title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Life at a slow pace..

I watched the Master's Golf tournament this weekend.  Golf is such a nice calm, relaxing, quiet sport to watch.  Quiet--nice and quiet.  I felt kind of sorry for the winner--on the 1st Tee, the crowd cheered wildly and long for his opponent Rory Mcilroy and only clapped politely for Reed.

None of the other golfer's like him--he won't talk to them, he is very OCD and takes a long time to make a shot.  I hear he has "divorced" his parents, who apparently have been very supportive, even moving their home to an area where he could "major" in golf in college.

Well, he won anyway.  Dumb kid.  He'll regret his choices someday!
Golf and/or baseball are wonderful sports to watch on TV while cross-stitching.  I can listen to most of what is going on and only look up to see the re-play, if things get exciting.

Most X-stitch patterns have the "picture" of what I am working on, on the pattern page.  Like this one.
After  I have it done, I out-line it and it shows up real nice.

This Last Supper thing, I've been working on since New Year's Day, has no picture on the pattern pages (15 pattern pages!).  Only the squares with the symbol for what color is stitched into that square.  This piece has nearly 70 colors--very dark to lightest of each color.  

Placing the colors correctly makes the picture come alive under the needle.  I have no idea what I am working on, until a face/person starts appearing.

If I put a color in an incorrect space, that guy's face and eye would not show up.  Plus, there is no outlining done afterward.  It will look like an oil painting.

The way I keep track on where I am.
This is by far, the most challenging X-stitch I have ever done!  When finished, it will be 35.7" x 24.9".
I thought the Nativity one I did was difficult.  HAH.

The one neat thing that has come out of this--I did a bit of research on Da Vinci's notes, when he was setting up to paint this and he has all the disciples names and listed in chronological order--from left to right.
I have lived quite a long time.  I have lived out in the country and more aware of my surroundings.  I have always been a bird watcher--could identify many by the time I was 6 years old.  We have a lot of birds out on the farm land.  My Mother could tell by their "call" and then she and I would have to search out that Blue Jay or whatever.

Robins eat only worms.  Right?  You don't see Robins sitting on bird feeders, eating the Sunflower seeds, the small bird seed.

I looked out my window yesterday afternoon and I saw something I have never seen in my life.  A big Red Robin, sitting on the suet cage, pecking at the suet!!!  
"Hey!  Go out and buy me some mealy worms!"

He must be really starving, and of course the ground is still frozen and no worms coming to the surface.
I have 4 Robins here.  I am looking out right now and they are hopping around the front yard, in the sun.

We need a good hard, warm rain!!!!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Cabin Fever

I am bored outta my gourd!!!

I have been searching on-line for a pant suit to wear to the June 2nd wedding of my grandson.  Something simple, yet elegant.  I don't want to "stand out".  I am the grandma, not the mother.

Remember, back-in-the-day, when you could walk into any ladies store and find rack after rack of pant suits?  Not so anymore, unless they are black/gray pin stripe for work.  I have a black pin-stripe pant suit.

I thought I had found just what I wanted.
It has white lace embroidery on the left shoulder and right hem.  I have a white lace shell to wear under it.

In stock?  Yes!  Size 4.

Okay, well maybe I will have to go a bit more glamorous.  The men are wearing navy, the girls blush.  This would work for the colors.  In stock? Yes!
The pants are about 4 inches too short.

The pant outfits for weddings usually now, are all chiffon and flowing and....yes!  I would wear if I were mother, but a bit too much for grandma, in my opinion.

I would like to find something I can wear to this wedding and then also to granddaughter Madeleine's wedding next May.  ARGGH!

Karen called me in February to say she wanted to take me wedding shopping.  She suggested Spring Break, which ends today and I haven't heard a word from her.

She also mentioned perhaps a wedding shower on April 15th--haven't received an invite as yet.
Oh--I'm bored.  It keeps snowing, with cold winds.  I want to go out and pick up fallen branches or something.  Lay down mulch.  Dig.  Can't do it yet!  We are all complaining about our long winter, but a memory popped up on Face Book this morning and showed a photo I had posted on April 6, 2017--a year ago.  We had 3" of snow.  So, I guess this year isn't all that unusual.
I am waiting for family information so I can start a new genealogy.  It will encompass the woman's family and her husband's family.  4 different families just to begin with.  This is going to be a big genealogy and I do so need something to occupy my brain!!!!  I wish they'd get their "stuff" together and e-mail it to me.

Yes, they're young and yes, they're busy and the woman just finished up her mid-terms, but.....

I'm always too impatient!
I do believe this room I spend all morning in, just might be my favorite room in this place.  I have often wished I lived across the street, but then, my house would back up to the woods and I would have no view OF the woods, so...this location is pretty perfect.  I just wish that long gray one had not moved in 3 years ago.  It took away my view of the drive up into the woods, the deer that I used to see there, and the view of the wetlands.
My next door neighbors--I wonder if he is still in the psych ward.

