title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, April 21, 2014

YAY!!! Boston Strong!

Today's high temperature was: 80 degrees !!!
Sunny all day
Tomorrow's high predicted at: 54 degrees :-(

My grand daughter (Karen's second child) Susanna and her hubby ran in and finished the Boston Marathon in really good times.  A sub-three hour time.  That's 26.4 miles--running.  It would take me at least 10 days to WALK that far.  Sometimes, I don't feel like I can drive that far, LOL.

I told them two years ago that I had read, all that running isn't really good for your body/heart.  They, of course, listened and said they'd read up on it and check with their doctor...and of course, went right on running long distances.

The day after the Marathon last year, they decided to train and see if they could qualify for the race.  Sure enough, but July, they had good enough times and could run 26 miles.  Susanna works for New Balance Shoe in Portland, Oregon.  Their head office is in Boston, so she travels to Boston at least four times a year.  Last year, she was there the week after the bombing and took her morning run down Boylston Street--weeping all the day.

Today, she wasn't weeping--well, maybe after it was finished.  She was Cross Country runner in high school, good enough to get a track scholarship at Grand Valley State here in Michigan.  That's where she met Derek, who was also in cross country.  They have been running together ever since.

Here they are--in the center of the heart.

...and their times

This is what she posted yesterday:
"How appropriate for Easter Sunday to be the day before Marathon Monday. The most important day for believers, today is about HOPE and LIFE after death. Tomorrow is an incredibly important day for Boston and the running community, where HOPE and REBIRTH will be flowing as we take back the streets of Boston. I am so, so grateful to take part in both of these life-filled events"

Maybe now they will settle down and give me a great grand baby?  I doubt it!
I woke up at 5:00 this morning.  I thought I heard a loud bang--I know, both cats jumped straight up in the air, landed on the bed and flew off--I thought they were scared.  I got out of bed to see what had fallen or if the storm door had smashed up against the porch.  I could see nothing out of place.  I also could not get back to sleep.

I climbed back in bed at 7:00 and woke up at 10:00.  On pondering back, I think perhaps I may have had a night terror and screamed or yelled in my sleep and woke us all up.  I'd like to get a nanny cam that would turn on and take a video only when I do this sort of thing.  Maybe that would help me figure out why?
I went into Brighton today and got some groceries at Meijer's and three salads from the Rich People's Store.  I used my Bridge Card at Meijers--as it was good today--$55.00.  Boy, fifty-five bucks sure doesn't go very far does it.  Oh well--it does help and I am ever grateful.

Let's see what tomorrow might bring.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Day Of Hope

Today's high temperature was:  72 degrees
Sunny all day
I did not go to church today.  I haven't gone to church on Easter Sunday for three years.  Why?  I don't know.  Too many people there?  I don't know--I got to every service during Holy Week, except the most important one--Easter Sunday.

Susan called me--she hadn't gone either, which is very strange for her.  She had found some pictures of mother and said, "Boy, you sure do--er--did look like her."

Many people have told me that over the years and I never could see it.  I think you need two pictures at the same age and...she was 23 years older than me, so I couldn't see it, but...I was scanning and saving some pictures and I noticed one when I was 24 and I sure did look like her when she was 23.  So I put the two together.

Yeppers--I guess we did

Of course, I have no comparison now--she never lived beyond 53 years of age so I have no idea what she would have looked like at my age--wish I did.
Pammie called while I was on the phone with Susan.  

"Momma, you will be so proud of me...in fact, I'm really proud of myself!"

"What did you do now?  Climb up on the roof of the barn to straighten a lightning rod?"

"Nope--I made a skirt!"

"I didn't know you knew how to sew."

"A few  years ago, Karen taught me how to sew a real simple skirt--it just has elastic for the waistband.  Yesterday, I went to church with Jen and I felt bad because the skirt I wore is so old, so...on the way home, I stopped at Wal-Mart, got some fabric and this morning--I made a skirt.  I am putting in the hem now and I have to say, it's really pretty.  I'm also making a half slip to go under it.  I see all these women wearing skirts with no slip and you can see right through them!"

"WOW--Pammie!  That is so cool!  You are right about the needed half slip.  I agree.   I didn't know they had services at Jen's church yesterday."

<and here is where the conversation got interesting and has filled me with hope!>

"Oh--we didn't go to Jen's church.  They don't go there much anymore."


"They don't like the minister anymore.  They are very disappointed in the way he is acting."

"The same minister who told her that 'honor your mother' didn't really matter in my case?"


"The same minister that Andrew told me, while they were at the MSU/UofM football game party, was down in the basement with the kids and was swearing and throwing things because UofM was losing?"


"Hm-mm. Jen and Eric were personal friends with him."

