title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Hub-Bubs, Tranquility, Little League Baseball

Note to Balisha--I could not get on your blog tonight.  I could get on it, but it said the page was missing.
Our life is frittered away by detail… Simplify, simplify. Henry Thoreau
Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.

Loud pounding woke me up this morning.  I staggered out to see what was going on.  Staggered is not just a funny word I used--I actually staggered.  Sometimes, when I first wake up, I think I had a stroke during the night!!!  I am never quite awake and alert for several minutes.

Anyway--as I looked out my front windows, I could see that they were putting up the new neighbor's storage shed.  For some reason, it bothers me that people work on Sundays--mowing their lawns, or sawing boards or whatever--couldn't you all do these chores on Saturday and be quiet on Sundays?

 Looks like they are building a wooden floor 
for the shed

 I went out into the kitchen, fed the cats and warmed up my milk for my cocoa.  Came back in and---wait just a dang minute!!!

The floor I thought they were building has 
now turned into walls and....
they are too tall and too wide!!

Just then, my phone rang.  It was Jackie.

"Do you see what's going on?"

"Yes.  Is that their storage shed or a second home!"

"I think it's their shed and it is way too big.  In the Park rules it gives the dimensions that are allowed for our sheds and that is waaaay over the size."

"I thought so.  Fred wanted to put in a larger shed for us and when he asked the park, they said 'all the sheds have to be eight by eight and no taller than ten feet'."

"I ran into the same problem.  I wanted a bigger shed too and they wouldn't let me."

"Well--I guess it pays to be the manager's parents?"

"You noticed they put asphalt on the service drive to stop all the dust, didn't you?"

"Yup.  At least that is one perk we can enjoy."

"I don't know how long that house is, they are putting in, but by the looks of the footings, the one end is going to be about ten feet from my bedroom!  This whole thing really bothers me!"

"I know, Jackie.  The shed alone has already taken away my view of the woods---where I see the deer and all."

So we hung up, but I was still stewing.  So...I drove up to the office and got a set of Park Rules out of the box they have hung on the outside of the building.  When I got home, I read about sheds.  I had a copy of the rules dated, January 2010.  There have been new rules, although none given to us, and since January 2014, there is no rule on dimensions of sheds!  

So, I called Jackie and told  her and she was still mad.

It even has a loft.  I could live in that place!!

I've told you that the Manager's Mom HATES fireworks and loud noises.  I hope they move in before the end of summer and she can get her fill of the fire bombs the people in the houses behind her, set off.  Maybe she will tell Sonny Boy and we might get another perk--no more loud noises!  

So than, tranquility reigned.  I walked down to Pearl's and we chatted and Merle wondered also about the size of the shed, and I told them of the new rules.  He had also requested to build a larger shed and was turned down.  Wouldn't it be interesting if all the neighbor's decided they wanted bigger sheds and the office was bombarded with requests?

Merle also noted that there is no building permit anywhere on the building, which is a County Law--even to build a deck on our homes.
So, I came home and watched the Little League Baseball World Series.  I love watching these games.  Takes me back to the days when I was at the ball field four nights a week as official score keeper.

I am reading this book--it is really quite interesting.


Friday, August 15, 2014

All's Quiet in the Bat Cave

I appears that Mr. & Mrs. Vampire have made up and are back to snuggling under each other's wing.

I heard "machine" noises this morning and looked out.  They are putting asphalt on the gravel service drive!!  YAY!!  We who live close to the service drive watched, all summer long, as dust rolls in from the west, when the trucks go up and down--each and every day!  We have written letters of complaint, but to no avail.

Now--that the parent's of the park Manager are moving on to the lot beside the service drive--well.  So I get new neighbors that will take away my view,, and with a yappy dog, but the paved service drive will cut down on the battle of the dust.  There has to be a tiny win in there for me somewhere.

Service Drive, there on the left.

I went into the attorney's office this morning and "we" read through 50 pages of stuff to file with the Bankruptcy Court.  Then, I signed half of them.  He will file next week and probably we will go to court a month from now.  I have to drive clear up to Flint and try and remember where the Federal Court Building is.  I'm not afraid of getting lost, but I am not going to enjoy that loooong drive.  Much longer than I am used too.  Flint is not in our County, but is the Federal Bankruptcy Court for 5 counties near by.

