title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, February 3, 2014

February--What Can You Say?

Today's high temperature was:  23
Sunny and nice!
What can you say about February?

I used to say it was the longest month of the year!  I found it the most depressing month ever!  So grey and dismal--I would get real down and unmotivated to do anything.

A few years ago, I purchased an Ott Floor Lamp, to put behind my chair to make it easier for me to see to read and cross stitch.  Well, I think that light is like one of those Daylight Lamps they talk about because, February doesn't even affect me anymore.  I do not get depressed--I do not get S.A.D.

Of course this year, with all the snow we have and more on the way, February seems like we are still in the midst of winter.  When the sun does shine, it gleams off the bright, white snow and makes the whole outside look new and clean.
My friend from Saginaw called this morning to tell me that her breast aspiration/biopsy came back negative!!!  She will not have to have a lumpectomy!  She only has to have mammograms every six months, instead of the yearly ones.  I am so very happy for her and she is so relieved.

Dar seems to be getting better with the cellulitis she had around her eye.  Glad for that two as I was worried it would get into her blood stream and cause sepsis.  She called me yesterday morning, while she was at work, and wanted me to call Dan to shovel out her driveway.  Now, Dan doesn't live nearby.  He was just here on Saturday evening to shovel out the people he does in the park, but for some reason, she didn't want him to do it then.

Now, a mere 14 hours later, she wants ME to call him to come all the way back out here--on Super Bowl Sunday no less.  I didn't want to call him.  Didn't quite know what to do and as I was pondering on all of this, I looked out and there was Merle, shoveling out her driveway.  Problem solved--YAY.

Then I thought, why did she want ME to call Dan?  She has his phone number.  I am not her dang secretary for Pete's Sake!!  Oh well--it didn't matter after all.
At 2:00, I jump[ed in my car to go to the Chiropractor's--when I started the car, I hear a "thoop" sound and wondered.  I stopped at the office to drop off my rent check and when I came out, I knew what had happened,  I have a hole in the exhaust system--right behind the manifold--kind of under where I sit.  DAMN!!

It isn't real noisy and thankfully, it isn't hanging down or falling off--yet, but still.........I HAVE TO HAVE A NEW EXHAUST SYSTEM PUT ON!!!  

DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT IS GOING TO COST?  Well, I don't either, but...I know...it's going to be way more than $100.00!!!

So--I got the deep tissue massage--hurts awful!  Then I got the WoodPecker machine from the doc and a tiny adjustment on my neck, then I got the TENS device thingie on my lower back and ultra sound/laser on my shoulder.  Limped out to the office and was told, that because of OBAMACARE, Medicare now does not pay for all the the Chiropractic manipulations, like they did in 2013.  I used to have to pay for the massage and Medicare paid for the manipulation--now--they don't.  So, instead of it costing me $15.00, I will now have to pay $30.00 for each visit--which means--I will not be going as often as I should!

I jumped in my car and drove all the way from Brighton, back up to Howell to get a print-out of the blood work I had done last Thursday.  This is the first time in my life, that I have gotten two blood reports back, consecutively, with no numbers highlighted!!!  YAY!!!  In fact, some of my numbers have improved since last summer.  At least I think Medicare still pays for the blood draw--although, I am not sure!

I drove on back home--didn't even stop at Wal-Mart, which is right on the way.  Too tired to even go in and get any food---and I need some!  Finally got the car parked correctly off to the side of the driveway, in preparation for the next snow storm expected tomorrow night and into Wednesday, got in the house and saw there was a message on my phone.

"This is your Wal-Mart pharmacy.  A member of your household has three prescriptions ready for pick-up.  The total price is...sixteen dollars."  GREAT!!!  I just went past there.

Then the doorbell rang and there was Dar and she was all stirred up.  I was so worn out, I just sat in my chair and listened, nodded my head, made appropriate "ah-hh" and "hm-mm" sounds and really don't remember what it was all about.  There was some question about Downton Abbey--she wanted me to catch her up as she has only seen the first episode this season-------EGAD.  Then something else about her Blue Cross Legacy insurance plan which "only costs one hundred and twenty seven dollars a month and pays for everything--you should have that."  Sure--eighty dollars more a month then what I have now which pays for most everything, except not all if I have to have surgery--which I am not planning on.

