title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


I have good intentions.  Unfortunately, that's all I have!

I have the list of what I need to do in each room, for the spring cleaning and sprucing up.
It continues to be below normal cold around here, with snow bands coming through every few hours.
I can't seem to get motivated to take down my winter drapes, wash windows and air out rooms when it is 30 degrees!!
So what have I done today?  Although I intended to start on the bedroom this morning?  I have done nothing!

I went grocery shopping yesterday, got home and hauled in the groceries and set them on the living room couch and floor, just inside the door, sat down to rest a bit and..............................all but the refrigerated stuff was still sitting in the bags, on the couch and floor today at noon!

I am in the dumpster, because of this stupid weather!!!!!!!


  1. At least you have a list. That's a start. I don't even have that. I still haven't removed the sheets from the beds after the kids' last visit.

    Weather affects a lot of people, doesn't it? Hopefully, your weather will break soon, and spring will cheer you up. It sounds like the Easter Bunny would freeze his powder puff off in your neighborhood today.

  2. Everyone I meet is complaining about the slow start to spring. The only saving grace in that is we know in a few months we'll be complaining about the heat.

    I finally got my winter job list down but I've not started my spring list yet.

  3. Hoping bright sunny warm days will come your way soon. We are still in the dead of winter, too. Snow everywhere.

  4. Hurrah for having a list! That sounds like a good way to start. The weather is certainly a factor in MY energy level. Bright, sunny days get me motivated and moving. Spring in the Pacific Northwest is SO beautiful....if the ole El Nino will just move on out of the way.

  5. I know! It's really hard to get motivated to do anything when it's cold and snowing! At least you have a list and that's a start!

  6. I can understand, Judy. Just try to remember Spring will come, even though at its own pace.


  7. If you can't beat the weather, join it!
    Low lights, a good read...hot chocolate...
    Spring is coming but enjoy the quiet while you can...

  8. Ha! I never do "spring" cleaning! I have never changed curtains seasonally. Only when I'm replacing them. I don't have seasonal wardrobes that I pack up and put out of the closet. (Even when I lived in Ohio) What is wrong with me???

  9. Awww! Sweet Buddy! I have to lock a few of my cats out of the bedroom whenever I change or make the bed because they are all over it!