I did get some tears in my eyes, which unsettled the young attorney.  He patted my hand, which made me feel worse.  I just feel filled with shame.  I was brought up to pay my bills!  I made the credit card companies an agreement that I would pay them back.  I know that a $3K debt is no skin off their nose and they can take all unpaid debts off their income taxes, but...it still doesn't feel right.

What else doesn't feel right--even without having to pay credit cards, I still will only have $50.00 left at the end of the month.  Now you know--in a few months, with prices going up and up, that will go away and I am going to be short once again.  I don't know what I will do then, but.................................it will all be fine.
Pearl walked down WITH HER WALKER this evening.  Finally!  I keep telling her to use it, but she is embarrassed.  She did say she could walk farther and faster and it didn't hurt her back.  YAY.

She went into a long conversation about how she is cutting back, in preparation of Merle to quit work.

"I am going to order my prescriptions mailed to me."


"Yes...that way I won't have to drive up to Wal-Mart to pick them up this winter.  I hate driving in the winter!"

"Oh...I've never seen Grand River closed...or even icy.  Even last winter.  They keep it real clear."

"Yes...but Merle usually drives in the winter, because I don't like it."

"Can't Merle drive this winter?"


"Then why are you ordering your medicine via mail.  What if you forget to order and run out of pills?  What if the mail lady can't get through and you need your pills?"

"I....don't know."

"I'm just fooling with ya.  It's a good thing to do probably---I don't because I am afraid of all the things I just mentioned to you.  I sometimes forget to order and glad I can just run up to Wal-Mart and get them the same day."

"Well...I'm going to win that PCH contest on August twenty-eight.  Then none of us will have any money worries.  Five Thousand a week for life!!!"

"I thought you quit them."

"I am going to---if I don't win this one."

"Are you still buying stuff from them?"

"Sure.  You gotta to have a better chance to win."


"Yeah--I know.  You tell me that buying something won't increase my chances, but I don't believe you!"

"Okay...but you gotta quit buying that junk...to cut back on your spending, you know."

"Oh, that reminds me.  I ordered a dress and a pant suit.  They came and I threw them in the dryer to get the wrinkles out....and they came out wrinkled even worse!"

"A dress?  You ordered a dress?  Do you ever wear a dress?"

"No, but you just never know."

Then, I told her about the Express Ready Set Go she gave me and she said, "Just take it up to the Salvation Army store."

"But...it doesn't work."

"Well, they'll never know.  You can get a tax deduction for it."

"I don't have enough deductions to use."

"You don't?"

"Nope.  You have to have a certain amount.  With the Standard Deduction being so nice and high for me, I never have any deductions over that to count.  Besides...I don't make any taxable income so I don't have to file."


So, after she left, I just threw the dumb non-working miracle machine in the garbage pail!

I think tomorrow I will check the boxes in my shed and see what I've got in there that I can sell on e-bay.  I gotta figure out a way to get a little cash-stash here---just in case!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

We Can't Predict What Lies Ahead

but, meteorologists like to try.
and today's weather prediction is--a high of 65!

Last week, Merle, Pearl and their daughter Margie cleaned out the storage unit.  Margie took most of the stuff up to her unit and is going to sell it through the Face Book garage sales we have around here.  I told Margie, "You just wait.  The minute you sell your Mom's canning supplies, she is going to see a bushel of tomatoes at the Farmer's Market and want to can them."

I noticed Monday, on Face Book that Margie had the canning supplies listed for sale.  All for $25.00.  They sold within minutes.  

Pearl was here this morning.

"I did a lot of running around yesterday.  Turned in the lock and key to the storage unit place--now we don't have that fifty-five dollars a month.  I went and got my Mammogram.  Then I went grocery shopping with Merle.  I'm hurting so bad!"

"I saw on Face Book that Margie is selling some of the stuff."

"Did you see that?  She sold all my canning stuff....twenty-five dollars!  My canner, the tongs, the little magnet thing that picks up the lids out of the hot water....and....eight boxes of jars and lids...only twenty-five dollars!  If I had known that was all she was going to ask, I'd kept them myself!"

