So--Dar stopped in. ARGGH! She was in hospital last week for 3 days. She had a fast heartbeat, caused from a reaction to a Flu medication she was on, plus dehydration.
She was in the same hospital I stayed in last spring and had to have a cardio-inversion, to get her heart back to normal sinus rhythm, just like I had.
To hear her tell it, "They tried to kill me!"
"I tried to tell them,, I am allergic to everything! But, they wouldn't listen to me. They acted like I was a hysterical, old woman!"
"Did you get in one of your hysterical fits?"
"Probably. I remember crying and talking very loud. They were trying to kill me!"
"How did they try to kill you?"
"With the inversion! They put something in my IV and I went out like a light! When I woke up, they told me they zapped my heart to get it back in rhythm. They didn't tell me they were going to do that!"
"I'm sure they did. When I had it, they explained it all to me and I had to sign a paper giving them permission. Did you sign anything?"
"Yes, but I didn't know it was for that!"
"No one explained it to you? They just put something in your IV and you went out?"
"I thought they were giving me something to calm me down!"
"And it did, didn't it? Fentanyl works great that way. You get a nice nap and feel great when you wake up." ( and I giggled.)
"Then I had to have a stress test and once again, they put something nuclear in my IV and my heart rate went up and I started yelling. I must have been allergic to that too!"
"They probably used Thallium as the tracer dye to show if your blood flow is sufficient for your heart. Did you lay on the table, with the electrodes on your chest while they did the procedure?"
"Yes. But my heart rate went up."
"It's suppose to. Like if you were exercising or on a treadmill."
"Well, they didn't tell me that was going to happen!"
"Were you nervous? They probably told you, but you didn't hear them because.......well, you know how hysterical you get when you are in the hospital."
Then we dropped that subject (thank you Lord) and she went off on a tirade about how her brother and sister-in-law are trying to kill her ninety-four old father.
"I know they are controlling him! I would like to get him out of there, but he can't come live with me because of my son and grand kids being here."
"I thought you gave him the option last fall and he didn't want to live with you."
"He didn't. He said I was a woman and women are controlling. Besides, he is afraid that people will talk if they see me living with a man." (What?)
"Why doesn't he go live with your other brother. Take him up to their new house....like for a two week visit. He'd enjoy being near the water. Then, he could just stay there."
"I have already thought of that. Pat (SIL) always took such good care of him when he used to live with them. I plan on calling her when I get home and set it up. I'm off work so I can take him up for a visit tomorrow."
Well, tomorrow came and went and her car didn't leave her driveway, so I guess Daddy is still stuck in the house with the son who is "trying to kill him."
I suggested two years ago that Daddy move into one of the many Senior housing places around here. We have half a dozen of them. Very nice and expensive--like $3,500.00 a month expensive. Since Daddy is a millionaire, and loves to be around a lot of women, he'd probably enjoy it. But, that is out of the question because, "We don't want Daddy to think we are sticking him in a home." So they never suggested it or took him around for a tour of the places.
Dar did not ask how I was doing, nor did she notice the cedar chest just 3 feet away from her. She hasn't noticed as yet that the tall media cabinet is no longer there.
John and Maizey stopped in this morning. He sat in the same chair Dar occupies when she visits. He talked while I cooed to Maizey, petted her and gave her a few Cheerios as a treat.
John told me the very same things he told me last night, when they stopped in. He has to have an ultra sound on his foot. That is Monday. At the UofM in Ann Arbor. He is going up north Tuesday, to visit his sisters/brother, he will be back next Friday. He got upset with his neighbor playing music too loud at 2:00am and turned him into the office. (That is the 4th time he told me that), and he has to take Maizey to the groomer tomorrow.
John did not ask how I was doing, but did caution that it was raining very hard and I should be careful if I had to drive today.
An hour later, I stood up and said to Maizey, "Precious Pup, I have to get busy and you have to continue your walk."
(In other words, time for you to go, John)
Sometimes, I gotta tell ya, these two people drain every ounce of energy out of me!
I need to go up and visit Pearl again, where she and I would have a TWO-WAY conversation. Like normal people.
Normal people seem to be missing from my life.