title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Friday, May 26, 2017

Almost Done..........

Almost done and done in.  WHEW!!!

The power wash guy, I call him Guy because that's his name, arrived at 7:00 on the dot.  When I heard him hooking up his hose to the outside faucet, I woke up.  It was daylight outside.  I don't get up at 7:00, so I don't really know when the sun rises.

It took him two hours and what a beauty.  My house is clean and white, no mold on the skirting and got the outside of my windows washed. He even did my shed.  $80.00.

It was chilly and cold, but all of a sudden, the sun came out about noon and I got busy.

I put my pots back in place by the front of the house, got everything on the porch put back together and then hit the little raised garden out by the shed.

A hot pink, purple and Chartreuse color scheme this year.

The Stack 'N Grow, is all stacked and ready to grow. 

Every one of these weeds had to be yanked out by hand.  I don't know what kind of weed it is, but if I don't pull each one, and get the roots, they will be back in a week.

I loosened the soil with a garden fork, then pulled the weeds, worked up the soil with my 3-tined hand digger (my favorite tool).  Punched three holes , equal distance in the back and dropped in a Sun flower seed, made a nice straight line with the handle end of the garden rake, planted, 36", in first line, 24", middle line and 6" near front-- Zinnias.

Zinnias are the easiest , sturdiest, most colorful flower to grow from seed.  I will cut them and make bouquets for my neighbors--late summer.
After I got them all planted and a Grape tomato plant at the end, I covered the seeds and tamped the dirt down firmly, with the flat part of the garden rake.

Now--I wait.
I'm worn out.  My shoulders and back ache--my legs feel weak.  But, emotionally I feel really good.  There is nothing that calms this old farm girl/gardener, than working in the dirt and planting the "promise" of seeds.    They are miracles.
Got this by e-mail tonight.  Della--7 months old and pulling herself up and walking along furniture.


  1. H planted zinnias and sunflowers with the kids last time they were here. They popped up a couple of days later. They are so easy and pretty, and the butterflies and bees love them. Della is a beauty.

  2. Clean house and shed. Must look great!

    And all the planting and weeding done, as well.

    Mmmmmmm, rest a bit now?

    Gorgeous baby. Always is. But oh-oh... Learning to walk progress! Me, I didn't encouraged it. LOL. Once they are mobile, your life changes big time!!!!!!

    Enjoy your Holiday Weekend. No big plans, I figure. Just like here. -grin- Which has been fine, for years and years.

  3. Beautiful baby!

    Your house looks so good and ready for summer. I still love that stack-and-grow. I remember when you bought it.

  4. Everything looks great Judy! Love all your flowers and I can see why all your muscles ache! I'm pulling up ivy because it tried to take over my entire yard! It is hard back breaking work. so I know how you feel!

  5. When a person works, then she know what has caused the pain and tired feeling. My flower beds are growing over with grass and there are about five different species of little trees growing there as well. It will be late summer before this eye stuff is finished and then I will tackle the job of cleaning it out. I love that tiered flower arrangement!

  6. House looks great and I love your colors for the planters this year.
    I never mind the aches and pains from hard work.....
    Have to stop....Bosley is demanding to be cuddled...I know you understand.

  7. Everything looking so nice and fresh!

    We finally got the much needed rain, thank the good Lord. It had been over six weeks and even the azalea bushes leaves were limp.

    Della is so cute. :)

  8. Could you send me some of that energy! I've never gone beyond planting gladiolas and tomatoes in our little yard! Don't have a green thumb.

    Della is precious, Judy!
