title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

33 years later-------

The prediction is coming true.....

 Now, all we have to do is burn all the history books and print new ones, written by the most liberal of professors and then, we can mold and form the minds of the children.  We can build a beautiful socialist society, where everything is free to everyone.  Everyone is the same and has the same.  We could name it, The Socialistic Republic of Russmerica.  

To be politically correct we must demolish this statue too...

because:  "For much of his career, Lincoln believed that colonization—or the idea that a majority of the African-American population should leave the United States and settle in Africa or Central America—was the best way to confront the problem of slavery. His two great political heroes, Henry Clay and Thomas Jefferson, had both favored colonization; both were slave owners who took issue with aspects of slavery but saw no way that blacks and whites could live together peaceably. Lincoln first publicly advocated for colonization in 1852, and in 1854 said that his first instinct would be “to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia” (the African state founded by the American Colonization Society in 1821)."

In the sky or on your phone,  
GPS or by a drone.
The camera in your monitor,
Or by your neighbor who lives next door.
The micro-chip in your wrist,
Just gives them yet, another twist.
Big Brother is watching you.  

I am probably getting close to my "call".  It is nearing my time when I will be carried to the beautiful hospice house, given my injections of morphine to calm me down--they say it's for pain--watch the beautiful movie as I stare at the ceiling and lapse into a coma, another injection and, down the conveyor belt I go--into eternity...or your next meal.


  1. And while this is going on.... We have another slaughter, this time in Manchester UK.

    Which, for people with a brain, points to the utter failure, of the Liberal View of a "New World Order." With open borders, and no one allowed to say words, which might "offend" anyone. And the first among the "anyone-who-might-be-offended," are Liberal Snowflakes.

    Oooops! I did it, didn't I? I OFFENDED someone. Yeah, I did.

    That 8 year old girl (Saffie), at that Manchester concert, was probably "offended," to have her life taken away from her. and her parents are probably "offended," to have their daughter's life, ripped from her young body.

    But!!! Let's not point fingers! Lets not say Terrorism! Let's find a reason for this action, which exonerates the perpetrator.

    Let's not consider, that Liberal Policies, have helped this horror, to continue to reign on Civilization.


    Luna Crone

  2. LOL! Soylent Green is people!! A forgotten, (or in this case totally wiped out) history is doomed to be repeated. I also truly think that the colonization idea of Lincolns would have solved a multitude of the problems we have today.

  3. awwww judy, i try not to talk politics. i am ok with anyone else who want to post their opinions - i will read, but i just don't like to post my feelings. your last paragraph made me sad!!!

  4. I think the statues should all stay put. Its part of AMERICAN history and the brutality on which this nation was built should never be forgotten. As far a colonization goes, who would we colonize Jeannette? Just African Americans or anyone who causes trouble and doesn't want to contribute to the well being and good growth of this country?

  5. As with Debbie, the last you wrote made me sad also. :(


  6. If we could only look at the character of a person instead of preconceived notions, may our history wouldn't have been so bloody. Maybe what would solve the nation's problem would be if everyone went home, and left this country to whom it belongs - the American Indian. Oh, I forgot their savages too! I'm sorry (no I'm not) but when will people stop looking at color? There's good and bad in every ethnicity. Even in the year 2017 there are just too many pre-conceived ideas about groups of people. When does it stop? I guess the answer in never - it's what American was built on.

  7. I agree with Judi. All the statues should stay. It's our history.

  8. What you are writing about is how the Liberals view our Constitution. They do not view it the way others do, as it was meant to be viewed. If the Conservatives remain strong they can overcome the Liberals but it will be a hard-fought battle. Do we really need another Civil War? No. I don't know why they want to fight for something that is not right. I hope all this makes sense to you. At times I just want to vomit because of the Liberals and their actions etc.

  9. I agree with Cheyenne. I too am a Conservative. And as a American we have to uphold our Constitution. No we don't need another Civil War, the things that Liberals are fighting for are beyond my moral way of thinking. And we must continue to fight for all the things the Constitution stand for, if we don't we will be a lost nation. But is that truly we as Conservatives are fighting for, or is something, as you say "getting lost in the sauce"? Hatred and bigotry still run deep in this nation and I fear it will muddy the fight.

  10. I do not understand why anyone is getting their panties in a wad over those Civil War statues being moved to museums and other facilities where they can be viewed/studied in context with their place in history. One of the statues was placed to honor the killing of police officers by white supremacists, for crying out loud! The other three statues (one honoring General Lee) have been vandalized many times in recent years and moving them serves to protect them while making the city of New Orleans more inclusive for the tourist trade. Where I live a Civil War statue that sat right in the middle of downtown was moved 40 years ago to a cemetery for Civil War veterans. How is that any different than moving statues in New Orleans today?

  11. And here I sit, watching GONE WITH THE WIND, thinking, "Wonder why someone hasn't 'undone' this movie?!"

    Maybe sculptors should just be stopped from making anymore statues of anything. Would that keep some people's history from being told?

    Judy, please tell me the Lincoln monument isn't going, too?

    1. I am--was watching Gone With The Wind too. Written in 1937 and came out as a movie the year I was born-1939. I've never heard of it being boycotted, but perhaps it was at various times. It's true to life history. Don't worry Trudy, the Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington monuments will stay--at least for right now.

  12. Yep. The children are already brainwashed, by the way; that part isn't in the future. It's been going on for 30 years now. And it's too late. I read today about two nice energetic hard-working WHITE women in Portland, Oregon, who had the audacity to open a food truck featuring burritos. They were swamped with orders for their delicious food until some foam-at-the-mouth libs started a hate campaign against them, accusing them of appropriating Mexican culture. They were shamed into shutting down and they've gone into hiding to protect their very lives. That's because liberals love lies so much, they will cling to them for their very life even when the truth would serve them better. Liberalism is a mental disease and America has a terminal case of it. xoxo

  13. By the way, when our legislators caved to lib pressure and removed the Confederate Flag from in front of our State House two summers ago, I disagreed with that and I still vehemently disagree with it. I lost all respect for RINO Nikki Haley in that little drama. The flag is NOT a symbol of racism and slavery and white supremacy unless you choose to see it that way (and I don't). I am happy to say that you still see that flag flown all over the South, in our cemeteries and from houses and on clothing and even from cars and trucks. I went to the State House the night before the removal "ceremony" to take some last pictures of the pretty banner flying beside the Confederate soldier memorial. It was such a beautiful night, but so sad. The thought of what they did still makes me mad. xoxo