"Well, you don't really need all that stuff."

"I was telling Merle last night that I wish I had them back.  I want to go to the Farmer's Market Saturday.  I'd like to can a dozen quarts of tomatoes and some Bread and Butter pickles.  Now I can't--she sold everything!"

"Pearl...you can't stand on your feet long enough to do that.  Where would you store all those quart jars?"

"I used to can thirty quarts of tomatoes and dill pickles and meat sauce and......"

"Yes...so did I.  'Used to' is the operative word here.  We can't do it anymore and we don't need to do it anymore.  Take the twenty-five dollars and go buy cans of tomatoes and some Bread and Butter pickles."

She got up and walked back out on my porch and came back in carrying a box and presented it to me.

<no---please, I don't want this>

Remember when I told you a couple of years ago, she ordered this off the infomercial on TV.  She got one and another one free--of course the shipping and handling on the free one was as such as the cost of the paid one.

"I brought this for you.  I thought, being just one person, you could cook a lot of your meals in it and not have to heat up the stove.  It's brand new.  Never been used."


"Look through those recipes.  You can make a lot of stuff.  Omelets, mini pizzas, little cinnamon rolls.  When  you make the Cinni-Minis, make some for me, okay?"

We chatted a bit and then she trotted home.

I do not want this thing!!!  I will never use it!!  I have no place to store it!  <well, I do, but I don't want it>

I opened up the box and pulled it out and there it was---no pans that fit inside, no special spatula.  No nothing--just the unit.

Now what?
Jean left a comment yesterday about my sea shell lamp.  I thought I'd give you the story behind it.

On one of our golf junkets to Myrtle Beach, SC., when we all walked into the motel lobby, my sister-in-law turned and said, "Judy, look at the lamps over there by the couch.  You would love one of those."

I looked and moved in closer to inspect them and yes...I would love one of those.  Ginger Jar shape, clear and...filled with beautiful sea shells!!!!

As the week progressed, in between golfing, the ladies loved to go shopping at the different stores in the area.  I usually stayed back at the motel and spent that time walking the ocean's edge--looking for and collecting shells.  One day, they were going to some sort of outlet, so I went along.  A huge store--we walked and walked and walked.

I was in the area where the furniture was and lo and behold--you guessed it.  They had the very same sea shell lamps for sale.  

One hundred and seventy-five dollars and for another twenty-five, they would pack it and ship it to your home!

Now--this was in 1978.  Two hundred dollars just wasn't spent on a lamp.  Oh---he could spend a thousand dollars on a whole new set of golf clubs, a hundred dollars on shoes and all that, but.....I knew there was no way I could get him to spend two hundred dollars on a lamp.

That night, as we sat around a big round table for supper, one of the girls told my husband about the lamp.  How I was "lusting" over it and that he should buy it for me.

All the guys just laughed, as did he.  "You women, always finding someway to spend our money!" one guy said.

The next day, I went back to that outlet and did buy a smaller, bedside table sea shell lamp, it only cost twenty-five dollars.  I didn't have to pay to have it shipped home, I just packed it in the back of the Motor Home we all had ridden down in.

Fast forward to 1992.  I was divorced (twice) and living with my friend Ernie in Saginaw.  Ernie had noticed the smaller lamp, as I had it sitting on my bedside table and I told him the story of the other lamp.

One Monday night, near dark, I had just hauled the garbage and the recycle out to the curb, when Ernie came busting down the street.

"Quick.  Get in the truck."

I hopped it and he turned and went back up the street he had just come down, up to the corner, did a U-turn and stopped the truck.  The headlights shining on a pile set out for the garbage men and there was--THE LAMP!

Now, this was before the day when people drive by and if they see something of ours sitting out for garbage pick-up and they want it, they stop and pick it up.

Ernie said, "Do you want it?"

"I wonder if it's broken."

So, he stealthily got out of the truck, ran up, grabbed the lamp and brought it back and off we went, back home.

We took it in the house.  The shade was ripped and torn--discard that.  The glass was not cracked or broken.  It had a three-way socket, but the cord was cut in two pieces.

"No problem!"  which was one of Ernie's favorite phrases.

He re-wired the lamp, I got a new shade for it and polished it up and voila'.

