title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Friday, December 27, 2013

I Am Here

The high temperature today was: 41 degrees
Lots of sun

I did nothing today except cross stitch.

Byron family and friends still without electricity--day #6.

See ya tomorrow.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Bye Bye Christmas

Today's high temperature was: 25 degrees
2" new snow and sunny
As yet--no power for my friends and family

Pammie has been staying with Jennifer.  She picked me up on Christmas Eve morning to go up to The Farm--where son Mark is staying with Susan and Chuck.  We had to stop at Pammie's house (where I used to live) first.  It was 35 degrees in the house!  Now--I lived in that area for 50 years.  We had ice storms and we had wind storms that broke off trees and shut off power, but the longest we ever went was 2 days--and that was in the summer.  I have never seen anything like this in my life.  It truly is a state of emergency for most of the county.  The problem?  The county and Consumers Energy USED to trim tree branches back from their lines--especially around their sub-stations.  They cut back on that about five years ago.  So this time, we have line men crews from Kansas, California, Nevada, Ohio and Indiana coming in to get the power back on.  I wonder how much the county actually saved--whatever it is, they will have to pay it to the crews.

So--Pammie and I figured out how to shut off the water and drain the pipes.  Then we got some RV anti-freeze and put it in the toilet bowls and down the drains. Pammie said, "If a man can do it--we can do it!"  and we did!!

Christmas Eve was wonderful!! For the first time in 43 years there was negativity in the house! No critical remarks--no jokes at another person's expense.  Susan had a picture of our Mother and Dad and also a picture of us with our Grandma--back in 1961 when Karen was just 2 months old.  I haven't seen my son so happy and congenial in years!!!

Then Susan sat down at the piano and played Christmas carols and we all sang.  Pammie got tears in her eyes and said, "This is just like it used to be when Grandma was alive.  I remember it so well," and son Mark said, "I remember too.  We always sang songs while Grandma played the piano."  None of my grandchildren remembered as they weren't born until 15 years after my Mother died. but my oldest grand daughter, Helene said, "Oh that must have been so nice!"  We could be "real" again this year, with the step-mother gone, and you could tell that everyone of us in that house loved all the others and knew they loved us.  What a blessing!!!

This is the frame I have had (like forever) for the cross stitch I am working on.
It is 26 x 9".

I have the farm I grew up on all done.  Kind of hard to see in this pix.
I got my Mother's little vegetable garden in there, and the Lilac bushes she loved.
Also the little well house and the windmill.  That group of trees, represents
the woods between our place and my Grandma's.
The white building on the upper right, is NOT a church.
It is the school house on the corner, where my Grandma
taught and my Dad attended for 8 years.
Williams District #10.

Now--this farm, my Grandma's farm and the one I lived on and raised by kids--is next.

The house and the hatchery across the drive.
I am wondering how to do the stone work on the front of the house.

P.S.  Bella,  you need new glasses.  I haven't colored my hair in six months.  It is grey all around the front and dark in the back.  I look like the old woman I am!!!  
But, thanks anyway.

Christmas Eve at The Farm

Today is the 5th day with no power for my family in Byron.  Thankfully my sister insisted they put in one of those $5K whole house generator's when they did the renovation, so our Christmas Eve was warm and happy.

This is was the oldest oak tree in the county, and one
of the oldest in the State.

My son Mark and his lady, Cindy

Pammie making Pumpkin Dump Cake

Pammie and Susan--Susan's son Adam behind them

Daughter Karen's crew all together this year

Susan's son and his family

This to prove that some have grown taller then Gramma.

I said, "I need a baby to hold on my lap," so
Madeleine obliged.

Monday, December 23, 2013

My Christmas Card To You

From our house to yours---
Judy, Buddy & Maggie

May the Lord bless you and keep you,
May the Lord make His face to shine upon you
and be gracious unto you;
May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you
and give you peace.

May the joy of Christmas fill your home
May the Lord bless you with a healthy and 
Happy 2014.

Love to all--Judy

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Two Days Work

It took two days to figure out and place the house.
I was born in the room behind the far right window.
(No, the chimney isn't crooked-just the cloth.)

The photo I went by and memory

December 22, 2013

Looks like an inside, cross stitch, kind of day to me.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Perfect Day To Cross Stitch

Today's high temperature was:  35 degrees
Cloudy, misty
Freezing rain coming tomorrow.
As for my book, crafts and other things--I would quote: "Truly I tell you," he continued, "no prophet is accepted in his hometown." 

When I first found out my book was being published as an e-book, I was so excited and told my father and family.  The announcement was greeted with an, "Oh--that's nice," and a pat on the head.

If I make a cross stitch or crocheted project for someone outside the family, it is raved over and appreciated.  If it is going to a family member, it is usually unwrapped and, "Thanks.  It's cute."  That's just the way life is.

It does hurt though, doesn't it?  Usually when we are creating something for someone else, we think of that person all the time we are working on it.  We have a perception in our minds of how they will react.  That's the problem with expectations--they rarely are as good as we think they are going to be.  

That's why, I do these craft projects and other things--just for myself!!!  That's why I decorate my house at Christmas time.  That's why I plant and work in my gardens--just for me, because, nobody else comes to visit or cares.

As for the luncheons, 4 or 5 of the gals belong to the Red Hat Society and live in or near the old hometown.  They see and talk to each other often and know all the gossip.  The other 3 or 4 of us, moved from the hometown years ago and are unaware of what is going on and they forget to fill us in--assuming we know, I guess. When I die and my funeral is in the old hometown church, they will send me a nice, small floral display and attend the funeral.  As will my children who don't have time for me now.  What more can I expect?  Nothing, actually.

So the warm weather moved in, melting the snow, which uncovers the icy roads underneath.  It is slushy and slippery on the streets in this park.  Once out on the main roads--they have all been salted and have been clean and dry for days.  At least, the weather looks good for Christmas Eve when I have to drive up to The Farm and drive home after dark.
A perfect day to cross stitch and watch TV.  That is about all I did today.  My eyes are just about crossed and everything is a bit blurry right now.

I got my corn planted and moved my cow back away from the fence

Got my John Deere tractor in there and got the little
school over on the corner done.

Tomorrow is predicted to be a day of afternoon freezing rain.  I think I will start on the house--which will go in below the barn.  I not only am obsessed with this, I am addicted now--I can't seem to put it down!