She left and I got on the phone and called the car service place.  Take my car in Friday for a look see and an estimate.

"Don't you have a tin can you can shove in the pipe and close up the hole?"  I asked.

"Well, nowadays, most cans aren't made of metal anymore."

"So, this is probably going to cost more than a hundred bucks?"

(ha ha), "You must be thinking of nineteen-fifties prices."

"Well Rick--I'm still lost in the fifties."
Now--I am wondering if I will have to cancel the cardiologist's appointment again.  That will mean I won't get in until the end of the month or March--and that's okay.  This has been going on for six months and I am still alive, so probably...there is no problem.  I just want him TO TELL ME THAT!!!

I am going to rub my neck, shoulder and back with my wonderful horse liniment and go to bed.  

See ya tomorrow.............................<sigh>

The Weekend and Ground Hogs


Then Dan came and took it all away.


You cannot trust a Wood Chuck!!

Weird ball game.  I don't follow professional football so, it mattered not to be who might win.  I knew that Denver was favored to win and I like Peyton Manning.  When Seattle started pouring on the points, I thought it was cool--the underdog.  The National Anthem was good.  Most of the commercials were weird--what was that one about the little dog with the big head--YIKES!!  I didn't watch the half-time, and then turned on Downton Abbey, which was really good.  


I have an appointment at the Chiropractor's this afternoon and I will get back with you later.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Pitiful...Just Pitiful!

Today's high temperature was: 31

I think it is just pitiful that people in this State are excited because our temperature might get up to freezing!  Thirty-two degrees, which normally would have us complaining that we had to wear our winter gear--now, has us searching the back of our closets to find out spring clothes!  LOL.  

It really doesn't snow all that much, when the temperatures are near or below zero.  We are expecting higher temperatures, this next week, and some moisture coming up from the south along with the higher temps.  Plus, we are expecting one snow storm after the other--along with the higher temps and moisture equals---more inches of snow will come.  So--this appeared on my Face Book page this morning.

The pattern is shaping up to be very active one starting this weekend and lasting the next two weeks. I have said many times that the storms that are coming will produce huge amounts of snow because of the heat and humidity that will be available to the storms. The storm this weekend will produce up to a foot of snow across parts of Michigan and the Midwest, and the storm coming midweek will potentially produce more than a foot. The storm following that for next weekend can produce over a foot of snow as well. While the extreme cold has backed off, it will be cold enough for snowstorms through the month of February.

We set a record for snow fall in ANY month.  39.1 inches--more than we normally get in an entire winter.

I just want to bang my head against the wall!  

It took me a month to get an appointment with the cardiologist--to make sure this low pulse rate isn't something to worry about.  I had an appointment for January 8th--had to cancel because of the 6 inches of snow we got. 

So I rescheduled for February 5th--this next Wednesday--and we are suppose to get over a foot of snow, starting on Tuesday night.   The cardiologist's office is only 1 mile away, in the small medical center.  I can drive in a snowstorm, but if I can't get out of my driveway/park, I can't make it to the main road to make the one mile trip.  

Perhaps I should just cancel again and wait until March.  If I didn't have the appointment, I wouldn't care if we got three feet of snow!!!

I walked down to Dar's to loan her a video she wanted.  That poor woman has been having an awful time.  She now has Afib, which is being treated and has to be on Coumadin, which has to be checked every week.  She had to go in and have her heart shocked back into normal sinus rhythm.  She had a spot on her leg that was pre-cancerous and has had it treated twice and may have to have surgery.  Last week she had to have a laser treatment on her left eye and woke up Tuesday with Cellulitis all around her eye, which they are treating.  If she isn't better by Monday, she has to go to hospital to have intravenous antibiotics because Cellulitis can get into the blood stream and turn into Sepsis--which is a blood infection and people die from that (she doesn't know that, however).  Plus, she has gained almost 40 pounds since September and looks very bloated. 

