title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My Visit To The Police Station

Today's high temperature was: 91 degrees
Today's humidity was: 62%
Hot, hot, hot.
Then severe storms came through at 6:00 and it cooled off nice!!

I got a call yesterday to be at the State Police post in Brighton, today at 11:00 a.m. Although I didn't get to sleep until 5:00 this morning, I made it in time.

I had to fill out forms, and they took my picture--boy, they sure wanted to know a lot about me. My age and height and weight!!

A lady came to the holding tank and took me back to a room and made me lay down on a table that the guy called, "The Rack". He pushed down on my shoulders while the rack pulled up on my neck. Then he told me to sit up and said he was going to use a "gun" on me!!! It must have been an automatic pistol, because he shot up and down my spine and it felt like rubber bullets hitting me!  I told him he should put needles in the gun and then it would feel like acupuncture.

Then, this lady took me to another bigger room and sat me in a chair. She said, "Now we are going to electrocute you." I was ready to confess to anything--I would have said, "yes, I did it," even if I hadn't. 

She put pads on my back and shoulder and hooked up the electrical wires to a machine and ZAP--I felt the first shock hit me--and it got stronger and stronger!!!

The Chiropractor, that I went to four years ago, has moved into a beautiful new building.  It just happens to be where the State Police Post in Brighton, was housed until 2012.  

He said my shoulder's are coming up to hug my neck.  Me neck is extremely tight and I had lots of oweee's where pockets of lactic acid had settled--toxins, they called them.  I also got a very painful 20 minute massage.  I ache all over tonight, but I actually feel much better.  So far, my left arm has not gone numb!!  All that, and it only cost $15.00--that was for the massage--if I just get an adjustment, Medicare will cover it.  YAY!!!  I have to go back Friday.

I was going to go to the Rich's People's store, which is only about 2 blocks from his office, but by the time I got out of there, my legs felt like marshmallow creme and I was so sleepy.  I drove on home and climbed into my recliner.  After my soap, I headed back into town to get my salads, find a belt to hold up my blue jeans and stopped on the way home for a "five dollar foot long."  Next month, Subway's special "five dollar foot long" is going to be the Spicy Italian--my favorite.  Unfortunately, I have used up the gift card Pammie gave me for my birthday, but...I will find five bucks somewhere a few times next month.  A foot long sub makes 2 meals for me.

We had some heavy duty storms roll through.  60 mph wind gusts, hard, pounding rain and a nice cold front behind the storms.  I think autumn is finally here--starting tomorrow.  I am glad, actually.

Dar came over to pick up the frosting she wanted me to buy for her and, instead of paying me, she showed me this and wondered if I wanted it.

It came into the Salvation Army store today.
Brand new, still in the original package.

Here is the description on the package front:
Baby Quilt Stamped Cross Stitch Kit 34x43 - Mod Zoo: 
Happy faces will make baby smile. Zoo-inspired baby quilt 
is stamped for cross-stitch on white pre-quilted 
polyester/cotton fabric with a finished edge. 
Kit contains presorted cotton floss, needle, and instructions. Approximately 34 x 43" (86 x 109cm). Made in U.S.A.

Retail Price:

It was marked $2.99 on the package!!!
Now---when I get Elmo done and the other baby quilt done, then I have one to work on this winter.  I AM THRILLED!!!!!

Okay-I am  having a slight problem with my spacing.  I went into HTML and tried to change the codes, but when I return to "Compose", it goes back to the left margin not being where I want it.

Anyway--I wrote a letter to the Probate Court in the County where my step-mother lived and died and---no Will has been filed for probate in her name!  SAY WHAT???

This was an e-mail I got from their office today.

Dear Judith,

The Genesee County Clerk’s Office forwarded a letter to us, from you, requesting information on a will for Helen Walts.

Please be advised that the Genesee County Probate Court shows no record of a will for Helen Walts. There was a Petition and Order for Assignment filed on 6/13/13 (case number: 13-196433-PE) that may be viewed in our office Monday through Friday from 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. If copies are desired, they will be $1.00 per page.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

So--I sent back a reply and asked if it could be filed in Shiawassee County as that is where she lived most of her life.

