title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

There Is Only ONE Truth

I posted this on Face Book Sunday morning.  I was curious to see the comments from my "friends".

"There is only one truth.
There is no your truth.
There is no my truth.
There is only one truth.
No matter how much you want YOUR truth to be true, if it is false, you are wrong.
There is and can only be one truth.
So, my philosophical, pondering peeps--why can't we see the only one truth and agree it is the truth?"

It didn't bring many comments.
Some thought it was a religious question.  I hadn't intended it to be.
Some just commented, "Huh?"

Now, you know the kind of thing that wanders around in my mind.  HAH!  Aren't you glad you are sane?

This can be the kind of thing that pops into my mind, after I go to bed and I am trying to find sleep.  No wonder I have a sleeping problem!
Do we ever really know The Truth?  Perhaps only if it is verified by proof and not just based on someone's opinion?

"The sky is blue."  Is that The Truth or is it based on the way WE see the sky--through the atmospheric layers?

"From outer space, the Earth is blue."  We've seen and verified that to be Truth.  Is it really or once again, viewed "down" through atmospheric layers.

"I will vote in the Presidential election on November 8, 2016."  That's not The Truth, there are too many variables.  I might be dead by then.

"Barack Obama is the best/worst President we have ever had."  That certainly isn't The Truth, it is based on opinion.

"I have had miracles in my life, sent from God."  The Truth? or just a coincidence that some opinions attributes to God.

"Today the sun is shining."  Now, that IS The Truth, but---only for this area.  It may very well be raining in Florida or Wisconsin.

I guess, in the long run, there IS, your truth or my truth.  I'd sure like to know what The Only Truth really is--on a much deeper level.
<Arrgh.  I have a headache just thinking about all of this>

I think, I think too much!!!!
I gave John his genealogy book tonight and he was tickled pink.

I may not surface for a couple of days because I am working on another genealogy.  You know how I get obsessed when I am deep into 1800 census reports.  LOL


  1. I think you've found your calling and a great way to make extra money doing genealogy for others should you want to put a notice up at your local library or wherever. It's great fun, isn't it.

    Truth and opinion are often confused. Truth is not always cut and dry when dealing with people because it usually calls for judgements. And judgement changes as we have more information. The difference between what is cruel and what is discipline in a family, for example, has changed over the decades. What was acceptable 50 years ago is child abuse now. Society defines many things and society changes.

    I could even argue that the reason earth looks blue from space isn't because of atmospheric layers but rather because earth is made up of mostly water. And Rayleigh Scattering is responsible for our sky looking blue which has to do with the scattering of light waves through the atmosphere. So you would be correct in saying atmosphere causes blue skies BUT that is not the FULL truth because it doesn't explain what causes the atmospheric colors and that explanation is Rayleigh Scattering. So there is different levels of truth even when explaining science.

    1. WOW!!! I would have enjoyed my Philosophy class a lot more if you had been in it. LOL

    2. Can you imagine old people like us taking Philosophy now that we've had more life experiences? What fun that would be. It was my favor class back in college and had a big influence on me.

    3. My favorite class as well! It does make you think....and I'm sure my philosophies have changed since college as well!

  2. Glad John loved the book...lottsa work!

    1. It does take a lot of time, but it never feels like work. :-)

  3. My mind is too preoccupied anymore with other useless stuff to think so deeply right now! Glad John enjoyed his genealogy book!

  4. So glad John likes his book!

    The truth, in my humble opinion? Only if we see it with our own eyes in most cases i.e. a person who is alcoholic, just one of many. But, as far as God - he's truly the only one who knows the whole truth. Again, in my opinion. I don't think we ever really know what goes on in someone's head even if we live with them 50 years.


  5. You got me thinking... My two cents: "For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know fully even as also I was fully known." I Corinthians 13:12

    And I'm not even a Bible- toting woman LOL. I myself am endeavoring to outgrow assumptions I mistake for truth. It appears enough people are doing so, that we alllurch forward, learning why the sky is blue, why love is easier than bearing grudges, why we are given a present moment that feels like crap, but isn't in its broader context.

    I DO hope in heaven together that we see one truth and agree! My current opinion is that we souls come to earth to further our education with 'immersion study' in a disagreeable but beautiful community and planet.

  6. Jesus was a prophet, born of a virgin. He said He was the son of God and would be killed and come out of that grave alive and then ascend into Heaven to be with His father. All of that has been verified, by witness accounts. Then He said, that if we truly believed all that, when we die, we get to be in Heaven with Him. That's my One Truth!

  7. I think I am your most shallow friend. Maybe why I do sleep!!! 9 hours a night minimum!!!

  8. Truth: That's a good thing you did for John. BUT when I delved into the genealogy thing once, and "learned" a few things, it eventually dawned on me that for all we call truth in that area -- and for all we can truly know -- a great deal must be taken on a good bit of faith. After all, we weren't there and when you're dealing with so many threads to be picked up, surely it's easy to drop one and pick up the wrong one, and go down a different path that has nothing to do with the truth of your family? And how would you ever know? And even assuming you can be sure you know, what then? My late father-in-law did a great deal of genealogy work and he was left pondering the "what-ifs" of every decision made by every person in his and my m-i-l's family, going back at least six generations. But it's still fascinating ... and complicated. And I am a believer in absolute truth. xoxo

  9. Oh sorry, I forgot to add: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6. This is my truth. The one to which I'll cling while life lasts, and for all eternity. God is good. xoxo

  10. Chocolate chip cookies are good and that's the truth!! According to me!!

    So glad John appreciated all your hard work. I knew he would.