This late afternoon, I was outside, filling up the bird feeders when I glanced to my left and saw something.  A different plant growing next to one of my Hosta's.  Then, it dawned on me what it was.  Last Christmas I bought an Amaryllis, on sale.  The dang thing never even put up a leaf, let alone blossom.  In March, I dug a hole and stuck it in the garden.  Well--lookie here--it is sending up leaves.  Weird.

As I was coming back inside, I heard screaming and yelling from Tami's house.  My first thought was that Ron had another heart attack and dropped over dead.  I walked a bit faster, but when I got to the front steps, the screaming and yelling was now outside.  Tami wasn't screaming ABOUT Ron, Tami was screaming AT Ron.  I sort of slithered up the steps and into the house and peeked out my window.

She was standing on the front porch in some sort of huge rage--screaming, swearing--"I don't deserve this f****** s***. "

Then she picked up her big plastic garbage pail and hurled it up against the open front door.  Still screaming and yelling obscenities, she stormed off the porch, threw something in the back seat of her car, slammed the door, went around and got in, slammed that door and backed out of the drive.

Then, all of a sudden, she drove back in again, slam, slam the door, up on the porch, picked up the garbage pail and threw it out onto the lawn, still screaming and yelling obscenities at him.  Then back to the car.  Got in slam, slam again, backed out and peeled--I mean peeled rubber off her tires as she sped away.

I heard not one word from him--which is not unusual, he is very quiet, but Tami was, typical Tami.

I guess the self professed "star crossed soul mate vampires" aren't quite as happy as they put on?  Of course, it was daylight and that does disturb vampires, so............................. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pretty Cool Day

...and I mean that in a weather-wise sense.  A cold front came through last evening, after the rain and it is cool and I mean, COOL!  We are talking, October cool.  54 degrees outside when I woke up this morning.  65 in the house.  I did NOT turn on the furnace to take off the chill and I also did not open the front door and windows either.

Nothing much happening around here today.    Very quiet in fact.  No construction going on across the street, no one mowing their lawn.

Dar is at work.  I did see her for a few minutes yesterday morning before she went to work.  She came over....get this...she came over to show me her new underwear!  Her pants are still very tight, and she is still wearing bikini style underpants, BUT they are a larger size AND ..they are beige.  At least she took part of my advice.  I noticed, as she walked away, her behind did look a bit better, but.................as she walks, her rear view still looks like two Hippopotamus fighting inside a gunny sack!

I did the usual--cleaned up the bathroom and kitchen; watched my Soap and read a bit.

So nice and sunny today--a perfect day to work out in the gardens.  I visited my "cutting garden"--sounds all so fancy, doesn't it.  It is my 8 x 3 raised bed, filled with Zinnia's and one volunteer, grape tomato plant.  I now have bokays of Zinnia's in every room, which makes me smile.  They are just the simplest, most colorful flower to grow.

and I got three ripened grape tomatoes, to eat on the walk back to the house.

Then I decided to call Bethie.  I couldn't remember the days she works at the pet adoption place, but I knew, she didn't work on Wednesday's.  We had a wonderful chat.  She is doing really well.  Of course, as we who have had loved ones die, we know---you never forget--you just learn to live with the loss.  Right now, she is still in the "think about him everyday" stage.  The first thought in the morning--the realization, again, they are gone and that bit of an ache.  Then we gather ourselves and try and go on with our day.

I think it must be especially difficult when it is your child.  I know my sister tells me that "I don't think of Matthew every day like I used too, but I still think of him and wonder, what kind of man he would have turned out to be.  What his children would be like.  If they would live near.......thoughts like that come and go."

It's like with so many things in life.  You don't know the feeling, unless you've experienced that same feeling.  I have never experienced the death of a child, so I can't know exactly how it would feel--other than I know it would be the most awful feeling.  I can't even imagine it.

Grief is not the same--for each occasion--for each person.  A Widow feels grief differently than a parent would, than a child would at the death of their parent.

Would it be easier to remain unmarried and childless, to protect from ever having to go through that kind of grief?  I guess not.  My Mother used to say, "You can stay aloof and uncommitted and save yourself pain, or you can commit to life and all it brings and know deep love...and know, it is all worth it."