"Well, Eric never has really liked him.  He told Jen 10 years ago, he thought the guy was not a very good minister."

"Well, I think others also told her that, didn't they?"

"Yup.  A lot of people did."

"So, where did you go yesterday."

"We went to that new church just up the road from you.  The 2/42 church."

"Wow--that's a big church."

"Yes and I was amazed at how many young families go there and teenagers--loving it and their parents don't have to drag them there."

"Yes.  They have had a huge climb in attendance just in the last year, since they built there.  I know a lot of Maddie's friends go there.  It's kind of a church where people that have become disenchanted with their church and all the rules and regulations their religion calls for.  This church just preaches and teaches from the Bible.  God's laws, not man's."

"We got in the car and Jen said, 'I got more out of that sermon than I have any sermon in the last ten years!'

"Hm-mm.  Maybe some day they will have a teaching on forgiveness or the Ten Commandments and Jen will become more open to renewing her relationship with me."

"Ya know, Momma?  I was thinking the same thing.  I know you pray everyday that God will bring about a reconciliation between you and Jen.  This just might be God working for that to happen."


"Maybe Pammie.  I can only hope."
Now--I don't care for that 2/42 church because it is one of those mega churches with the praise rock and roll music, and I am a traditionalist, but............if it helps my daughter get off her high horse and become less judgmental, more forgiving and loving (like she was taught!), then................

I wonder what Jen is going to do about the kids school--at her church.  Andrew is ready to go into Middle School and will be going to public school.  Maybe she will pull the other two out and send them to public school too?  I know Alex is bored with his class work and probably Elise wouldn't mind either--especially if Jen puts it to them about how much more fun they will have or however she does it.

I'd sure like to know what happened.  For the last ten years, all I have heard is how wonderful the people in her church are.  All along I have thought they were quite snooty.  I have spoken to the minister every time I've gone there and felt very cold.  He just sort of waved me off or looked right through me.  Hm-mm--I wonder what happened. 

<I know it's bad, but I have smiled all day about this.>
I went out to supper tonight with Merle, Pearl and their daughter Margie (I love Margie!)  Pearl complained about EVERYTHING.  She ragged on the waitress.  She complained about the food.  She complained about the price.  "Two dollars for two biscuits?  That's terrible!" (I had ordered the biscuits, so why did she care?)

I told her, "It's a Holy day.  Be nice and smile."

She glared at me, LOL.  

We had a good time though and it was nice, but with my ET (essential tremor) making my right hand shake, it is difficult to eat out.  I always get a bit nervous and that makes the tremor worse.  Oh yes--she commented on that too.  

"I'm afraid to sit across from you.  You're going to flick food on my clean shirt or something,"

She said this as she dribbled gravy onto her shirt front.

I turned to Margie, "Do you know where I can get a pattern to make your Mom an adult sized bib?  Friday at the movie--she got popcorn butter grease all over her new shirt!"

Margie said, "We could make many and put holiday pictures on them.  Then when we take her out for a holiday lunch--she can take that bib. Like tonight--she could wear a pink bib with an Easter bunny and basket and eggs motif"

Merle said, "Save money.  Put Halloween on one side and Christmas on the other."
We even got Pearl too laughing.

Monday, I have a whole lot of running around to do.  It is suppose to be warm, but rainy.  I don't care.  I won't melt.  


Easter time is filled with miracles.  Maybe...just maybe.

What A Joyous Day!!!

Christianity didn’t start at Christmas—although that was a miracle event.

Easter is the start.  If Jesus hadn’t walked out of that grave alive, and later ascended into Heaven alive, we would have nothing.  

What a true miracle that was.  The happiness it can bring when we believe in His word, that when we leave this life, we will join Him in Heaven where there is no more pain, unhappiness, illness or death ever again.  The joy of being with our loved ones, who are there.

Happy Easter, everyone.  

New life is appearing all around us here in the springtime, and awaits us when our own personal winter comes. 

He is Risen!  He is alive.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Review of Movie

Today's high temperature was:  65 degrees
Cloudy and spotty sprinkles

Pearl and I went to the 10:30 showing of "Heaven Is For Real" this morning.  

On the short ride in, Pearl made a comment, "Is this movie going to make us cry?"

"I don't think so," I said.

"I find the older I get, the less I cry," she replied.

"That's odd isn't it?  Usually the older a person gets, the more more emotional they get, the more they cry.  Especially if they have medical problems.  I know people that have had a stroke, cry quite a bit.  There's a name for it, but I can't remember."

"Well--I don't expect to cry a bit," she said.

"I have my hanky, just in case," I said.

During the last of the movie, I see her dabbing her eyes.  I just sat and smiled through the whole thing.  Isn't it strange that watching the same movie, two people, much alike in their beliefs, would get different reactions.