Then, I walked over to Pearl's to see how she was doing.  We don't see each other very much with all the snow and ice that she is afraid to walk on.  I don't go up to her place as much because Merle is home all the time now.  Today, he was out for a walk and so she and I got to talk.  Merle is angry at her a lot lately--I can see why.  Pearl got involved in a jewelry club and they send her jewelry every month and take money out of the checking account.  She swears she didn't sign up for it, but.........

She's angry because they got their Federal Income Tax refund back and Merle wouldn't give her half.  He wanted it all to go into the savings account as they are saving for a car.  Theirs is 18 years old and in terrible shape.

She went to the Salvation Army yesterday and got a whole bunch of junk--she goes once every week.  She justifies it by saying that she gets the stuff dirt cheap.  Merle questions that because she gets stuff she/they don't need just to buy something.  I think his verdict is correct.

Plus, she had a spot on her forehead that her dermatologist (the same one Dar has) treated twice and now wants her to go to Ann Arbor, U of M hospital to have it cut out and biopsied.  She canceled her appointment last Tuesday.  When I asked why, she said, "Oh because of the weather."  Yet, she went shopping at a mall half-way to Ann Arbor on Wednesday, which was a worse day then Tuesday.  She has rescheduled the appointment for February 11th.

She can barely walk and complains about her neck, back, legs and has neuropathy in her feet and yet, she won't go to the chiropractor because she is afraid of the deep tissue massage.  Merle goes to the same one I do and we both have tried to convince her that the doc could help, but............

So, I walked on home, got my mail, checked my feeding station, looked at all the different tracks around it, came inside and just thanked God that I am not having any problems right now.

Then, my neighbor/friend from when I lived in Saginaw called.  She had breast cancer 15 years ago.  She went in for a mammogram, first part of January and there was a "cluster" of something in the other breast.  She had another mammogram with a lot of other angles to it, then she had an ultra sound and then a biopsy yesterday.  They have told her that if it is cancer, they will do a lumpectomy and she won't have to have radiation or chemo.  She was pretty happy about that, but I wonder.  Did they just tell her that because they decided that more aggressive treatment would be wasted on a 78 year old woman?  Or is it really not all that bad.

I'm not real trusting of medical people--guess you could tell, and with this new health care program going on, I have been told, "they" are less apt to aggressively treat older people with life threatening diseases...because, it simply isn't worth it.

I just heard the weather update on the eleven o'clock news and we are predicted now, to get 9.6 inches of snow tomorrow.  Where Susan, Pammie and Mark live--just 20 miles north of here--predicted to get 11.5.   AND--they say, the storm coming in Wednesday "may" total up to 19 inches of snow.  Not the easily shoveled, cold, crisp, dry, light-weight snow, but this will be wet and heavy.  Great for making snow men, but not so much for getting off the driveway.

Alas--right now it seems our lives are all about the weather.  When is the next storm coming?  How much snow is predicted? Do we have enough supplies on hand?  Will we get shoveled out in time to get to work or make our appointments? Is school closed?  People ask on Face Book, "Does anyone know how US 23 is?  Has anyone heard how I-96 is, I gotta go to a meeting in Lansing.  Does anyone know if basketball game in Hartland is canceled?"  That's all we talk about anymore.  

Everyone is getting cranky and depressed.  We have been cooped up for too long.  It has been too cold to even get outside and walk to visit each other.  We are all worried about our gas bills.  We are just so very tired of it all!!!

I'm not going anywhere or even sticking my nose outside until Monday afternoon, when I have to go back to the chiropractor, so---have a great weekend.  I hope the team you want to win, wins the Super Bowl--I really don't care and will no doubt watch a Walton's or Little House On The Prairie marathon all day Sunday and of course, Downton Abbey Sunday night.

I just had a thought, can you even imagine what would happen in Atlanta with a 9.6 inch snowfall?  At least, they would have the traction from the snow so they could drive better then slipping and sliding on ice--of course, they'd all get stuck, but........................

See ya Monday.  Jude

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Foolish Folly

High temperature today was: 21 degrees
Partly cloudy, very windy
The Outer Banks of North Carolina when we were there

The Outer Banks of North Carolina a day ago 

I could not post a thing on here yesterday--I was exhausted!!!

