Today's high temperature was: 26 degrees
2" of snow over night and this morning
Every single morning, when I come out into the living room, this sight greets me. Maggie must do it during the night. Cats are so sneaky--she pays no attention to it during the day.
It is hard to get straightened out properly. I use my Grabbit stick
I had after hip surgery, when I couldn't bend over for 6 weeks.
I find myself talking to the cats like I did my kids. When I swing my legs out of bed, they are all over me. Meowing and carrying on. "Are you ready for breakfast? Just give Momma a minute to go potty." "What's the matter, Honey?" "Maggie, I said no!" "Hey--quit wrestling...someone's gonna get hurt." I guess, when you have no one else to talk to in the house, you talk to your pets!!
A couple more inches of snow and Dan--my snow digger-outer guy showed up again. This young man has ADHD and is very hyperactive. He moves so fast, which gets him in trouble AND he will talk FOREVER!!! But, I like him. I didn't think a mere 2 inches of snow needed cleaning off the parking pad, but he cleaned off my car, swept the porch and railings and beat the snow out of my welcome mat, and shoveled the parking pad clean, so I gave him a 10 spot. I am going to call on him, after Christmas, to haul all my heavy stuff back out to my shed and back to my bedroom closet. Yes--I could do it, if I had too, but it makes my back and hips ache--so--I will pay him five or ten bucks and it will help both of us.
I went searching for a microwave yesterday. I stopped at the Habitat for Humanity place, and the Salvation Army store, but they had nothing. Then I went to Wal-Mart, Lowes and Home Depot. I knew the one I wanted, so I was just checking prices.
Lowes = 126.00
Home Depot = 79.57
The same oven--such a price spread!
...AND, if I opened a charge card with them, they would take off $25.00. So I did, although I will never use it--I don't like the Home Depot store all that much. I prefer Lowes.
The kid loaded it up for me and when I got home, I called Merle and he came down and brought it in and unboxed it for me. I like it! It is smaller then the one I had, but it is perfectly good enough for what I use one for. (Mine does not have any black on it--all white)
Then I went over to the JoAnne's store--just to check on cross stitch fabric--just to check. I found just what I wanted!!! A yard long and a yard wide--$5.00--off white. So I got it. Going to put it away until January 1st when I start the project of stitching the farm and town on it.
Undisciplined and obsessive as I am--I got it out this morning, measured it, marked it off with a chalk pencil and then--WOE IS ME--I had to start it while I watched my soap.
Starting with the barn
I have a photo of the house I grew up in (before the remodel), and I found other pictures that resemble the buildings on the farm and the town (school and church) and I scanned them and printed them out on graph paper and charted them so I would know how large they were going to be when stitched. Of course, I have every color of floss known to mankind, so no need to buy that. All this stuff was rattling around in my mind, so I just HAD to start--just to see--honest!!! I have no self discipline or control!!!!!
The house is printed out on graph paper. It will go down a bit and right of the barn--somewhere. I gotta get a John Deere tractor, a couple of cows and a silo next to the barn first. Just going on instinct and color choices and we will see what happens. It, of course, won't look like the photos, but it will do.
I got a deal on gas yesterday too. I have allotted $40.00 a month for gas. Yesterday, I stopped to fill up--it was $3.09 a gallon. I filled it up for $30.99. YAY
I took Pearl and Merle's Christmas gifts up to them. I made spaghetti sauce for Merle and two scrubbies for Pearl. I also enclosed one of my books for their great grand daughter and a scrubbie and lottery ticket for their daughter--who have just moved into our park.
In case you are interested, here are the instructions on how to make the lighted Christmas balls that I have hanging outside. Sounds like a good craft for you or your husband to make for next year. :-)