title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Your Assets My Ass!

Today's high temperature was:  46 degrees
I did think of tacking a pretty piece of fabric over my door--I still may do that.  Or a quilt?  I remember when I was a kid, we didn't have a furnace with duct work.  We had an oil heater in the middle of the dining room and that was suppose to keep the house warm.  Then, when we did get a coal furnace, it only had one of those big registers in the middle of the floor to heat the whole house,  I loved standing over it while I got dressed in the winter.  Our living room and dining room were open to each other--one big room, then a hallway down to the two bedrooms.  During the winter, we did have one of great grandma's quilts hung up at the hall entrance to keep the dining/living room warmer.

When I was 13 and my baby sister was born, I moved upstairs--which was only heated if I left the stairs door open.  I'd wake up many a winter morning with the ribbon on my blanket frozen from my breath.  Mother put a warm water bottle at the foot of the bed each night and I had wool blankets on my bed, so I was warm and toasty--only my nose, sticking out from the covers was always cold. LOL.

After I got married and left, they installed hot water heat--my little sister enjoyed a nice warm house during most of her years.
I got the membership at Costco last January so I could get my glasses cheaper.  They use to cost me $400.00 when I got them at the optometrist office and also $300.00 the last pair I got at Wal-Mart.  The ones I got at Costco last spring were $189.00.  I figured the $50.00 membership was cheap enough to get less expensive glasses.  I will not renew my membership until I need new glasses--3 years?  My prescription changes very little and I only get my eyes checked every 3 years.
The World Series is very good this year.  Close games--weird calls ending some of the games.  Boston was predicted to win in five games.  St. Louis is giving them a run for their money!!  The games also are keeping me up--I can't just fall into bed after one and go right to sleep.  I need to take an hour to calm down, get it quiet in here, take my Melatonin and THEN I can get to sleep.  I have been sleeping very well lately--I credit the Melatonin--something our bodies naturally have, but decreases as we age.  I have been having some really strange dreams, but they don't wake me up.  I just remember a fleeting image when I first wake up.
It's been a week since I sent that letter to the step brother-in-law.  No response--which is what I expected.  That family has always been protected from anything that might be unpleasant.  The step-mother never knew that her husband knew he was dying.  My family all knew it, but my Dad told us never to say a word to her or the girls--they must be protected.  We all knew, including my mother, that my Daddy had promised their Dad that he would take care of their mother.  In fact, when my mother knew she was dying, she told my sister and I, "When I die, Daddy will marry Helen--he promised--he gave his word.  Be nice to her and get along."

As you can see, our family was never protected from anything!!!  We were suppose to deal with whatever came along and not talk about it.

So--they aren't going to acknowledge any of this--they will pretend it never happened and if they see me again, they will smile and inquire after my health and all will be very superficial.

The thing of it is, if it were the other way around and they told us that our Dad told them they would get some of his estate when he died, Susan and I would have given it to them.  Even if we didn't know how much, we would have divided our shares up and given them part.  Because we feel, they would have no reason to lie.  We have known these girls since they were born!  We lived next door to each other!
Late breaking news---

I received this in the mail today--and just opened it tonight--from my oldest step-sister.

I so wanted to write back and tell her, her knowledge was wrong. That I was not given any Walts assets in Chuck's will, that HER MOTHER kept them and that HER MOTHER told me, I would receive them when she died.


Instead, I e-mailed her and said, "I got your note today.  Thanks.  I appreciate you letting me know."

Somehow, I have to get over the anger and the feeling that, once again, I was cheated and punished.  Not for anything I did wrong.  It just seems so unfair, but then, as I know all too well, life is rarely, completely fair--except to those girls who were pampered and protected all their lives, and were wealthy in their own right BEFORE their wealthy mother died!

To say the least--the last 42 years have been a strain!!


I fixed my mail box.  It is on a wooden ornamental post, stuck over a pipe (metal fence post) driven down into the ground.  The bottom of the wooden post has rotted away, making it very sloppy fitting on the metal post in the ground.  It leans way forward.  So--I got an idea.  If I pounded another metal post into the ground in back of the wooden post, I would wire it on to that metal post and make it more stable.  I went looking and found an old metal stake used for playing horseshoes.  Worked great--glad the ground was soft to pound it in--snipped off the hanger hook off a heavy duty metal coat hanger and wired it nice and tight.  Now my mailbox is standing tall and proud once again and no wobbling!!!


  1. I know an inheritance would have helped your situation. I'm sorry about the outcome.

    I love hearing about your "fixes" around your house and yard. You should write a book. :)
    We had one of those heaters in the living room floor. It had a grate over it and my brother would put his frigid pants over it in the morning to warm them. I used to stand over it and relish the warmth. The bedrooms were freezing.

    I read your last post and enjoyed the pics of Karen and her family.

  2. Judy, so much in our time on earth
    that we do not understand.
    A lot of us right there with you
    and at times it is difficult to forget
    We think we have gotten over something
    and then it surfaces in our mind again.

  3. I know it's hard to accept something when you think you've been wronged, but for your own well being sometimes that's exactly what you need to do the most. People can make a lot of verbal promises but if they don't carry through and make promises in the form of legal documents then those verbal promises don't really count...and that's assuming there will be anything left when a person dies. I have an elderly relative who is so busy giving her money away to various people---$5,000 here, $10,000 there---that when the time comes there won't be anything left for the people written up in her will to inherit. Try to let go, Judy, The alternative is not good for your physical or mental health.

  4. I'm sorry for the way things turned out, Judy. I admire you, however, for being able to keep your mouth shut and not letting the step children know that their mom stole your inheritance! It takes courage to be the bigger person sometimes, probably something I surely lack!

  5. It's a shame that this inheritance didn't come through, it seems like your father should have arranged his affairs better to provide for his heirs? I imagine it's very hard to let go of, the money would have helped you so much, but you have a wonderful attitude about it.

    You are such a busy bee, running here and there and fixing stuff!

  6. Sad for you about the inheritance. So unfair. On the positive side of things, your energy and your determination to fix things is so inspiring. Great job on the mailbox.
    I think a quilt would be the perfect solution for the door and they are wonderful for stopping drafts, too.
    Go Red Sox....it is wild here with anticipation. Everyone who comes in the office is talking about the game!

  7. Oh, yes, the quilt! Great idea.

    And, on the other; I could sit here and type out the exact words Jeanette wrote. :(

    Love you girl.

  8. Goodness - it's been a difficult time. I've just caught up with your news after a 'bloggy break'. Families are SO difficult. Jx

  9. Money can turn the best of families into lying, greedy pigs. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this issue. I guess we can only hope that our God will be the final judge, and that we are not meant to understand all that goes on here on this flawed, human-inhabited planet. Sometimes it just gets to be too much. Like others are saying - let it go as often as you need to - I still have a couple of things that are DAILY reminding me to let go of. (did that make any sense?). ANyway, prayers for you. You are a kind, sweet soul, and I'm glad to know you - the step-siblings - they are the losers - all around.