This was her reply:

That’s a possibility. You might want to check with Shiawassee County Probate Court. People don’t always deposit their wills with the court for safekeeping, so even if you know there was a will it might be really hard to find. Good luck!

Does the first e-mail mean that the Order for Assignment mean it is going to be filed at a later date?  I should have taken a correspondence course in Law!!!  Of course, I could just ask my youngest, Jen The Attorney, but of course, she still isn't speaking to me.   

I shared the e-mail with my sister.  I didn't want her name involved at all, in case someone found out there had been an inquiry.  I was going to be the bad girl in all this.  It's not that we have to know an amount, or even when we might get the PROMISED annuity, but it sure would be nice to know that one is coming--so we could breathe a sigh of relief and plan a bit.  Susan certainly would like to go on with more renovation with the money that was PROMISED to her and I would just like to know that I can make it a few more years with the PROMISED annuity and not have to go on Welfare or file for bankruptcy!!!

Yes--it is my own fault, being in this position.  I got stuck with a credit card debt for Fred and then, after his oldest daughter said not to worry they would take care of the funeral expenses, so I put it on another credit card--and they didn't help after the first two months, but still.......................my household income was $2,300 on December 31s, Fred was paying half the household expenses and paying me back what he owed me, and then...on January 1, 2012, it dropped to $843.00.

DON'T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA--or anybody else.  I will get myself through, because...I just will!!

This is why I say that my Pammie, reminds me of me!  We are so gullible, or have no self respect or--get stupid with helping people and trusting and believing they will pay us back the money we lent them.   Thank Goodness, Pammie is twenty years younger then me and she is a lot smarter then I was at 54.  Maybe in twenty years, she will be in better shape.

Anyway--it is a scary thing each and every month. But, God has always taken care of me--always.  So--if it is in His plan, we will find out if the Will is like it is supposed to be, as PROMISED!!!

I have a home, a car, a computer and TV that work and two wonderful purry furry's--I have everything I need.

By the way, did you see Cape Cod Kitty's comment yesterday?  She said I should have gone over to where the hunky guys were taking the mobile home apart and ask if my moccasins might be up on the roof.  LOL!!!  I should have--I would have had a better view of their beefiness!!!

See ya tomorrow-Jude

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mission Possible!

Today's high temperature was:  89 degrees
Today's humidity was:  51%
Sunny--hot and humid

I just absolutely refused to go outside today.  The hot, wet air felt like it wrapped around me in a smothering embrace, when I stepped out on the porch to put the cat litter in the garbage pail, so............

Instead, I went on a complete and last, thorough examination of this house, in a quest of finding my moccasins!  This time, you would have thought I was hunting for the Holy Grail.  I started out in the bedroom--I worked in a clockwise direction.  I looked behind curtains and checked window sills.  I even looked up high on my cabinets and shelves.  I looked low under every piece of furniture.  I opened every box and trunk--every cubby hole was searched.  Da Nada.

It was suggested I pray to St. Anthony, so I did that: "Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony, come around for what was lost, must now be found."  Nothing.  So...I give up.  

Now--in that same spot, is another pair of slip-on's

So--what to do on a hot, humid day?  Stay inside where the temperature is 75 degrees and dry.  Hopped into the shower for a nice, long, very warm hosing down, then I looked out my window and what did I see?

They are taking apart, the house behind Pearl's--apparently they are moving it out of here.

Put the wheels back on it and took it apart.

Getting ready to put the protective covering on it
so they can haul it down the highway.
But wait...what is that on the roof? 

Be still my heart!!  
Let's watch this beefcake for awhile.
I think I just did an eye-hump!!!
Takes me back to when I was 16 and the football boys
used to come out from town and build up their muscles,
helping my Daddy in the fields.  I, of course, was on hand
to drive the tractor.  Saw a lot of tanned, muscled boys back then.
Had to wear a little bib to catch my drool.

Got the protective coating all on and probably haul
it out tomorrow.  Opens up my view for sure!!!

After a fun morning of watching beautiful young manhood, I sat in my recliner and made lists.  Watched my soap.  Cross stitched on Elmo.  Watched the TV news coverage of all the stuff about Syria and what we are or are not going to do.  Such a farce!!  

