I thought Salmon patties sounded good for supper. It was canned pink Salmon and they weren't all that great. I prefer Red Sock-Eye Salmon, but I ate one while it was hot and have been having one cold one, dunked into Ketchup for lunch the last couple of days. The Food Bank only has pink canned Salmon. "Beggers can't be choosers."
That's one of those new ceramic fry pans. I'm not impressed. Sure, nothing sticks to it, but that causes the food to just slide around and seems to me, to make it difficult to get under and flip the meat to the other side. I had to toss my big 16" Teflon coated fry pan, it was just to heavy for me to maneuver and very worn. At least now, I'm not ingesting flakes of Teflon--which is probably a good thing?
I got my new tier curtains today. I'm not in the mood to iron and put them up as yet, because I also have to wash the windows first.
These are the ones being replaced. Notice how you can see through the bottom tiers. Not a problem during the day, but I have had neighbors tell me they can see me sitting at my computer when they drive by. That makes me feel a bit creepy.
Then, I got to pondering.
"Oh, Oh." One of you just said that. I know you did!
I am not fond of the curtains in my bedroom.
What if I swap out the curtains in my kitchen to my bedroom? These have been my kitchen curtains for a few years. I could put the tiers from the den on this window.
Then put these tie- backs on my bedroom window--I used to have tie backs at that window and liked them.
Then take these curtains at my bedroom window, wash them, fold them and give them to the Salvation Army.
New curtains at the three den windows. The den tier curtains at the kitchen window. The kitchen tie-back at the bedroom window. It would be like I had new curtains in every room. Are you confused yet?
John stopped in and brought me 12 jugs of Diet Pepsi. They were on sale for .99@ at Meijers. 6 de-cafe and 6 leaded. I am a happy camper. I was down to one jug of de-cafe. YIKES!! A near miss there. I am hoping when I have the colonoscopy, it doesn't show my innards all torn up by my years of drinking Diet Pepsi. To have to give that up? I'd have to go into rehab!!
One tiny political note here. I didn't watch the State of the Union address, or whatever they call it nowadays. I don't care to hear what any politician has to say anymore. I can't do a thing about their agendas, so I choose to ignore them all. Whatever will be, will be. And to think--I used to be so involved. PBTTT.
Well, the sun is shining today. It is cold and snow has covered up my Daffs and Tulips that were about 4" tall, but the sun is shining. What a weird and strange season this has been.
Enjoy your weekend. I shall be cross stitching and watching old time movies on TCM or basketball games on ESPN. Sounds heavenly to me.