I have been so down in the dumps lately. Lonely and lonesome.
It's been over a year since I've been up to The Farm. My car is not stable enough to make that 25 mile trip.
Yesterday, my sister came all the way down from The Farm to pick me up. We stopped at Culver's to get a butter burger for lunch and then drove the back roads up to our home town.
I don't know why, but she has a key to the church--a church I attended from the age of 6 weeks of age on, so we went inside so I could look around in the sanctuary. They have added those large video screens up behind the altar. I don't like them. I like to hold a hymnal, so I can see the notes so I can harmonize. Nowadays, they post the words on the video screen and, I guess, people just sing the words in unison with no harmonizing.
I have been having a lot of trouble with my legs. They are very weak. I had walked around the church quite a bit and when we got ready to leave, I stepped down on first step of the stairs...my left leg went out and down I went...landing on the step on my behind. I couldn't even pull myself up by the railing, so I just bumped along, down each step, until my feet were on the floor, then I grabbed the hand rail and my sister grabbed my other arm and I was able to stand.
Then we drove around town a little bit, remembering who used to live where and what stores used to be on main street. We drove on out of town and stopped at the cemetery where all of our Daddy's ancestor's are...and where we both will be too. I walked a bit, finding it difficult and painful in my back to walk on uneven ground. My sister put the flowers in the urns and then we drove around the perimeter lane in the cemetery and stopped to "see" friends and family members who are buried there...my best friend and her husband are there.
Then we drove the 3 miles over to her house. I enjoyed that drive. Some of the farmers are already tilling their fields...it's a bit early, but we've had an early spring. We drove by my oldest daughter's home--was my grandparents home and after my grandma died, we moved over there and raised the kids in that home. Then up on the corner where my son lives on what was my parents farm and the place I was born. Then 1/8th mile down to sister's place. The farm our great great grandparents settled on in 1855. 5 generations of my family have lived in that house. Of course sister and her hubs updated it a bit when they moved in 9 years ago.