2:00--appointment for deep tissue massage and chiropractor
          When I got out of there, I hurt so bad I just wanted to come home, but-----combining all the things I had to do, I drove back into Brighton.  Drove past my other stops to make it to the post office in time.  On to the Meijer store for supplies.  It was sooooooooo cold!  Then I noticed that their gas station had gas for $3.11 a gallon and my gas gauge was less then 1/4, so I stopped and filled up.  Of course I had no hat or gloves on, so I just stood there as the gas was going in and thought about something else to pretend I wasn't so cold (12 degrees).  Then back up the road to the Rich People's store for cake, croissants and two salads.  As I was pulling into a spot, I noticed there was a shopping cart in the way--in fact it was out in the lane.  There was a young man (40's) walking by and he walked between me and the cart and NEVER PUSHED THE CART OUT OF MY WAY as he walked by.  I mumbled to myself, as I am prone to do, "You silly son of a .....", got out, pushed the cart to the front of the handicap spot and parked.  GEEZ!!  

Finally, got on my way home and stopped to get a Subway for supper.  The massage therapist had given me a treatment on my neck and ears, trying to calm down the Tinnitus I have--it has been so "loud" lately AND the chiropractor had done some adjustments on my neck, shoulder and arm and then I had ultra sound treatments on the same area.  When I got home, I toted in all my groceries (8 trips), put them away, had my Subway and by 9:00. I had rubbed down the pain area with the best pain rub in this world and went to bed.

8:00 this morning.
     Woke up feeling great!  Neck and shoulder not paining at all and lower back feels great.  Tinnitus is pretty quiet too.  

8:40 this morning:
     Off to the doctor's office to get my blood drawn.  (10 degrees and super windy.)  Had three vials taken out.  I prefer to get blood drawn at my doc's office rather than the lab up the street.  Michelle, his nurse is the best!!!
It doesn't matter who draws my blood, it still hurts and my arm will ache for the rest of the day--it just always does.  I needed the tests done for my visit to the cardiologist's this next Wednesday AND I wanted the report too--just to check my numbers.

I think I told you, last fall, when I was last in the doc's office, Melissa Gilbert (Little House On The Prairie) was in there too.  I kidded my doctor about being "doctor to the stars" and it cracked me up because he had no idea who she was.  Apparently he is too young or never watched the show.  I found out today, that he makes house calls to her!  She called in the other day, back from her trip to some talk shows in New York and she had a migraine...so he went to HER house to help her.  NOW--as I reminded him today, I was his FIRST patient when he started his new practice about 8 years ago.  So I said to him, "If I called and didn't want to come in, would you make a house call to me?"  and his reply was, "No.  I'd tell you to take two aspirin and call me in the morning!"  Fame does have its privileges!!
Melissa’s Mid-Life Musings.

I got out of there and headed toward home.  Stopped at Wal-Mart to get Diet Pepsi--a buck a piece for 2 litres, and when I reached up to get my blue handicap card to hang on my rear view mirror, I couldn't find it! It must have fallen under the seats or something because I had it yesterday, but I couldn't find it.  I had the best spot too--the first spot right across from the door.  So--I backed out and moved down the line to another parking space.  CRUD--it was sooooooooo cold walking into the store. (Mumble, mumble.)

Thankfully, they had a nice display of Pepsi right at the front, so I didn't have to walk clear back to the back side of the store.  Back out to the car--trunk is frozen shut, load it into the back seat and start home.

Half-way home I remember, I was going to stop at Discount Tire and get my soft tires aired up.  Discount Tire is right across from my doctor's office.  I pulled into the parking lot of the Midway grocery store, out the other drive, back toward Howell.  

As I'm driving along, some idiot decides he wants into my lane and he pulled over right in front of me, no turn signal, no nothing.  I hit the brakes, they squealed, slipped a bit, but I didn't hit him.  My perfect driving record intact, I proceeded along. (Mumble, mumble--out loud curse words directed at him.)  

Got to Discount Tire, they aired up my tires, checked the treads and off I was, back on my way home.

Got home, tried to get stuck backing into the drive, revved it up and dang near backed into the Maple tree--unloaded the five bags of Diet Pepsi and got into the house.  It was now 9:56.  Did it all in just an hour.  WHEW!