My Mother used to ask profound, philosophical questions of me.  Like, "If the Russians came and said they were going to shoot all Christians.  Would you step forward and be shoot, or would you step back and save your life...knowing that by denouncing your faith, you'd spend eternity in Hell."

Or--"If the Russians came and said you had to give up one of your children.  Which child would you choose?"

I don't know why it was always the Russians.  I guess because they were our biggest threat in the '50's and '60's.    I never did figure out the answers---I guess I thought it was a long-shot or I'd think of some other way to get away from the Russian's?

Nowadays--it would be Hamas or ISIS who would be asking me those questions.  I know what I'd do now, as I have no young children to have to choose from---only me---and I'd hope I would not deny my faith and step forward.   You think nothing like that would ever happen here---I think of those Christians in the East who are being asked that question now.  "Convert to Islam or you will be killed!"

No, it will never happen here.  At least not in my lifetime.
Gosh--how did I get off on that tangent?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Lucky Day

Pouring rain and thunder.
Bright sunshine
Pouring rain
Bright sunshine
Pouring rain and thunder
Cold front
59 degrees at 10:00 tonight
Probably snow tonight, LOL

I got a notice from my electric company that if I enrolled in the Senior Citizen program, I might get my bill lowered.  I checked my bill--it said Senior Program on the top of the bill.  I called anyway and I was told, "Senior program and senior citizen program are two different things."  No doubt another way to confuse us old people?

So--he checked for me and under the program, my budget payment will drop $16.00!!!!!  $42.00 a month on my budget payment program!!!!!
<Thank you God, thank you God, is what I yelled toward the ceiling>
Then, I went shopping at Meijer.  For over a year, I have been looking for a new billfold--mine is 20 years old and falling apart!  My billfold is the kind you could just carry alone--money, checkbook, cards--all of it in one place.  Every time I see them, the nice ones are so expensive.  Real leather, long lasting, but over my budget.  

Today, for some unknown reason, instead of walking straight back to the store, I walked horizontally and then turned and went down an inside aisle.  There was a whole rack of billfolds, glasses cases, etc.  I stopped to take a look and spotted a black Buxton--just like I wanted.  Original price: $25.00, marked down to $12.50, marked down to $6.00!!!  Well, don't you know, that pretty thang went right into my cart!!!

Got to the cat food aisle to find the litter I use was $1.00 off.  Got me a jug and 10 can's of wet food for $4.00.  Chips were 2 for $5.00, ice cream topping was $1.00 off and---I found a sweet red cherry topping.  Usually I use Maraschino cherries or Strawberry topping, but I have always liked the sweet cherry kind they use at the Dairy Queen.

When I checked out, I had $23.00 in coupon savings.  AND--for the first time in my life, I took my penny jug along, dumped them in the Coin Star thingie and got $15.02, cash money back.

I go in this Friday to sign the bankruptcy papers!
I suppose we are all saddened by Robin Williams' death.  Today I watched the police/coroner report in horrified details.    I have a couple of his movies on DVD, as I have always liked him.  I thought perhaps I'd go on amazon.com to get a couple more.  All his movies are "temporarily out of stock."  You know what that means?  Someone is buying them up so they can in turn, sell them on Amazon Marketplace at a much higher rate.  Yesterday, his DVD's were going for $5-6.  By weeks end, they probably will be going for $10-12 or more.  Greed?  Or, just people being smart?
I posted on Face Book a bit about depression, what it's like, how there is very little to control it.  It is a disease--a chemical imbalance in the brain--a short-wiring of the nerves in the serotonin re-uptake center of the brain.  A couple of "friends" wrote, "We all have times in our lives like that.  We just need to remember out blessings and be glad."

I hooted when I saw their comments.  Lucky for them---they have NO CLUE what "real" depression is.

You can wake up in the morning with money in the bank, all your family and friends well and happy, sun in the sky, not a problem in your life--except you are in the dark pit of depression and you can barely force yourself to get out of bed, let alone get dressed and carry on a conversation.

I have battled it for 40 years now. Sometimes, I can feel it nibbling around the edges of my mind--sometimes, I can go to bed feeling wonderful and wake up in the morning, in that pit, and it doesn't leave for days--if I'm lucky.  If I'm not lucky--it will hang around for months.  It doesn't really matter what is going on in my life--the depression just comes.

