My dear snow removal guy showed up--this time with a snow blower.
Dear Dan is 47 and has ADHD.
He goes at any job as fast as he can
When he comes in to get paid, he talks a mile a minute
and he talks forever! But--he is funny and I like him.
A good thing because--I think I will be seeing a lot of him this winter..
Glad I filled the feeder yesterday as I had a crowd all day.
This is a standing flower pot I have in my front garden.
It is at least 5 feet tall--so you can see how high the
snow drift is and the foot of snow on the top
This evening when I looked out.
Car is almost completely snowed in.
13.5 inches
...and a picture I just took of my front (computer) room windows.
That is snow blown up on the windows
What all this means is---I have had a couple of lovely days, watching sports and movies and cross stitching to my heart's content. Still not motivated to clean up this room--maybe tomorrow? Maybe not. LOL
The snow is supposed to quit around 4 a.m. I have no place to go until Wednesday, so I don't care. I love it in fact!!!
Oh, I gotta tell you. Darlene called at 3:00.
"How long is this suppose to go on?"
"Until early Monday morning."
"Well, it's getting to me! I don't like it. I can't get my back door open there is so much snow on the deck."
"Why do you want to open your back door?"
"What if someone came to my front door and I couldn't get passed them and needed to escape out my back door?"
<Good Grief!>
"Ah--in the first place, who would come to your door that you needed to escape from? And in the second place, no one is out driving in this blizzard, so no one is going to come to your front door."
"I heard that my daughter was coming to the area this weekend. What if she comes out here and tries to cause trouble?"
"She's coming here?"
"Yes--to East Lansing."
"Well--Indianapolis is getting this same snow storm, so she won't be going to East Lansing. Secondly, East Lansing isn't in this area--it is at least thirty-five miles west of here and IF she is there, she certainly is not going to be out driving down the expressway to come and harass you."
"Well--I don't like the fact that I can't get out and drive my car. I went out and started it just to make sure it would start."
"I thought you just got a new battery for it."
"I did, but I don't trust it, so I had to make sure it wasn't too cold."
"Well, right now, it's 27 degrees out and that isn't cold enough to hurt the battery and cause it not to start."
"Besides, you don't want to be out driving in this kind of weather."
"Well--I don't like being imprisoned!"
<Good Grief!!>
"You aren't imprisoned. Do you need something? Are you out of water or food?"
"Well, just relax. Take an Ativan, put your feet up and watch a nice movie. You'll be fine."
"I just want to be able to go for a drive---if I want too."
"You don't want too. You get out there on the roads and get stuck or slide into the ditch and you would be in big trouble. You are much safer right where you are."
"Do you think our roof will cave in from all the snow?"
"Not likely."
"What if the power goes out?"
"I've lived here almost eleven years and that has never happened."
"Yeah but--what if it did?"
"Darlene--you have no control over the weather or what happens because of the weather. Go in your bedroom, lay down and talk to Jesus in the Chair." (She has a chair by her bed that she swears Jesus sits in and talks to her at night.)
"Then--you aren't worried?"
"No. Not at all. They will have us plowed out by morning. Grand River will be clear by mid-morning. You don't have to work tomorrow, so--just relax and it will all be all right."
"'s suppose to get down to -35 tomorrow."
"I just heard, that is the wind chill. The real temperature will be in the single digits, but we will be all right."
"It's just driving me crazy not to be able to get out."
"Well--put on your coat and boots and go outside and go for a walk then. Come over here."
"I don't want to go out in this cold!"
<Good Grief!!!!!!!>
"Hey--don't forget. Season four of Downton Abbey starts tonight. Nine o'clock on PBS--a two hour view. Let me know what you think of it. Call me in the morning. Okay?"
"Okay--if I live through the night!"
Let's all calm down. It is winter. It is Michigan. We are FINALLY getting a "normal" winter and it is going to be a hard winter this year. Which--if you think of it--will make our spring and summer gardens even more beautiful than last year. The past winter's where it stayed above freezing, were not good for our perennials or our spring bulbs.
This is a geological cycle--global warming--which causes harsher winters and hotter summers. Just relax and don't forget to...breathe. What else can you do?
Let it snow!!!!!