I had read the book a few weeks after Fred died and it made me very happy.  I felt the same way with this movie.  It follows the book exactly.  The little boy who plays the main part, acts so natural--like someone is following him around with a video camera and just shooting his actions and words.  He doesn't "act" like an actor.

It is based on a real life happening.  There is absolutely no way the little boy could have known the things he told his parents about, unless, he had actually been in Heaven.  I found it humorous that his father, a minister and his mother didn't believe him at first.  Even the psychiatrist that explained all the scientific reasons why the boy had these "hallucinations", at the end of the movie believed him.  There can be no other explanation.

What is the neatest thing is the actress, Margo Martindale, when first asked to be in the movie, didn't believe in the whole story at all--didn't really believe in Heaven being real--just a "maybe" in our lives.  After she read the book and met with the family, she is now a woman of true faith.  THAT is what I find the most amazing.

If you are not a person who believes in that sort of thing--this movie might give you a reason to think--perhaps.  If you are a person of faith--this movie just reinforces your beliefs.

It is a beautiful movie and I felt very peaceful and happy while I was watching it and---for the rest of today.

I have had a fear of death--I think most of us do.  For some reason, and I cannot tell you why, when Fred died, I lost that fear.  It was as if I couldn't quit smiling all the time.  People thought I was in shock or acted rather weird, but for some reason, I just felt so happy that he was in Heaven and never having to have pain or struggles anymore.  I still feel that same way and look forward to that day.  I so want to see my Mother--I know for sure she is there.  

I still have a fear of dying.  That is much different.  The process of dying.  The pain.  The look on my family's faces when they realize I am dying.  We all want to go in our sleep--most of us won't.  Or, like Bethie's son--just take a breath and pass.  I might just change my mind about Hospice and how they over medicate dying people, sending them into a sort of coma state with the Morphine.  Perhaps that is the way to go?

I love the way Fred died.  Sitting up, laughing, talking, kissing me, saying, I love you, with a smile on his face and gone in a few minutes.  He wasn't scared a bit.  He was just going to have a minor procedure and.....I often wonder what his reaction was.  

"WOW!  How did I get here?  This is beautiful!"

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Throwback and Present Day Thursday

Today's high temperature was: 67 degrees
Sunny and nice

This was a very long time ago--I think I was six weeks old.  4 generations on my mother's side.  Her father and his mother.
It kind of weirds me out to look at that baby.
It is me, but I can't remember
(and I can remember things back to
when I was 2 years old.)
I wonder what I was thinking.
I wonder if I was capable of thinking.
I wonder how I could ever be
that little and why I lived the
kind of life I did.
I wonder if some small happening
would have made my life

Boy--I now look like my mother!

So today, I traveled up about 25 miles for lunch with the old gal pals.  My BFF's (Arlene) daughter came today with a whole bunch of pictures she found in her Mom's house--of us girls back in high school.  We all had a great laugh and got to keep whatever ones we wanted.  I came back with a good amount as many of the pix were of Arlene and me. Being able to talk to Arlene's daughter is such a treat because--she had the same voice and laugh as her Mom--I feel almost like I am talking to Arlene.
I came home through my home town to see the wind damage from Saturday night.  Drove on out to The Farm--Susan and Chuck not home as yet, and did a drive through and took pictures.  Then stopped off at Pammie's and she wasn't home.
Susan's infamous outhouse/garden shed

They lost 2 1/2 trees 

My son's house and barns are all okay. 

I got home and changed my clothes (I don't wear blue jeans to church) and went into Howell for the Maundy Thursday service.  It was very special--a Tenebrae service--gradual snuffing out of candles until the church is dark, stripping the altar and laying a black cloth on it and communion.  This time we had "regular" communion--like you are suppose to have--on your knees at the altar.

I was wondering if I could...I haven't in four years--but I did get down on my knees AND I GOT BACK UP, with minimal pain.  I'm so glad I went.  It was a very emotional, spiritual service.

I had a lovely day and tomorrow morning, Pearl and I are going to the movie to see "Heaven Is For Real"  I have been waiting and waiting for this movie to come out.  I read the book, shortly after Fred died and it saved my sanity and made my grief path much shorter than some widows I know.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Process

Today's high temperature was:  42--I think
Sunny all day

Up early (8:00) and to the doctor's office by 9:00 to get my blood drawn for the Cardiologist.  He is checking my thyroid and Potassium--which is cool because since I've cut back on my Potassium, I have been curious of what the number is.  

Then, I trudged home and prepared myself for the process for my coronation.

Because of my hip surgeries, I have to take 4 amoxicillin before any dental procedure and today I also took a tiny little 0.5 Ativan.