When Fred died--I was NOT in depression.  Oh--I was sad and I grieved and I cried (a bit), but I wasn't depressed.  People think that's weird.  There is a great difference between being sad, blue, or down and depression.

Depression is like any other disease--it isn't a way to get attention and it isn't a way to have a pity party.  It is like any disease--arthritis, near sightedness, endometriosis.  You can try and control it, but...it's always there. It can also be genetic--Quite a few of my ancestor's had it--back then, they called it being melancholy.

I spent almost the entire year of 1976 with it.  I got up in the morning, got the kids off to school and went back to bed for the day.  I got up and got dressed a half-hour before they got home and acted like nothing was wrong.  I also had Agoraphobia--where I rarely left the house.  If I went to church, I had to sit in the back row.  If I went to one of the kid's school functions, I sat on the lowest bleacher, near the door. 

 When I went grocery shopping, which wasn't very often because we had a food delivery company, I might get as far as the third aisle and then have to leave my cart and walk very fast to the door and outside.  It was one giant panic attack after another--any time I was out of my house.  

One time, I had to go to a weekly series of meetings at the school for Mother's Club.  I only made it to one meeting because, I couldn't drive my car out of the driveway.  I'd get to the end of the driveway and back up to the garage and go back into the house, where I was safe.  It was awful and as I look through picture albums, there are no pictures of birthday's, Christmas--nothing in that year.  I don't even have a journal for that year--all the other years from 1972 until 2013--but none for 1976.  

The strange thing, some people that have chronic depression are the happiest acting.  They smile and laugh and tell jokes.  It's called compensation.  The minute the people around you quit laughing and leave, the mask comes off, the face falls, the shoulders droop.

A lot of comedians suffer from chronic depression--probably why they went into that line of work--to compensate.  

Right now--I am not depressed.  I'm not even blue or down or melancholy--who knows what tomorrow may bring.  
My snack and the new cherry topping.
Bits of sweet cherries in a nice thick sauce.
My lucky day!!!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday Moaning

 I woke up to the sound of a chorus of Cicada's.  No need to look out and see if they are clustered on the tree trunks--these Cicada's are in my head.  Well--my ears.  My friend Tinnitus has given me this continual form of music, every minute of every day since 1995.  Yes--I have tried everything, including having my head and neck turned in different positions and jerked around--it's called the Epley Maneuver.  It is used for Vertigo, but we tried it for Tinnitus.  

Tinnitus (TIN-ih-tus) is noise or ringing in the ears. A common problem, tinnitus affects about 1 in 5 people. Tinnitus isn't a condition itself — it's a symptom of an underlying condition, such as age-related hearing loss, ear injury or a circulatory system disorder.

I've heard it can also be caused by dental procedures.

I arose with the Cicada concert accompanying me and proceeded to start my Monday and my new week.  


Look at this right foot.  Does it look like anything is wrong with it?  Other than crooked toes and nails and a bit of fungus on my big toe nail--which I am curing with Vicks VapoRub rubbed into it every night.

It feels like there is a hair or a piece of string laying over
my third toe onto my second toe.
This is driving me crazy!! 
It is probably a nerve thingie.  I have tried cream on it.  I have tried massaging that foot.  Now, maybe I should try the Chiropractor?  If it's a nerve thing, he should be able to fix it...right?

I checked outside to see what kind of animal life 
might be present:

Then I came in the computer room for some of this, while I woke up.

I was going to go shopping for food, but this continued all day:

So--I stayed home and did a bit of everything:

 Mostly sparrows at the feeders today,
but occasionally a flash of blue, or red or bright yellow,
will catch my eye.

A baby Hummingbird, the length of my pinkie finger.  A baby Chick-A-Dee, the length of my thumb and, a baby Downy Woodpecker, the length of my index finger, BUT--they are so young and full of energy, they don't stay still long enough to get their picture taken.
Time to let the shower head soak all day in some

Four loads of laundry

A bit more reading on the Stephen King book 

Notes for next year's garden and plantings

A bit of cross-stitch on the future great grand babes quilt