My eye started itching on Thursday. Friday was scratchy, Saturday I could hardly see out of it and Sunday it was swollen shut. I thought I probably had conjunctivitis, but it hurt so bad I drove on up to the ER.
They found a small piece of grit in the cornea, toward the lower part. The consensus was, that since the only place I had been in 5 days was the dentist, some of the tooth polishing grit that they use flew up into my eye. I remember feeling it, but thinking nothing of it.
I got two prescriptions, one a soothing drop to use 4 times a day and an antibiotic gel to use at night. Call my ophthalmologist if it doesn't improve.
The hole that the ground bees went underground was right under where I stand to empty out the trunk of my car. I love how they made tunnels leading to and from the nests.
Apparently squirrels had shoved some peanuts down the hole
and the rain had moved them over by the nest.
Egg cells that will never hatch.
They emptied 2 cans of Wasp and Hornet spray on the nest.
Apparently the bees didn't mind because they kept hovering.
The guys came back this morning to remove the rest of the cement. The first thing the guy in the Bobcat did was load a bunch of dirt on top of the next.
When the kid in the green shirt bent over to lift up a piece of cement, I yelled, "WATCH OUT!"
He jumped and ran. "Did you see bees?" He asked. "Nope," I said. "I just wanted to see if you were ready!"
...and they still won't let me drive or even ride in the Bob Cat--something that is on my bucket list!!
They apologized for the delay and said I'm gonna love it when it's done.
I asked, "Might that be before Christmas?"
The kid in the green shirt replied, "We're shooting for Thanksgiving."
The thing of it is, when they finally pour the cement, it has to cure for 7 days before I can park on it. I have found a new parking spot that is only 50 steps from my house. The other one out by my shed was 80. I think when I have to tote in groceries, I will just back up on the part of the driveway that hasn't been destroyed.
Darlin' Della is 10 months old.
"They" all like to say she looks like her Daddy.
I have photos to prove them wrong and Karen and I know,
she is the spitting image of her Grandma Karen. HAH!!