Got on the phone and called the chiropractor's office to leave a message for the massage therapist, "Please tell Nichol that my ears are nice and quiet this morning.  Tell her I said, thank you soooo much!  and please tell doctor Janis that my collar bone, neck and shoulder aren't throbbing today.  See ya Monday."
2:00 - 21 degrees
     I decided because it was warm(er), I'd fill up the bird feeders, because--we are expecting an inch of snow tonight and...4 to 8 or more Saturday afternoon and night.
My Foolish Folly--or--another hare-brained idea of mine...

You may know that I have this "farm" theory of, survival of the fittest.  BUT--after I saw the bunny tracks AND have watched the squirrel try and get food from the bird feeders and being repelled by the "hot sauce" on the food, I decided, that because this is such an  unusual winter, they are going to find it very difficult to find food.  SO--I bought corn and peanuts--more than I could afford and was even going to buy rabbit food pellets, but realized I do not need a 40# bag (and that is about the size they come in) AND, while I was outside, I made a feeding station for the little furry animals.

I have a really sturdy cardboard box, and it just happens to be coated with some sort of plastic.  I put in a dish of peanuts and some ears of corn and put it under my Lilac bushes and put a heavy plastic jug of Niger seed on top to keep it from skittering on the snow when the wind blows.  If I get any action, or see any activity and think it is worth while, next fall I will have Merle build me a wooden box for this purpose.

This feeding station is non-denominational and anti-discriminatory.
Squirrel, bunny, chipmunk, skunk, raccoon.  
Whoever is hungry may eat at this place.
I feel so, sort of, St. Francis of Assisi.

It is outside my living room window--where the cats can watch the show--if the critters come during the daylight hours.  
Did you see that mess on I-75 in Atlanta?  I agree with the meteorologists--they had plenty of warning.  The government/mayor just didn't realize what a bit of snow would do to them and didn't react.

2 inches of snow?  Look at your ruler.  Do you realize how little that is?  Around here, the plows wouldn't even come through the park.  Dan, my snow shoveling man would not show up.  If we get an inch or two tonight--nobody will even be out shoveling tomorrow. 

Of  course snow, blowing across a highway, with the cars traveling on it, will cause ice and slippery areas.  At least, the governor stepped up to the plate and took the blame, quite an unheard thing from a politician.  I'll bet if it ever happens again, schools will be closed and people told to stay home from work.

I can't even imagine being trapped in a car for 12 or more hours.  I have to go potty about every hour--how would you accomplish that?

Well my friends--if we get 1/10th of an inch of snow tonight and tomorrow, it will set a record for the snowiest month--EVER.  We already have much more snow just this month, than we get in a year!  

All I can think of is something an old Japanese gardener once told me. "The more snow the better.  It sets the spring bulbs  for better blooms and it nourishes the bushes and perennials for larger and more prolific blooms."

We shall see, Grasshopper!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Not Much Today

Today's high temperature was: 8 degrees
Sunny all day

I looked out my bathroom window, when I first got up this
morning, 9:30, and saw this big hole in the snow.
That, my friends, is where a bunny rabbit has jumped into.

Then I looked up and could see where he came from--all
the holes showing where he had jumped into for a moment. 

I looked to my right and saw where he had rested--his
"sign" very apparent.
Either he is staying here at night, next to the house for
warmth, or he is the one who dug his way under
the house and caused the pipe to freeze.
I'd like to go out and place a carrot there, he must be very
hungry, but then again, I don't want him to take up residence
under my house.  
Maybe tomorrow, I will walk out there and see if there is
any sign he can still get under the house or, if he
just sleeps here at night.  If he just sleeps here, then a treat I will leave him.

...and that is all I did today.  

I did open up my front door--twice.  Once to throw the dirty kitty litter bag into the garbage can and secondly, to run out and get a package from the mail lady.  It was the on-sale, cheap baby quilts I had ordered from Herrschners--10.00 a piece and cute as can be (normally priced at 29.99)..

