title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Friday, May 9, 2014

You Can't Win For Losing

Today's high temperature was:  76
Rainy--sunny and humid--rainy
I never complained about winter--
I prefer cold temps to this humid stuff!

Temperatures in the 70's is just perfect.  Humidity of 50% or more, makes it rough on me.  

I went out to rake and refresh the 3 year old mulch under my Lilac bushes and within 15 minutes I was sweating like a hog!!!  About a half hour later, rain came, the sun went under a cloud, the breeze came back up and I went out and finished and was quite comfortable.

I got a phone call from Pearl.  She wanted to know if I knew the lady we saw yesterday, Janet's phone number.  "Is it in the book?"  "No.  Wait it wouldn't be in our phone book!"
<all the time I am trying to tell her, but...she just keeps on talking>

"I need to know that medicine she was talking about...for the arthritis.  I need something.  I can barely walk."

"She has a cell phone, Pearl.  Her number wouldn't be in the book and I don't know it.  But...the medicine she was talking about has Prednisone in it and----something they use for Chemotherapy.  I will try and remember and look it up."

"I don't feel right about yesterday."


"You should have told me who we were stopping in to see, instead of surprising me.  If I had just known, I could have thought of things to talk to her about."

"I thought the three of you had a good chat."

"We did, but....well, I just wish you hadn't surprised me.  Don't ever do anything like that again!"

"I'm sorry..." but she had already hung up.

Well--that took part of the fun of yesterday away.  

Oh well.
After my Soap, I decided to go shopping for plants.  It is supposed to be a beautiful day tomorrow and the nighttime lows all this next week are going to be in the 50's and it is suppose to rain a bit each day.

I went across the road to the Garden Center.  A young woman I know saw me and walked over, "Grandma said you stopped in yesterday and...you had Mrs. Ott with you."  (It was Janet's grand daughter).

"Yup.  We stopped in on our way home from Byron."

"That was so nice.  My Grandma was just thrilled."

Okay--so someone is happy about being surprised.

I got most every plant I wanted, but they don't have any Moss Roses as yet.  Then I drove up to Lowe's and found a small trellis I wanted and some more stuff that the garden center refuses to sell--Impatiens!!  I tried the garden center's replacement for Impatiens--Rosea Vinca (which all died last year) or the Sun Impatiens, which are too expensive.  If these Impatiens have the mold dust--I am going to try them anyway.

Then, I was out of food.  I wanted to come back home and unload--the entire back seat and floor of my car is covered with plants and the trunk had to huge bags of potting soil, BUT--I knew if I came home, I'd not get back to the grocery store.  I was so tired, but I told myself, "Just keep going and you can do it."  and I did.

I must confess, I probably did a bit too much today, what with the raking and walking all over two huge garden centers AND the grocery store.  I am very sore tonight and can barely walk upright.

SO--I will take a half a Percocet and sleep like a baby and feel good enough to sit out on the porch tomorrow and fill up all my containers!!!

I remembered the name of the arthritis drug.  It is mainly used for RA, which Pearl doesn't have, but maybe it will help her.  Methotrexate-Prednisone

Happy Mother's Day--see ya Monday.


  1. Have fun this weekend with your plants and plans with the family. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  2. Yes, it sounds like you overdid it, and I can't say much because I do that myself. It seems once I get started, I don't want to quit. I still haven't gotten the flowers and
    rose bushes yet; this dental surgery about does me in. :)

    Happy Mother's Day to you, Judy. I hope you'll have a wonderful day!

    1. Good Morning, Judy - from up here in the center of Canada (Winnipeg, Manitoba).
      My, but you did have a full day yesterday! I, too find that I have to control over-doing things as I suffer for it for the next few days. I have Lupus and this condition controls all activities I do.
      I was on methotrexate and Prednisone a little over one year ago for a severe Lupus flare. As a result, I lost all my hair, suffered from arrythmia, (sp), my eye sight diminished and I experienced dreadful insomnia and breathing problems. This combination of medication (for me) was wicked. I eventually weaned myself off these meds (over a period of 4 months) against my doctor's approval - and yes, I have had flare-ups since, but choose to spend a couple of days in bed as a result of these attacks, rather than poison my internal organs. I realize that not everyone reacts to medications as I do, but I felt I should tell you about my experience. Not sure how your medical programs work in your state, but up here a doctor's prescription is required for these drugs and one needs to be followed closely when on them. Drug overdose can happen when medical attention isn't followed correctly.

      Enjoy your Mother's Day with your family as I will be, too.

      Hugs - Carly

  3. Sounds like your container gardens will be beautiful. Still too cold here for planting anything. Winter still has a grip.
    Strange behavior from Pearl. That is too bad and Iam sure it hurt your feelings after all the thought you put in to that nice day.
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  4. I say remember how excited Pearl was the day you went there, and the joy you brought the couple you saw. I'm sure it is just a case of Pearl not remembering what really happened, and then because she couldn't, she reacted negatively because of her lack of memory. What a kind friend you are. Keep what you need and leave the rest, as we say in Al-Anon :-) Good lesson in all parts of life.
