title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Cold, Rainy Day.

I decided, after having the ingredients for two weeks, I oughta make these today.

Put them in bigger muffin tin so I could use a whole pineapple slice and a whole cherry

Too much work!  Easier just to make the upside down cake in a pan.

But it IS tasty!!

Now, I'm going back to sitting in my chair, crocheting and knitting!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Crazy, Weird Day

I gotta tell ya, I did not expect this:

Up to Pearl's this morning to help her find her gmail.  There is no icon on her desk top, so she thinks she has lost her gmail.  There is a G sign-in on her desk top that takes her to Google sign-in and her gmail, but apparently that made no sense.  So, I set her up with a short-cut icon.

As I was walking out through her kitchen, she said, "I have to get a new microwave again.  I just got one last year at this time.  Must be they are only meant to last a year."

I stopped and said, "What's wrong with it?"

"It won't work.  Look--no matter which button I push, it won't come on."  She's punching buttons all over the place.

I looked.  I noticed that the clock was not showing up.

"You have to have the clock set up or it won't turn on to cook anything."

"What difference does that make?  I don't care what time it is."

"No, you might not, but in order for the microwave to run, it needs to know how many seconds or minutes you want it to run to warm-up or cook your food."

"Oh...that's nuts!"

So, I reached behind it and unplugged it.  Just in case she had really messed up the commands or something.  Just to clear it out.

Then I punched the "clock" button and asked, "What time is it?"


I put those numbers in and hit the clock button again, then hit 2 seconds and start.

"You aren't suppose to turn it on with nothing in there!"

"I know, that's why I only hit 2 seconds."

"So the time has to show up in that window before it will work?"


"Hm-mm.  I wonder if that is what was wrong with the one I threw out last year."

Hm-mm, indeed.

Pitiful, isn't it?
I am completely convinced that either I have a brain tumor or Alzheimer's is setting in.  My brain is so foggy!!!  

Every morning I get on this computer and check all my e-mails, deleting them as I read them.  Today there was a notice that a book I sold on Amazon hadn't been shipped as yet.  The order was placed and I was notified to ship on Monday.

I swear I did not see that e-mail.

Then, friend Chris also sent me an e-mail this morning that wondered why I hadn't gotten back to her on a pattern she sent me to review--looking it over for typos and that sort of thing.

I swear, I did not see her original e-mail either.

How can I be missing these things?

My mind used to be sharp as a tack!  Now, it resembles mashed potatoes.

I feel fine physically, but I have no gumption to go or do anything.  I forget to eat breakfast and sometimes lunch and only notice when I get dizzy or my stomach growls.  I have no appetite for anything and realize at the end of some days, I have eaten no protein.

The Tinnitus in my ears is so loud lately, but nothing that can be done for that.  It can be very nerve wracking!  Every time I type the word "would", I type it "owuld".  Sometimes I sit here and can't remember a word I want to use.  

It's kind of scary at times.

Anyway, today it was frigid cold outside with high winds and I decided I needed to go to Wal-Mart.  I remembered there was a prescription waiting for me since Tuesday and I was nearly out of Diet Pepsi.  As long as I was out and it was such a miserable day, it seemed a good time to get the Shingles vaccine.

Three years ago at CVS the shot cost $250.00.  Two years ago at Walgreens, it was $98.00.  Today, I had them check and with my Humana Wal-Mart prescription plan, it was $6.60!!!!!  Now was the time to act!  I hate shots, but what the heck--it takes but a minute and I would be assured never to get the dreaded, extremely painful, Shingles blisters.  It seemed strange to be getting an injection from a pharmacist, but the attitude I had today, I didn't really care.

So, as the guy is swabbing the skin down under my arm with alcohol, he asks, "Have you had the pneumonia vaccine?"


"Have you had your flu shot this year?"

"Yes.  Three weeks ago."

"Well, that's good.  It looks like you are up on all your needed vaccines."

Now, I am under the (false) impression that this 50-something pharmacist would be up on medical stuff.  So, trying to be funny AND not think about the needle, I said---

"I've never had my DPT or MMR shots."

"Oh.  Was it against your family's religion?"
<Wait.  What?>

So he has already spoiled my joke--I can't go on.

"No.  I didn't get them when they came out in the late SIXTIES because I had all those diseases in the FORTIES, when I was a child!"