When I came back in the computer room, late this afternoon, I realized that I could not access my Internet AND my phone was dead.  I called Comcast central and talked to George (real name probably Raja) and he had me fixed up in no time.  He said that I need a new modem (free) because they only last about two years (mine will be two in March), so I will get that taken care of, whenever I can get through the snow drifts over to the Comcast store.  It's only about 5 miles north of here.
This next picture is for Bella--something to help her with her Bushwhacked dreams!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Weather. What Else?

Today's high temperature was: 10 degrees
Sunny, snowy
I go to bed at night and this is what my car looks like.

I wake up in the morning and this is what my car looks like.

Yes--I like winter--always have.  I am snug and warm inside my wee home.  I have six inch exterior walls that are filled with blown-in insulation--as is the roof.  I have double pane windows with the gas in between the panes so they are warm.  When the sunlight streams into my front windows, it gets really warm in my computer room.  I feel better in the cold-dry weather--I can't really tolerate hot and humid.

I love to watch the snow fall and I am not adverse to getting out, cleaning off my car and driving wherever I have to go.


Even I am getting a bit tired of this winter!!!!!  We had no January thaw--which just isn't fair!  The North Pole air is riding south on the jet stream again this week--and that jet stream is dipping way down into Northern Florida.  We are expected minus 30 degree temperatures--of course, that is the wind chill, but still.....it is going to be really frigid REAL temperatures.

Earlier in the month I was saying, "Oh quit complaining.  We had winter's like this when we were kids!"  but I see now, I was wrong.  We are setting low temperature records and record snow fall and it makes me wonder......why?  Global warming causes climate changes.  Harsher winters and hotter summers.   Yes--I do believe in Global Warming--I however believe, it is a normal geological cycle that the earth goes through and I am not going to go out and buy an electric car, so my carbon footprint will be smaller.

So, I expect this July and August, we here in the north are going to see quite a few 100 degree days and drought conditions and that Dear Friends, is far worse for the land and crops then 50 inches of snow and -35 degree nights.

My furnace is coming on about every 12 minutes tonight.  I thought I saw a 100 dollar bill fly out the chimney flue!!  GEEZ!!!

Now, I am worrying about my southern friends as I see an ice storm is expected down south and snow way up to the Outer Banks.  You guys be careful because I know, you don't have a clue how to drive a car on ice--or snow for that matter.  
I was sitting here today, pondering while petting the cat on my lap and it occurred to me:  wouldn't it be fun if I took Catechism and membership classes at Jennifer's church?  Can you imagine the look on her face when her pastor mentioned, "Isn't it wonderful?  Your Mom is going to join our church!  She couldn't very well ban me from attending her church now, could she? 

No--I'm not going to do that!!  I don't even like her church, but it cracked me up and made me laugh to think about it.  Yes--I can have evil, vengeful thoughts at times--like those words you thought about saying--when someone was putting you down or in your face.  The "after the fact" words?  I don't act on the thoughts, so I guess it's okay?  

Karen called me on her way home from teaching today.  She is back in Grad school--going for her Master's, as is her oldest daughter, Helene.  She also told me that her second daughter, Susanna, who lives in Oregon and works for New Balance shoes, won a half-marathon last weekend.  Susanna and her hubs are going to run in the Boston Marathon this April.  Madeleine (youngest) will be dancing in the Peter Pan ballet the end of March.  Marcus (her third) is strutting around because U of M beat us Spartans Saturday night--he is the ONLY one in the family who attended U of M, and we threaten him and tease him all the time.  Now, it's his turn.

 Stephen, (her fourth) who goes to Michigan State turned 20 last week and has yet to thank me for his birthday card and $$.  Karen said, "I'm sorry, Mom.  I brought him up better than that!"  Which she did.  Her kids ALWAYS sent thank you cards.  I told her I'd get on Face Book and shame him a bit.  She said, "Go for it!"  I won't, but I will message him privately to see if he got the card.  Karen was in D.C. last week for the Pro-Life March--she said it was so cold, but they walked it all. So, I got all caught up on her life and the kids.  Her hubs is in D.C. this week.  He works for some secret government something and has to go to the "home" office occasionally.  Even Karen doesn't know exactly what he does.
Hey--I found the on-line forms for Pammie and me to make our revocable trusts.  