Hm-mm.  Large limbs have fallen on Dar's roof.
I wonder if she knows?
I should tell her--that would drive her nutz! 

Jackie broke her arm a month ago.
She hasn't been able to drive anywhere.
I need to get over there and visit again  !

The people that moved in and took my view. 

 If I look out of just the tops of my windows--then I feel like I am in a snug, little cabin in the woods.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Perils of False Spring

"Ma'am. could you possibly buy me some worms?
I'm, starving out here!"

Monday, April 2, 2018

Suck it up-Buttercup!

Easter Sunday.  I sat home alone.  No invite.  No phone calls.  Nothing.

I could get sad and depressed about it--which I used to do.  No family get together for Easter?  

I doesn't bother me as much anymore.  My sister and her hubs go her son's house now.  He is divorced and does not get to see his kids on Easter.

My oldest, Mark goes to his girlfriends' mother for all Holidays.

My Pammie was up north with a friend, starting her Spring Break from school janitoring.

My Karen was also up north at their cottage with her kids and grand daughter.

My Jennifer lives 800 miles away.

What can I do about any of it?  Nothing.

A phone call would have been nice though. Eh?
However, it is a wonder to me how my kids get away with it.  Apparently, I brought them up to be independent--well, I know I did, and I should have loaded more guilt on them the first time this happened.  There was not one single Holiday that I didn't see my parents and my grandmother.  After grandma died, it was my parents.  After my mother died, it was my Dad and step-mother.

Spring Break?  We left on Monday--not the weekend before Easter.  You had to be with family, his and mine, on Easter and all other holidays.  Whether you wanted to or not, you did!

Oh Phooey!!!
Yes, found out my neighbor had her husband, court ordered, into a psych ward.  He is very angry.  She is being strong.  He once again was threatening suicide and then took off and was gone all night.  The police finally found him, brought him home and two days later, came back and got him and took him away.

She can't see him, which is probably the best thing in the world for him.  She said, she did it because she loves him and wants to keep him alive.  I have no problem with her decision.
So today, I'm doing noting much.  Vacuuming, dusting.  I started my Buddy cat out on glucosamine for his back hips and he started losing his fur in two weeks.  They may be related--probably--so I stopped the glycosamine and vacuumed so I can keep track of his hair loss.
We were supposed to get the snow that stayed south and went up the East Coast--sorry Friends out there.  Tonight we get rain, snow tomorrow and possible severe storms Tuesday night when the warm(er) front comes in.

I can't tell if this crazy weather is caused by Global Warming or Climate Change.  There is a difference between the two.  Whatever it is--it has been a nutzy-cuckoo winter.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Jude--undercover agent

Look what I got in the mail.

Obviously my Meijer store main frame computer system reads my receipts and knows what I buy.  Then they mail me these coupons.  Is this creepy?  Do I feel like Big Brother or Vladimir is spying on me?  The first time it happened, I kinda did, but being the least paranoid person you know, now I find it wonderful.  Who cares if "they" know what groceries I buy.  Just send me those coupons for FREE stuff and cash-offs.
My next door neighbor Tammie--remember her?  She went from Catholic, to Seventh-Day Adventist, to Wiccan to Susie Super Christian--remember her?

Well, she likes to post those vague statues on Face Book--the kind that drive me crazy.  "I just wish I could wave a magic wand and make it all better."

No explanation.  People commented, "Are you all right?"  "What's going on?"  "I'm worried about you."  Which is just what these 'vague status posters" want.

She didn't reply to any of the comments---which of course leaves her friend's in a worried condition so they call her and get the information.

I love how people use FB to elicit sympathy in weird ways.  NOT!

I did not comment on her post.  I did not private message her.  I did not call her.

Wednesday morning when I woke up and walked in the computer room, I saw an enormous County sheriff SUV pull into her drive.  The cop went into her house.  After about 20 minutes, he came out and drove away.  She came out and also drove away.

About half an hour later, her husband--the Prince of Wiccan's drove in.  He got out of his car and staggered into the house.  I figured he had been in the drunk tank during the night and she had to bail him out.

Then yesterday evening, I got a private message from her asking, "Were the cops at my house today?"

I replied that I had been gone from 11:30 to 3:00, so I didn't know.  

She leaves for work at 10:30 at night and shortly after she left, husband took off in his car.

This morning, when I opened Face Book, there was another status post from her.  "Pray for me!  I have had the police take my husband to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation."

Nothing like telling the world that your husband is a nut case!  

I saw her drive away this morning around 9:15.

Who knows what is going on? I'm sure she will post all about it.