I guess I am too old to be trying to spoof these youngers anymore.  They take everything seriously and---they just don't get it.  

Then he says, "Did you get the Polio vaccine in the Forties?"

"No.  It didn't come out until nineteen fifty-five.  I did get it then and the sugar cube with vaccine in the sixties."

"Oh good."

It's like a few weeks ago when someone younger asked me what year I graduated.  I said, "Oh, about a hundred and fifty years ago."

They actually looked at me and nodded their head.

Are they so slow witted that they don't get it?  Or are they not really listening and just trying to appear nice and interested when they ask their questions?

No wonder I enjoyed the debate so much last night.  "Even in New Jersey, we would call that rude."
Hilarious!!!  Probably none of the Young Republicans thought it was sarcastic and funny.

"That (democratic) debate reflected a debate between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks."  Oh my lord, I laughed!

Oh well.  Senility may be moving into my brain.  Perhaps I need to be in a home with people my age--they might remember how sharp and wicked the wit used to be...back in the day.

Just my luck.  I'd probably end up with a room mate like Pearl and have to instruct her daily on how to turn on the TV.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Mish Mash Of Thoughts

A dreary day, but much needed rain, so I am happy!  I can remember my Mother saying, "We need a lot of rain in the fall and a good amount of snow in the winter. The spring flowering bushes need all that water or they won't bloom."  I know she was right.  My Forsythia bush and those of my neighbors, haven't bloomed fully for the last two springs.  The Spring of 2014, I had very few Lilacs, last spring was much better, at least for the Lilacs.  With El Nino', Michigan is suppose to have a much warmer, drier winter.  Less snow    The warmer part is okay for me, but I like lots and lots of snow!

Sorry to offend anyone with a birthday in November or February, but I really hate those two months.  Everything seems to me to be dying or dead.  Few days of sunshine.  Damp and cold.  UGH.  Maybe that's why I like snow so much.  It covers up the evidence that the earth underneath is dead!
I got a nice Thank You e-mail from Karen.  I had made her a collage of her life and sent it to her for her birthday last Saturday.  I had fun doing it and she and the kids had fun looking at it.  To me, that's a winner.
  Thank goodness I am a picture saving, picture organizing, album person.  I had photos of her with all her grandparents, her great grandmother, her parents and her siblings.  All I had to do was get out the albums, scan the photos and save them in a picture file on the computer.

I did one for Pam and Mark and have one I am working on for Jen's birthday in December.
I am too, a good Momma--so there!
Thinking back to October 28, 1988.  What a long time ago!  Seems like last week.  I married a man who "appeared" to be nice and very caring.

He stated on the wedding license he had been married once.  I found out two years later, I was his fourth wife!  Some of those marriages only lasting a few months.

A wolf in sheep's clothing shall we say?  He loved that I was so tolerant and non-judgmental and open to everyone I met.  Yes--I was, to my eminent downfall.

We arrived at our beautiful motel next to the Mackinaw Bridge and he got angry with me because I was fascinated with the view of the Bridge with all the lights on it, when I should have been zoned in on only his magnificent self.  Three days later in Munising at Scotties Motel, he got angry again because I was writing out a few postcards to send home.  He tore up the postcards, threw them in my face, stormed out of the room, took MY car and left--coming back at noon the next day so we could return home.

For the next 3.5 years, this White Supremacist, George Wallace loving, anti-government man kept me hostage.  Why did he marry me when I was all the things he hated?  I had money!  I had a good job!  He quit his the second month we were married.  He slapped me around, beat me, gave me black eyes, broke my cheekbone, and tried to choke me to death on a monthly basis.

Why did I stay so long?  Only a woman who has lived that kind of life will understand.  There is more terror in leaving than there is in staying.

If I had not had a friend who offered to rescue me, I probably would still be married to the ogre.  No--I'd probably be dead by now.  

Ogre is on his 7th wife and they "seem" happy, they've been married 15 years now.

I look quite pixalated, don't I?  That feeling probably should have been a clue!
What would I do without my sister and brother-in-law?  They came down today and he insulated my ill fitting back door.  I put a sheet over it so it blends in with the wall.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Foggy, Foggy Night.

I haven't posted anything since Saturday?  What is the matter with me?