Well--wind chill factor of -35 tonight.  My water faucets will be on the trickle, cabinet doors under the sinks open--and we shall see what tomorrow brings!!  

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Weekend

I barely had my eyes open Saturday morning when the phone rang--it was Dar.

I looked out the window and noticed snow was falling--giant, soft, pretty flakes--I wondered if she was scared of it.

Dar says, "I hate to bother you.  Were you awake?"


"I wondered if you could help me."

"Sure--what's up?"

"Can  you go on-line and see if I am scheduled to work today?"


"Can you go on-line, on the Meijer website thingie and see if my name is on there to work today."

"If I go on the Meijer website, all it is going to tell me is what is on sale."

"No.  After you get there, you have to go into the employee section."

So I went on the Meijer website.  "Wow!  They've got Diet Pepsi--ten for ten and the eleventh one is free."

"Yes...I know, but I need for you to see if I am scheduled to work today."

"Why don't you know that.  Didn't you work yesterday?  Didn't you look at your schedule?"

"Yes.  But...I forgot."

"Well...I can't get into the employee section.  You need a user ID, a password...and I can't access it."

"I will tell you how!"

"Okay.  What do I do?"

"You type in FMS, then when the employee section comes up, you type in my name and stuff."

"Is your new computer broken?"


I look outside, the wind has come up, it is blowing and we are in a heavy snow band which is causing a white-out.


"We are just having a lot of snow right now, the wind is blowing hard, but it's okay.  It will calm down in a minute."

"I hate Michigan winters!!"

"You've lived here all your life."

"I know, but...I've never been this old and it scares me.  What if I get trapped?"

"We aren't going to get trapped!  Okay--what do you want me to do on this Meijer website?"

"Okay.  Never mind.  I'm so upset, I can't remember my user ID or password right now.  I am going to have to run up to the store and check."

"Can't you just call the office and have someone tell you your schedule?"

"No!  I have to see for myself.  They might not tell me the right thing.  Besides....I have to drive my car in and out of my driveway to keep a path open...just in case."

"Well, it's only going to snow a couple inches...we aren't going to get snowed in."

"Oh...I can't shovel.  I've got to get out there and back out and in to pack down a path!"

"Okay.  Are you going to be all right?"

"Yes.  I will just drive on up to the store."

"Well, be careful, the road might be slippery and it is hard to drive in this white-out.  Why don't you wait a half hour and see if the snow lets up."

"No!  I gotta do it now.  Bye!"

I watched as she came flying out of her house and jumped into her car.  She didn't clean off the windows or anything.  Just jumped in and took off.

Less than ten minutes later...I looked out.

The snow had stopped, the sun was shining and it was a lovely 25 degree day.  She should have waited just a bit.

That poor woman!!!
Sunday morning.

7 degrees and snowing again--
3 inches expected

No milk in the refrigerator.
Half a jug of Diet Pepsi.
No Jimmy Dean croissant for breakfast.
Half a can of cat food.

I need to go to the store.

coming down hard out there.....

...But it's going to get worse--right?

Out to start up the car.
Brush snow off the car.
Damn!  It's cold!
Off I go in the blizzard.  My car the only one out of the park apparently, as there are no other tracks.
Get on the main road--wow--stay in right lane--creep along at 30 miles an hour
Blowing so hard it is difficult to see.
Windshield wipers want to freeze up.
Made it up to the Midway grocery store.
When I bust through the door, the clerk looks up at me in surprise.
Got supplies--no one else in the store.
I say to the clerk, "Only a fool would be out in this kind of weather!"
She nods in agreement.
Back home--thank you, God for protecting this fool.

Ten minutes after I got home.  Snow has stopped.

I have no business denigrating Dar.  End result--I am just as weird/foolish/impulsive as Dar!!!!!
I watched The Waltons marathon on INSP.  I love the older stories, when the Walton kids were all little.  
The snow continued on and off all day and is ramping up again tonight.

This coming week--colder than last week--the Polar Vortex riding south on the jet stream that is dipping down into the southern states.  Snow of 6 inches predicted at the Outer Banks--EGAD!!!