title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, May 7, 2018

Grandma's, Godsends and Goodness

Grandma Irene, the bride Morgan, Grandma Judy-the groom's grandma.
We both look like our hands are crippled.

Well, you know I was worrying about this month's budget.  I just had to put that worry out of my mind and keep thinking, "God will provide."

The next morning, I got an e-mail from my gas company.  I am on a budget plan where I pay the same amount every month--year around.  It was a notice to say that my budget payment had been lowered by $7.00.  I read it twice and then said, "Well now.  Ain't that something?"

Two days later, I opened my mail and there was a check from one of my genealogy clients.  She was paying me off by the month.  I had totally forgotten and thought she had paid in full.  There was her final payment check.  Guess what?  My budget for May is no longer in the red.

Yeah--I know, a lot of you will think, "What a nice thing for Judy.  A nice coincidence that these just happened to come when she needed them."

You can think that, it's okay, but...I know that I know that I know...
Hey, I got a phone call from the Old Coot last night.  We talked for an hour and it was nice--kinda nice.  He stated that I was an amazing woman--generous, compassionate, forgiving.  I told him the forgiveness was selfish on my part, because things were still in my mind after all these years, made for some bad dreams and the only way to save my own sanity, was to forgive him (and others).  The thoughts went away, along with the night terrors.

Then he went on (trying) to discuss his political beliefs.  I thought perhaps he had moderated on them in the past 30 years.  Not so.  I didn't comment, just sort of "hm-mm" every now and then.  We may both belong to the same political party, but he is so far out there, that I can't agree with any of his views.  So best to direct the conversation to how he is feeling--emotionally.

The day I saw him, he was a mess.  Skinny, unshaven, emotional.  He's doing better.  Concentrating on eating better, getting lots of protein for strength and has no more grief because, "Life is for the living."  Okay.

He is still buried in paperwork and things that need doing, but also preparing his garden for planting season.  He still has a huge garden.

So we reminisced about things--I racked my brain to come up with funny memories that would make him laugh and we ended the phone call on a positive note.

He didn't offer to come down here for a visit...I didn't offer to stop in at his place for a visit.  I can see that phone calls could be nice.  I would like to be friendly.  I'd like for both of us to end our lives without rancor towards each other, or at least with me having no rancor towards him, as he has said many times lately, it was none of my fault and that he was in the midst of mental illness.

Boy!  He sure was!! I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  LOL


  1. I know that I know that I know, too, and I know God saw to it that you had enough this month. That He will everyday! He has done it for us, even when I worried instead of trusting! How silly I was not to trust the One thing I know I can always trust!!
    Glad you enjoy talking to the Old Foot now...but no need to start talking about " at the end of our livez", or whatever you said.
    No need for you to think of going anywhere when you so many more things to see and do! 💗💗 Stick around!!😊

  2. What a nice photo. You all look so pretty.

    As long as you keep it to phone calls and no bedpans are involved, I guess it's harmless. LOL

  3. It was equally off for my first. LOL Yes, nice top. You look elegant.

  4. God takes very good care of us.

  5. You look so very happy in this picture. It is a delight to see.


  6. the grandma picture is so beautiful, such lovely, happy smiles!! why focus on your hands, which look fine to me, when they are such a small part of this image!!

    the coot is your x????

  7. Well thank goodness you're not in that place any more. I can't wait to see everyone smiling at the wedding! xoxo

  8. Happy for you, you look great, understand so much you share.
    My walker is now a prize as I can walk outside a lot now, basket holds phone, drink and clippers. Arthritis, do not feel like walking but
    must walk and keep moving.

  9. You do look happy! I love that you are having happy days! Nancy
