title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, March 2, 2015

Hello. Is Anyone Still Out There?

Today I am grateful for March and Sunshine.
For a friend who took me out to supper
another Dear Friend who sent me two
books of stamps.
I was down to one stamp in this house
with 4 birthday cards and a bill to mail


Why don't people post on their blogs anymore?

I have my favorite blogs on the right side-bar on my page and when the author of that blog, writes a new post, it pops up to the top of my list.  I get so tickled when that happens.  Sometimes there are three or four new blog posts and I love it.  I read and comment.

At the bottom of that list of blogs are some that are still active, but no posts for months or even a year.  That makes me sad.  I know those authors are still "alive" as I see them on Face Book.  They might post a status or share a link.  That just leaves me cold.  There is nothing in those short comments that has any real meaning.  I want to know what they are feeling.  What is going on in their lives.  What they did that was funny, or not funny or just plain every day stuff.

I miss them.

So many on Face Book now, just share links.  Link after link, but no message.  I am guilty of this too, I know.  So many links that it takes me an hour just to read the new ones on my home page.  Nothing of substance.  I guess in this fast paced world, that is what we are left with.

So many of these "lost" bloggers come to my blog to read my posts, I see they have visited by the counter, also on the right side-bar, that shows the city they have come from.  They don't often leave comments.  I get so much out of what my reader's comment.  I can't begin to tell you how many of those comments have helped me.

My blog is just mainly about my ponderings on how life seems to me or is to me.  I write these thoughts down to get them on paper, where I can read them, later if need be, and to elicit a comment that can help me sort out my ponderings.  

Many times, the comments have given me more things to ponder and at times, have helped change my mind about how I thought about something.  Many times, just the support in the comments, are so helpful.  Many times, the commentator has written that they feel the same way and that let's me know, I am not alone.  I am not going nuts, if someone else has experienced or feels the same way.

I HAVE to write!  I HAVE to reach out to people.  I live alone and some day's do not speak a word.  Most days, do not talk to another human being.  I guess my blog posts are my way of communicating and the comments are answers back from friends.

It is the same with reading others posts.  I feel almost like we are sitting and talking.  I am listening to you and then I "talk" back to you.  I sure miss the ones who have quit posting.  I sure miss the ones who come to visit, but leave no comment--kind of like you came up to my door, but didn't bother to come in for a chat.

My front door is never locked.  Come on in sometime, even if just to say "Hi."

Thanks Alice :-)
Christmas 2015 Projects:

Sunday, March 1, 2015

It's The Simple Things

I think, if we think about it, it's the simplest things in this life that have meant the most to us.  At least I am finding that out.

Today, I am so grateful that while my brother-in-law was at Lowe's shopping for whatever, he dropped my sister off here and she and I had an hour to chat and laugh and giggle, and catch up.

Simple?  Yes--and it just made my whole weekend!

Then Pammie called.  We also laughed and joshed each other back and forth.  She and I are so alike!

Simple?  Yes--and it just made my day!  

Saturday, February 28, 2015


I am very, very grateful that the sun is shining brightly, 
steaming in through the windows to warm my house 
that today, 
is the last day 
of the longest month in the entire year!

Friday, February 27, 2015

February 27th

Truly Grateful
Today I am so grateful that after two weeks of communication via e-mail and 
one week of talking on the phone, 
I took one more chance and,
finally accepted a date with a guy named Fred, 
10 years ago on this day.

Yes--it took me a while!  I had sworn off on men--nasty critters that they were.  A couple of long-term relationships, that started off nicely, but always,  ALWAYS, it ended through no fault of my own.

I could not take another chance.  I had become comfortable living on my own and then...coincidence or God happened, and quite by accident this, what appeared to be a really down to earth, nice man, found me.

By the end of that first date, we were both quite smitten with each other.    Perhaps because we had communicated so much before we met?  We already knew each other's history and at least, didn't have to go through all that on the first few dates.

I have been grateful ever since and still am.  How lucky I was that, for the first time in my life, there was someone who really loved me.  The first man I ever completely trusted.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Lenten Gratitude
Today I am so grateful that I filled up my car with gas yesterday.

I had to run up to Wal-Mart today.  On my way, I passed the gas station where I got gas yesterday for $2.29 a gallon.  It was the same.

Forty minutes later, on my way back home, I glanced and noticed, gas was now $2.49 a gallon--same station.

Pearl got the surgeon's report on her uterine tumor that was removed.  Benign!!  I am grateful for that too.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

It's A Shiny Day

Lenten Gratitude--Day 8
Today I am grateful that the sun is out, 
the wind is down and even at 19 degrees, 
it wasn't too awfully cold while I filled up my car gas tank.

It was stated in the news that Livingston County is the richest county in Michigan.  Which makes me ponder on why I am living in this County. I knew within three months of moving here that doctor, dental, medical, etc. rates where higher than the County I had just come from.  Gas prices always seem to be a bit higher here also.  Home prices certainly are.