Nuttin, Honey!

Fall doldrums?  Full Moon?  Low barometric pressure?

Honestly, there is nothing to write about.

Sunday morning, I got up, took a shower, watched my program with Dr. David Jeremiah, played computer games and watched a couple of movies while I knitted and crocheted.

Monday morning, I got up, played computer games, did laundry, watched my Soap, ran up to Staples, watched The Big Bang Theory while I knitted and crocheted.

This morning, I got up after only 5 hours sleep.  I thought it was Wednesday all morning long.  My brain is in a fog.  We have a big rain storm coming in tonight and all day tomorrow.  Remnants from Hurricane Patricia.  I worked most of the day on getting my family genealogy book printed out, in preparation to take it to the printer place to get it punched and spiral put on.  I watched my Soap, and the news, while I knitted and crocheted. 

My phone rang once in the last three days.  It was Wal-Mart telling me my prescription is ready.

See what I mean?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

(My) Gerber Baby

This baby was born on a beautiful, sunny, 72 degree day.  Nearly a month late; when Momma became worried, the doctor told Momma she had “figured” incorrectly.  “There is no such thing as a ten month baby.  Just let Mother Nature take her course.” 
<I knew I had gotten pregnant New Year's Eve.>

So on that beautiful October day, baby was making her wish to be born apparent. Daddy and Momma got in the car and meandered to the hospital, taking the long way to enjoy the view of the autumn leaves on the trees.  Momma got checked in and settled.  The nurse said, “You are having back labor and what we call a “nester”.  It’s going to be quite a few hours.” 

3:30 pm--After an hour of nothing happening, Daddy decided to go to the cafeteria to get some lunch.  Momma decided to roll over on her back to take a nap. Sun streamed in the window, which had been opened to let in the warm breeze.

3:42 pm--Baby decided this was the perfect time, with no audience around, to sneak into the world.  Momma rang the nurse alert bell, nurse came in and heard baby crying, pulled back the sheet and said, “Oh my.  There’s a baby!  You had the baby…all by yourself?” Momma said, “I guess so.  I didn’t see any stork fly out the window.”   She acted like she was scolding me.

4:15--Doctor arrived, got his pen light out to check baby’s eyes, which were open and BROWN and following the light, then he checked her mouth, which had two tiny white teeth on the bottom row and doctor pronounced, “I think I now believe in ten month babies!”  Daddy came back up the hallway and said, “I hear a baby—real close by.”  Nurse stopped him at the door and said, “Yes.  Born in this labor room.  It’s a girl, but you can’t go in just yet.” 

4:45--Baby was taken to the nursery.  The nurse stopped in the hall to show Daddy.  Daddy came into room and said, “Oh my gosh.  You had the baby in here?”  Momma said, “Yeah, she just came—really fast.  I’m still kind of in shock and shaky.  Whew!  That was really something!”

Daddy sat down hard on the bedside chair and he and Momma just stared at each other and then they started laughing.  

Today, on her 54th birthday, her hubs got her a green and white wrist corsage and they went up to Michigan State (their alma mater) to watch the football game.

Tonight, on Face Book, there is a video that Karen's youngest son Stephen made for her.  He actually got the basketball coach Tom Izzo--world famous TOM IZZO!!!--to personally wish Karen a Happy Birthday, talked about her being an MSU alumni and how pleased he is that she attends most of the basketball home games. Then he went on to say how proud she should be of her "hard working" son and what a great job Stephen does in the IZZONE (the basketball cheering section).

I saw it and just about fell on the floor!! 

Obviously, Stephen won "Favorite Child of the Year" with that one!!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Blatant Promotion

Chris' latest pattern is now up on Ravelry.  If you want a quick, easy and beautiful baby afghan/blanket, this is a good pattern to use.


...and what did I do today?

While the bedding was in the washer and dryer, I crocheted and knitted.  Testing a Queen Size blanket with the same pattern as the baby blanket pattern and a man's winter hat with the most fun pattern of acorns!!!

Have I got the best life or what?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

a Perfect Day

Jennifer's 3rd child, Alex, was 9 on Tuesday.

This evening, I took him out for his 
birthday one-on-one supper.

We had a wonderful time.

and I learned so much about him.
Alexander Chaston Oertel