Personally, all the neighbors feel they both should have had a psych eval years ago.
I much preferred living out in the country, with my nearest neighbor 1/4 mile away and I had no idea what was going or not going on in their lives.  I lived in my own Pollyanna world and had no idea that people like Dar and Tammie and her hubs even existed!
Pearl was home yesterday and I did get down to see her.  She came home to visit her cat and get some more clothes around 7:00, but had to be back at the rehab place by 9:00.  So far, she has had NO physical therapy.  I guess Merle and the kids had a conference with the director at the rehab place.  I understand there was a bit of yelling from her kids---demanding to know the plan.
Over and out.................

Friday, March 30, 2018

You just never know.....

...what is right around the corner!

A couple years ago, I took the "23 and Me" DNA test.  If you elect to post your profile, then other relatives can contact you.

I had a 3rd cousin notify me, trying to figure out how we were connected.  Then she had me do her genealogy and I found that her mother and I are 2nd cousins, connected through our great grandparents!

#3rd cousin, had her mother contact me via e-mail. 

2nd cousin--Her mother and my grandmother were sisters.  Her Dad and my mother, 1st cousins.  

She and I, about the same age, had never met.  That side of the family never had reunions that we attended, but I do remember going with my Mother to her grandma's funeral.

So, my 3rd cousin has been trying to set up a meeting.  She works for an oil company and travels all over and isn't home very much or for very long.

Today, she had to travel down to Ann Arbor, so on her way back home, we met up at Outback Steak House in Brighton.

Oh.  My.  Gosh!  What a wonderful time we had.  3rd cousin insisted that her Mom and I each have the Fillet Mignon--not the 6 oz, but the 9 oz.   Her Mother and I both ordered French Onion Soup and the same salad--we laughed that now we knew for sure we were related.

It's funny though, my 2nd cousin is very short--look how short she is!-- and looks nothing like me, while her daughter 3rd cousin looks like she could be my own daughter.

We've already made arrangements to meet for lunch again.  Her mother said, "Why don't we meet in Durand...at Nick's", which floored me as I eat there often with my Old School Gal Pals.  My cousin and I never even knew each other existed, and yet today, we are both familiar with the same restaurant in Durand?  She lives about 15 miles north-west of there, in Owosso.

AND...she has a foster home for...cats!  She is very connected with that county's Humane Society and get this---has a special large room, connected to her house, where she houses, up to a dozen cats at a time...brings them up, cares for them, pays their vet fees, and socializes them, until their adoption.

We never knew each other existed and now, we are family forever!

Monday, March 26, 2018

What's the big deal?

Did you watch the 60 Minutes segment with Anderson Cooper and whatever that woman's name is?  I can't remember...did 60 Minutes do an interview with Monica Lewinsky back in the day? Not while Clinton was in office, I don't suppose.

What a fiasco.  All up in arms about what a man did 11 years ago.  So...Trump is a pig or was a pig, or possibly will always be a pig.  Powerful men attract women.  The men with their huge egos, are enamored by the attention.  At least he hasn't had any dalliances while he is President--that we know of.
I've been watching the Kennedy documentary on CNN every Sunday night at 9:00.  I am surprised how open CNN has been about this family.  So far they haven't mentioned anything about the many affairs or sexual encounters President Kennedy had before and during his time in office, but when his life in the White House is all laid out, in chronological order, he was a very ineffective President.  He told brother Bobby, "If I don't have sex at least once a day, I get terrible headaches."  So it was up to Bobby to build JFK a nice harem.

His first year in office was a fiasco.  The Bay of Pigs incident, the whole Civil Rights movement that he didn't want to get involved in.  If it hadn't been for his brother Bobby, advising him on every move, and Daddy on the sidelines helping him and Jackie charming everyone, and his doctor injecting him with a cocktail of drugs every day, this man wouldn't have known how to pardon the Thanksgiving Turkey.  Yet the American people were duped into thinking he was some kind of Saint.

At least he didn't kill any of them like brother, Teddy.

How far back do you want to go with President's having dalliances with women, other than their wives?

FDR died in the arms of his mistress in Warm Springs, Georgia, while his wife Eleanor was in New York, sleeping with her woman friend.

Eisenhower?  Kay Summersby, his British driver and mistress while he served in WWII.  At least that affair ended when he returned to the States.

Kennedy gets the Blue Ribbon for Man Whore in Office, but LBJ wasn't far behind and had his fair share--before and while in office.

Clinton?  Oh my Gosh!! He had them before--$850,000.00 paid to Paula Jones to keep her mouth shut.  Even when he and Monica were shown in vivid color to the entire world and he lied about all of it, most of my Democratic friends laughed, "Oh, he's just a playboy."  He had many affairs before and while in office and according to the Secret Service, he still has a "Special Lady" that lives a couple of miles away from his New York home.  While Hillary is on tour, the SS drives up the road and brings the Special Lady for a visit with Billie Boy.

Obama?  Never!  Probably not because he hasn't had the chance, but he knows darn well that if he played, Michelle would beat his wimpy body within an inch of his life!  She's got all the muscle in that family.

So now we have this doo-dah.  At least he isn't diddling 
while he is in office.  So why the big uproar now?