Dar came over to tell me that she has indeed been hired by Meijer's as a cashier and that she gave the Salvation Army notice--3 days notice.  Her boss, instead of wishing her luck, said, "I am really happy for you....and for me.  Now, I won't have to put up with your arrogant, mouthy attitude." (okay)

Dar said back, "And now I won't have to bite my tongue anymore and keep from telling you what a rotten manager you are!"

Guess she burned a bridge there!!

Pearl came down to show me a top that she wants to buy.  Kind of cute, it is purple and on the front is a picture of a cat laying in a hammock.  Merle goes to the Cardiologist I suggested tomorrow to get his Holter Monitor--finally!!!  Pearl is mad at her bank because she gets access to her account/statements on-line, so they quit sending her paper statements and she wants both.  I told her to go on-line where she can request both.  She said, "Oh, I hate that damn computer!"

Then she wanted to go through the house to look for my moccasins, so we did a walk through together and she proclaimed, "They aren't in THIS house!"

Then, tonight, I watched the President's address--Yawn--nothing new there.  I find it a bit strange that we are now letting Russian President Putin do our diplomacy for us and we still haven't made up our minds if we are going to throw 100 cruise missiles into Syria, or stay out of it.  

I am just about done with every lasting politician!!!  They are all so worried more about their next election, that they don't get anything done while they are in office.  I think they are totally out of touch with how the average American feels or needs.  All they do is bicker at each other--like they are campaigning for their next run at office.

The saddest part of all--I do NOT see one potential GOOD candidate out there!!!  Hillary Clinton makes me want to vomit!  I would rather cast a vote for Billy Boy, then for her!  I cannot stand any of the Tea Party people.  I could vote for John Kerry, if I had too.  I feel for the guy.  I think he would be a really good Secretary of State, if his boss would quit throwing him under the bus, making him look like he doesn't know what is going on, every time he makes a statement.  So--who does that leave?  In order for the Republicans to get back in the WH, they need to nominate a Hispanic or Black...because white, Republican voters  are in the minority now.  

I have loved politics since I was twelve years old.  Loved how it worked--fascinated with the nuances of it all.  Now, I hate to even read about it or watch it on TV.    

Putin says Assad will turn over his WMD, BUT, the US has to agree NEVER to intercede militarily--ever.  Well, that;s not a very good idea.  Obama wants to throw in a few missiles to let Assad know we don't like what he is doing.  Oh yeah, like that is going to deter the madman?  Kerry calls Assad a "Hitler"--well you don't go after a Hitler by throwing a few bombs his way--you go in and take him out.  We don't want to go in, because we can't afford money or personnel for that full scale action.  If we throw a few bombs his way--that will just give Assad a reason to retaliate--to escalate.   If we stay out, we look weak.  If we go in, we look like the aggressor.  In the meantime, with all this wishy-washy, going back and forth on a decision, we are losing credibility in the world as a world power.  

...and all the average American wants is for our government to do something to get us back to some form of economic stability.  


Tomorrow--I am finally (after thinking about it for 6 months) going to my chirocracker, getting a massage on my shoulder and neck and a neck adjustment.  I just cannot take the continual pain that runs from my shoulder up into my neck and down my arm--causing numbness.  

Then, after that, I am going to the Rich People's store for some salads and CAKE, then on to Meijer's for some file folders and a fire proof box and then, on to Subway for a "five dollar foot-long", and then on to Lowe's to get some deck paint because--My front porch has needed taking care of for three years.  Fred put a light stain on it five years ago--the steps are worn down to the original color/original wood.  I am going to paint it--dang nabbit!  Grey steps and deck and white railing and posts.  Then I am going to put black treads on the steps and next summer--put down a blackish piece of rubber backed outdoor carpet piece I have out in the shed.  I am real tired of this brownish porch that in no way matches my white house with black shutters.  I know--every one around here seems to stain their decks and porches that color, but--I am going to paint.  Probably have to re-paint it every year.  I don't care!!!!!  So there!!!!

