-8 to 22 degrees today, down to a balmy -6 tonight.
Wind chill -20
Bright sunshine all day.
Just as I was to the point of frustration, after five days with 3 feet of snow in front and on top of my car--Tasmanian Devil Snow Boy arrived!!!!! He hadn't been able to get here because he was snowed in. He apologized. I was going to rip into him (or so I had been practicing to do), but of course, I accepted his excuses and even gave him double his normal charge. Hey--what can I say. I have blue eyes. Blue eyed people are kind, caring, sympathetic, and gullible--most of all, gullible, LOL. (Hey--I saw it on the internet so it must be true!)
They forgot, gullible!
I called the cardiologist office at five to five last night and canceled my appointment. It took me a month to get it and now I have to wait another month--February 5th. Good thing it isn't something serious. Well--I ASSUME it's nothing serious. That is why I was going--to check and make sure my low pulse rate isn't serious. It's been low for six months, so it can't be all that serious, or I'd be dead by now. I think I need to adjust my high blood pressure meds and hoping the doc will agree.
Tasmanian Devil Dan went slower today and did a great job. He is short in stature, so getting the snow up on top of the already piled high snow banks, was a problem, but he managed.
I am going to the bank, the grocery store and JoAnn's tomorrow---<smile> AND, it is suppose to be 40 degrees and rainy on Saturday. Good thing we don't have to worry about flooding here--at least I don't think we do.
Life is not only ironic at times, but I find it quite hysterical.
As you know, my microwave blew up (complete with blue sparks) just before Christmas. Then, after the New Year, the humidifier spit it's last bit of moisture out into the air. A week later, my vacuum sucked its last bit of cat fur and last night, I got my camera to take a picture of my cross stitch, so I could show you and the lens will not open. I had it repaired 18 months ago for the same problem.
My #1 resolution was; "Do not use the credit card!"
Apparently, I invited Mr. Murphy and his law, into my life by making that vow. Now, I wonder, what will go next. Hopefully..........oh I can't even say the words..............please, not that machine that from time-to-time, outputs nice warm air!!!!
Today, I made the "easy" peanut butter fudge recipe found on Face Book. It is microwaved. It turned out nice and smoothly firm, but the taste leaves a lot to be desired. I threw the recipe away, but now I have a pan of not so good peanut butter fudge and someone will have to eat it. Guess who? All the sugar I eat, I am surprised I don't weight 230 pounds or have diabetes!!! I think probably both of those things are more genetic than anything .
So--I heard on the news that a new extensive study has shown that aspartame is not harmful--good thing as I have been drinking Diet Pepsi since 1977 so I would be near death AND food made from GMO's is also not harmful. The latter study done in the UK over many years, with many subjects so I will believe it.
I have no food allergies. I pooh-pooh people that say they have Lactose Intolerance or are allergic to Gluten. I tell them it is all in their heads. (Just like I did when my friends had morning sickness, which I never had). Apparently it is not, but sometimes, it seems to me, people are way too concerned with what they ingest. If it tastes good, I eat it. I think I am particularly lucky to not have food or other allergies, nor any major diseases, AND a strong immune system at my advanced age.
The only reason I know of is being raised on a farm, drinking Cod Liver Oil when I was young (I loved the taste, but hate fish) having every childhood disease very hard (what didn't kill me made me stronger) , a good gene pool and pure, dumb luck or the fact that I have never drank alcohol in my life.
As I see friends and people my age, dropping like flies, I wonder, "Why not me?" It will all catch up with me someday, I am sure and--I really will be surprised and shocked!
As I see friends and people my age, dropping like flies, I wonder, "Why not me?" It will all catch up with me someday, I am sure and--I really will be surprised and shocked!
BTW--I have ordered a camera from e-bay, much like mine but a newer model, more zoom power and only $40.00. I didn't use the credit card, I used my Pay Pal balance :-)