Getting a crown put on a tooth isn't all that bad--at least I didn't have to have a root canal--which are all that bad.  The process is the hardest part, but nowadays, my dentist uses a computer to digitally take a picture of the tooth and the surrounding teeth, top and bottom to get a precise measurement for the making of the crown.

The worse part was the nummy shots as it was a far back, bottom tooth, #18, and the needle so into your jaw and practically through your cheek.  My dentist kept apologizing and I tried really hard not to cringe.

The next worse part is all that drilling!  They have to use that rough, bone jarring drill before they get to the high speed one.  And of course, the noise near my ear seemed to go straight up into my brain.  I basically laid there and mentally sang hymns or thought about what I was going to eat for supper.

90 minutes later I was done.  The charge was going to be 1,145.00, but when I saw the bill, the dentist had taken off $255.00 and given me a Senior discount of $89.00, so the total bill was $801.00, which they financed for me at $44.50 a month for 18 months, interest free.

This is the tooth that the dentist repaired, about twice a year for FREE!  She told me she would repair it free for the rest of my life, but little by little, more of the tooth as gone and I needed to get it stabilized and crowned to give it more strength and save the tooth.  I had thought of having is pulled, which I did with my last bad, back tooth, but I wanted to be able to chew on that side.

It has been 5 years since I have chewed any food on the left side of my mouth.  I was always afraid of that tooth breaking.  Tonight, I ate supper and chewed everything over on that side.  Now, with the crown, I will be able to eat a meal and not even think of selective chewing.

I got an e-mail from Bethie.  They think her son died of a pulmonary embolism.  Beth and her hubs are flyng over there next week for the funeral and then, later this summer, his wife will come here, bring his ashes and they will have a memorial service and he will be buried in Byron Cemetery.  

Bethie said, "I'm just like you, Judy.  I can't grieve or cry properly.  All I do is pace and shake.  I have warned my family, that weeks after it is all over--then I will have my break down."  I think that is just the way we were raised.

So stoic, strong for everyone around us.  We get through it all and then---six weeks later it hits us--reality--and we become immobilized with depression--anger--fear--weeping for days.

She will be all right.  I have so many people praying for her.  I fear for her husband though.  I hope he doesn't get bitter and angry--that sometimes happens.

Tomorrow, I drive on up to Durand to have lunch with the high school gal pals.  I won't stop in to see my sister, as they aren't arriving home  until Friday, but I think I will drive out to visit a bit with Pammie and check out the damage in Byron.

I'm so tired tonight--probably from nerves--that I am going to bed early--well--11:00 anyway.

Love to all--Jude

Did you see that beautiful moon?  I stepped out on the porch and howled at it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

You Just Never Know

Today's high temperature was: 34 degrees
Snow--Sun--Snow--Sun--Snow--off and on all day

When I got up at 8:00.
3"--not too bad.

The snow started again along about 9:00 and
...snowflakes and all this Red, Red Robin just kept on bobbin' along

 The snow stopped and the sun came out and then...
12:00 noon

Then the snow stopped and the sun came out and then...

Sunny and bright at 3:00

Detroit set a record for the snowiest winter since 1880-1881, with a total this morning of, 94.8 inches of snow.  I believe we had more then that and by tonight, there will be a few more inches.  That is 7.9 FEET of snow, Dear Friends.  No wonder some of the snow piles were over 10 feet high.. 

My heart today is with the people of Boston.  I watched the commemoration and cried.  I spent quite a bit of time in the city when Jennifer lived there, and have walked that very sidewalk where those insane brothers set off their bombs. My grand daughter Susanna and her husband, Derek will run Monday in the Patriot's Day marathon.  I have no fear for them being there.  Boston will be the safest place to be that day.
Heart Broken!!!  Bethie called tonight to tell me their oldest son Todd, who lives in the Czech Republic, had died.  "Just dropped dead!" she said.

She wanted me to notify the rest of the "girls" to "pray for us.  Just pray for us."

She and her husband are trying to get a flight out.

Todd had been doing yard work last weekend and he had a lot of chest pain.  He thought it was sore muscles, but the pain did not go away and seemed worse, so he did go to hospital.

They did an EKG and other tests and told him his heart was just fine.

A day later, he just died.

Reminds me of Fred--they told him for six months that the pain in his chest from from his lungs.  Come to find out, he was having mini-heart attacks and by the time they found it, half his heart was destroyed.

Anyway--Todd probably had an aneurysm in back of his heart which wouldn't have been seen unless they had done a CAT scan or some more extensive testing.  He was only 52--in fact, he and my Karen had a date, way back in the day.

I am still in shock--reeling.  The hardest death one would ever go through--that of losing a child.

So--if you could, please say a prayer for Bethie?