Yesterday, I got Pam's name on my bank accounts as POD--she can access the money after I'm dead.  Got her put as beneficiary on my life insurance and in essence, have made her my executrix. Done with that youngest brat of mine.  I don't care if she is an attorney--she can help Pammie if she needs the help, but I want Pammie to sell the house, transfer the car title and keep whatever money is left over--if there is any.  She will split the sale of the house with the other 3.  Karen told me to do it. Mark told me to do it.  I didn't ask Jen, but I am sure she would be relieved not to have to do all the paperwork and make the phone calls.


Now--I am trying to pin Pammie down on when I can get her to the Opthmalogist, get her eyes checked and get her a pair of glasses.  I am tired of my daughter not being able to see!!!!  She loves to cross stitch and read, and she can't, because she can't afford glasses.  She saved for five years to get her dentures.  I gotta take care of this one thing--then I can rest easy.


A Rainy Monday

The high temperature today was:  74
The humidity today was:  87% !!!
Rainy all morning-61 degrees.
Then sun came out and it soared up into the high 70's.
Record heat wave coming tomorrow.
I didn't wake up in time to get to church yesterday.  Perhaps because, yesterday was Grandparents Day and they were doing something special for all grandparents and.............I am missing my four youngest grandchildren?  Was it some subconscious thought that made me turn off the alarm and roll over and go back to sleep?

I really needed to leave here and go out to find some solitude and peace.  I drove up to my hometown and into the cemetery, to find the new grave of a friend who died last week.  Found it--near my step-mother's grave.  Talk about solitude--cemeteries are the best for that.  No noise--no one chatting--peace.  Then I stopped over at "my" cemetery--nice there too.

Drove on over to The Farm to visit my sister. They are getting new siding put on.  The vinyl composite material the contractor used to make the gingerbread looks wonderful!!!  He took off the old gingerbread and made a template.  This place is going to look better then the original house, when it is done.

The only problem I can see--the new siding is not as wide as the old, but....it matches their new addition.

This is a collage I am working on.  Pictures of The Farm, before they started tearing down old buildings and adding on.  I want to print it out and put in an 8x10 frame for my sister.

Chuck had taken down shutters and the shutter holders.  The holders were covered with years and  years of white paint.  He was trying to sand the paint off them.  I suggested he put them in a can of gasoline, let them set and then scrape the paint off.  They turned out nice and clean and then he painted them with an old dark, brass color.  They look a "new" hundred years old.  They were putting shutters back up yesterday, so I didn't stay long.

My main reason for stopping in, was to pick up a quilt (that my great grandmother had made), for Karen's second daughter, Susanna.  She and her hubby are coming into Michigan next weekend.  Susan had enough of great grandma's quilt's to give to my three daughters and the four grand daughter's.  She asked if I wanted one, but I turned her down.  I said, "I don't need one.  It will just come back to you when I die, in a few years, so give mine to one of the kids."  I had two of my great grandmother's quilts at one time.  They aren't beautiful, like the one women make nowadays.  They were made for function.  I used them to lay outside on and get a tan.  My kids used them to drag around the yard to make tents, or on the beach, or thrown over something to keep paint off it.  When they got worn out and raggy, I threw them away.  No big deal.  <gasp>

Stopped in to visit with Pammie (remember--she only lives 1/2 mile east of The Farm) and on my way, noticed that someone is living in the Little House on the Corner--that is a good thing.  Now I know for sure, that will not be my home.

Pammie is hyper with happiness.  She talked a mile a minute!!!!!  It sure was nice to walk into "my" house and see it cleared of all of The Idiot's junk, sit down in "my" living room and just chat and laugh and relax with my daughter.  I gave her Fred's leather recliner and she let me sit in it.  I felt like his arms were around me.  She and Fred had a special relationship and she just loves his chair!

Got home around five, ate some supper and watched the end of the Tiger's baseball game.  Really nice day back home
I have a really weird, strange and spooky thing happen here.  I have a pair of leather, rubber soled moccasins that I purchased in St. Ignace (town north of the Mackinaw Bridge) 15 years ago.  They have become worn and loose.  I only slip them on when I need to run out to get mail, take out or bring in the garbage cans.  Saturday, when I vacuumed, I put them and my sneakers back on the rug by the front door.  I was gone most of yesterday afternoon.  This morning, when the mail lady came, I was going out to get my mail.  It was raining and I went over to slip into my mocs and they were gone!  I figured I had worn them in the house somewhere so I went into the computer room--nope.  The living room over by my chair--nope.  The kitchen--nope.  The bathroom--nope and finally the bedroom--nope.