The crime rate is extremely low, which is a good thing.  We have a population of 190,00 in this County.  96.8% White, 0.6% Black, 0.9% Asian, 1% Hispanic.  Which may explain the low crime rate. (That sounds racist, doesn't it?).  Well, truth is, as truth is.

I have lived here 12 years and I have seen perhaps a half dozen Blacks.  Of those half-dozen, five are either doctor's or attorneys, working at the U of M in Ann Arbor.  I saw a black lady in Wal-Mart last week and it sort of startled me.  I guess I have become accustomed to living in a "white" world.

Before I moved here, I lived in Saginaw and before that, I worked in Flint.  The population of white to black in those two areas is about 60-40.  We all moved around together and thought nothing of it.

Wouldn't it feel strange to be in a big Wal-Mart store and be the only person of your race?  She didn't appear to be uncomfortable, but was in a hurry.  The Wal-Mart is just one mile off the expressway--perhaps she came from the expressway and just ran in for a few items?  I don't know, but I saw other's reactions and they seemed taken aback too.  It is that unusual, in this County.  Anyway, she was behind me in the "20 or less" check-out lane and I told her to go ahead of me,  She had a lovely smile and said, "Thank You."

Where is this going?  I have no clue.  I live in the richest County in Michigan and it is 96.8% white, the crime rate is very low and I wonder if that has anything to do with it..  (There I go again.  Sounding like a racist!)

Today I went to the Food Bank.  What a disappointment.  Perhaps because it is late in the month?  They had no ground beef--in fact they had very little meat at all.  I did get a can of beef with juice that Pearl told me she got last month and it was very good.  I also got an onion, a potato and some baby carrots.  I will put them and the beef all together and come up with something like stew.  I came up to the scales with only 21 pounds of stuff.  I am allowed 60#.  Although I never get that much.

I went up the road a bit to the gas station and filled up my car--only $20.00.  It used to cost $40.00, so I am liking the low(er) gas prices.

Then, I was going on up the road to Wal-Mart, but...I just didn't have it in me.  My stomach has been iffy for the last two days.  My neck, shoulder and arm are paining me life crazy and my back hurts.  So, I just came home, put stuff away and sat down in my chair with my hot Rice Sock over my shoulder.

I have been sleeping so well.  The doc recommended 5 mg Melatonin, a natural hormone that our bodies lose as we age.  I take it at bedtime and it really works great.  However, I have been waking up with the bad neck and shoulder ache.  Time to try a different pillow, I guess.

Dar came over this morning--at 9:30!!!  She liked my doctor!!!  She hasn't gone to a male doctor for years because she doesn't trust men and she doesn't like to be touched, by anyone, but especially men.  She is still concerned with the cyst or whatever it is in her groin.  He didn't think it was serious enough to do surgery on it and cautioned her that surgery might make things worse.  It is probably caused by adhesion's that she has from previous surgeries.  So, he is going to contact the surgeon she had gone to, and research a bit before he decides if it might just be better to go in and aspirate it.

He did get her scheduled for her colonoscopy and blood work.  She didn't quite take him into her confidence yet about her mental issues--she said, "I have to trust him more."  I wondered how it was beneficial to go to a doctor if you DIDN'T tell him everything, but then...that's Dar.

Today, Ginger was very happy with the peanuts I put out for her and Smokey and Baby Boo.  I did see them, but only got a photo of Ginger.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

More Records Broken

Day 7 of Lenten Gratitude.
I am grateful that the tank of gas 
I put in my car on December 29, 2014
has lasted almost two months.

It is becoming an old story--even for this woman who likes winter.  It's like a record, playing the same thing over and over.  "A record low temperature in Michigan again today.  Wind gusts of 35 miles per hour expected."

I was pondering last night, "what if the weather kept on like this until April?  What would we all do?" 

The only reason we can stand this kind of weather is because we BELIEVE that spring will come again--that tulips and daffodils will again bloom in our gardens--that a warm zephyr will once again caress our cheek.  

Will we complain in July when record high temperatures hit?  Of course we will!!!

At least with my Ott floor lamp over my head many hours a day, I no longer suffer from S.A.D.  February used to be a killer for me.  I was deeply depressed most of the month.  Not any more.
So tomorrow I have to go to the Food Bank and then up to the gas station.  No one is here to offer to stand out in the bone chilling winds to fill my car up with gas.  It is not good to have barely any gas in your car in these low temperatures.  If there is the least bit of moisture in the gas lines, it WILL freeze.  Then I have to go to Wal-Mart and use my $16.00 worth of food assistance to get stuff to go with what I get at the Food bank to make meals.  I am down to $53.13 in my checking account.  Gas will cost me nearly $40.00.

Can March 3rd, Social Security day be coming any time soon?  YES IT CAN!! Thank You, God!!

I am inside today crocheting slippers.  :-)  "I'll think about tomorrow, tomorrow!"