps around in it at times--flinging litter hither and yon..  Buddy is very neat.  Maggie is a very free-spirited girl. 

Then, I went into the living room and looked out the window.  A little red squirrel was down on the ground.  Knowing that Maggie loves to watch them, I yelled, "Squirrel--squirrel!" and she came running out and right up to the window.  I have never thought cats were all that intelligent--with a dog, you say "outside" or "ride" and they run to the door.  You say that to a cat and they look at you.

Maggie sure understands what Squirrel means.  Buddy was laying on the living room floor and he just looked up at me and yawned.  I have come to the conclusion--these cats are like kids.  Some are intelligent, some are more laid back and easy going and some...just don't give a rat's patootie.

I can't believe my spring flowers--the tulips and daffodils and grape hyacinth.  For the last couple of years, I have had very few blooms--even though five years ago, I planted almost 250 bulbs.  I knew they were under ground, but had come to believe that the moles had burrowed down and ate them.  AH ha--we had a "normal" winter--nice and cold, lots of snow coverage and a very wet April.  That's all we needed.  Weather conditions of the last two warm winters kept my spring bulbs at bay.  I think my Lilac bushes are going to be decadent this year--can't wait to see them bloom.

Someone needs to fill up her bird feeders.  (Lilac's to the left.)

I got the lawn mowed today--or rather my lawn mower guy came and did it.  He has charged me $15.00 a mow for years and years--well, the last five when I couldn't do it.  This year, I told him I am giving him a raise to $20.00--what with gas prices raising and all that.  Besides that, he not only mows, but trims and then goes around with the leaf blower and cleans off the porches, walkways and driveway.  AND, this morning, he got my trowel and dug up four white violets that had somehow escaped from my woodland garden and were growing gloriously in the yard--where they would have been mowed down.

I haven't seen this guy in four years--he is apricot colored.
See that little yellow flower off on the left--I have some of those in my long-neglected
gardens.  The will be dispatched before long, LOL. The bear stick is where another
daffodil or tulip will be planted this fall.

On my parent's farm, our driveway was quite long.  We had a long, wide swatch of lawn from the house to the road.  My mother loved when that area turned all yellow with Dandelions.  She thought it was beautiful--and it was.  Farm people don't really get into the whole "weed-n'-weed" thingie.  We are more natural about things.  That's kind of the way I still am--you can tell by my gardens--not too precise, sort of like the flowers just blew in on the wind and settled there to grow.

The little garden by my front porch.  Rose of Sharon bush will come alive in August.  
After the spring flowers die away, a whole lot of lilies will emerge--all the lily plants 
Fred gave me over the years.

You can't see it real well--may have to click to enlarge--over at the base of the maple tree
between it and the barren Rose of Sharon bush, are many varieties of wild flowers that I dug
up from the woods I use to live near and brought here.  (Yes, digging up wildflowers is against the
law here in Michigan--if a DNR officer had seen me, I would have been in trouble because I didn't own the property anymore.)

The May Apples have grown about 2 inches a day since Monday.  The violets are coming, as are the little pink wildflowers.  I also have Trilliums in bloom and a couple of Jack In The Pulpit which haven't
emerged as yet and some Adder's Tongue--yellow flower.  I love that area so much.

This is the west side of my porch.

This is Pearl's spring garden--I have never seen it so full of daffodils and hyacinth and tulips.  

I also made an appointment for next Wednesday for the guy to come out and power wash my unit.  I have a lot of green mold on the skirting and also the back porch.  Now that I am out more--I want everything to look gorgeous!!!  I am also going to have him power wash the cement between my unit and my garden in front.  $75.00--sigh, but......

Tomorrow I go up to the cemetery and meet with the sexton to see if I can get my grave site in the spot I want it.  Fred's won't be too difficult as we will only be burying cremains.  I, however, want the traditional burial and nowadays, the vaults that hold the caskets are larger and take up more room--because, nowadays, caskets are larger, because, nowadays, people are larger.    I want to be buried next to my Mother--hoping that is possible.  I will be the fifth generation of my family buried there.

I have ordered the grave markers, it takes 8-10 weeks for them to be ready to be laid on the slab.  

The way things have been lately, I hope the markers arrive before I do!!!    


  1. Such beautiful landscaping you have. The flowers are so pretty.

    One of my cats is quite large too but so far he still fits in one of the three litter boxes I have. Maybe I will have to get a larger one soon.

  2. Your flowers are beautiful, Judy.

    Hundreds of buttercups popped up in my grandmother's yard every year. I know they were weeds, but I thought they were pretty. I seldom see them anymore. They didn't use week killers back then, and the bay and rivers were much happier without that runoff.

    Buddy is a big guy. :)

  3. Looking very, very nice, Judy! At my grandmother's house, there was no grass; so she swept her yard with a broom. But, she had beautiful flower gardens!

    (P.S. I got everything back in order on my blog, sorry I messed you up with the photo.)

    1. You did not mess up with my photo Sal--I just can't get it to load in my layout or my profile. I have Google Chrome as my internet interface--because I couldn't upload any pix into my blog with Internet Explorer. I am just about ready to delete Google Chrome and see what happens. GEEZ--just what I need along with everything else. Sorry--had a horrid morning, am in such a bad mood today--but I will be smiling tomorrow.

  4. Judy, just try this
    Type in blogger.com (don't use google chrome)
    and work from that. If you want me to help you
    send me your information, and if I can't do it,
    I know who can. Okay?
    I'm so sorry you've had a bad morning; anything
    you want to talk about I'll call you if you like.

  5. Yay, you did it. Looks good
    Hope today is better than yesterday.