Now, I was getting a bit concerned.  I checked every closet.  I checked under every piece of furniture.  I opened up every cupboard, even opened the dishwasher.  No moccasins.  Then I went out and looked in the garbage pail, in my garden shed--even in the trunk of my car--no moccasins.

How can that be?  They are too heavy for Maggie to drag and hide somewhere, but I went back and looked under the bed, dresser, chest of drawers, couch--anywhere I could think of--no mocs.

It is a mystery.  I can't believe that someone would open my house, take the mocs and leave?  Why not take the computer--TV--money laying out on my counter?  Makes no sense, but they are no where to be found!

I have written before about the age differences of my children.  I just found an old Christmas card that shows that pretty well.  We always sent out picture Christmas Cards.  This is from 1972.
Mark, almost 15.  Jennifer 1, Pamela 13, Karen 11.


Sunday, September 8, 2013


Because, she always wore braids and I always wore a pony tail

Saturday, September 7, 2013

And The Beat Goes On

The high temperature today was:  82 degrees
The humidity today was:   62%
The air conditioner was turned on at 7:00 tonight!

If one doesn't get to sleep until 5:30 a.m., and one awakes at 10:30 a.m., that doesn't count as sleeping in!!

I was so hyper last night.  Like a little kid, overexcited from a party, I could not sleep.  I hope tonight is better, because I have to get up at 8:00 to make it to church by 10:15.

When I went to get the mail today, in the box was a smallish envelope.  The return address was from my BFF's younger sister, Patty.  When I opened the package and saw her note, I gasped.  Her handwriting looks exactly like Arlene's.  Inside, was a small yellow book, full of photos from when our band went to Bob-Lo Island (near Detroit.)

Also, three loose photos.  I especially loved this one.

Just as we did when we were little, here we are playing in the water
40 years later!!  At her cottage.

My wedding day

My 25th anniversary day
(I can see the reflection of my husband in the sliding door.)

Her surprise 40th birthday party.  Me, welcoming her 
into her OWN house!!!

Such a treasure these pictures are for me.  Her family is getting the house cleaned out and are having an estate sale in a couple of weeks--19th-23rd.  I will go and try and see if I can find something personal of hers to buy--a small ring or something I remember and meant something to both of us.  I met her the first day of Kindergarten.  We double dated all through high school.  We lived 3 miles from each other.  She had a girl and two boys. I had a boy and two girls (and then Jen, who Arlene baby sat with a lot.)  We took camping trips and vacations together.  Our kids all grew up together.  When she got her cancer diagnosis, she called me to tell me before she told her sisters or her kids. She asked me to notify our friends a couple days later, because she just couldn't tell them.    

What really tears me up.  When we both went through menopause, we both had hemorrhaging problems.  I didn't have health insurance, so my doc put me on iron pills and I lived with it for three years.  She did have insurance, so she asked her doc for a hysterectomy.  He refused.  She tried another doc, he too refused.  She died of ovarian cancer 20 years later.  IF she had the hysterectomy, she never would have had the cancer.  There is no cancer in her family.  That is what made me mad at the time of the diagnosis and still makes me mad!!!!!   

She died March 28, 2012 and I have missed her every day since.

I love you, Wienie!!!!!

Today, I decided to try out my oven to see if it still worked.  I haven't baked in almost two years.  I had the ingredients for Chocolate Chip Cookies, so..................I did buy a new small box of baking soda, because I wasn't sure how old the box in my cupboard was.

The nice big "grandma" bib apron my sister made for me.

Gathering together of our tools

The recipe--no I don't bake by throwing things together.
I need precise instructions.

Beat the butter and sugars together--add 2 eggs.
(you have no idea how long it took me to save money
for this fixed head mixer.  I've had it about 20 years and
love it fiercely!!

Add the dry ingredients, chips and walnuts

I always use a smallish melon scoop to scoop the right amount of dough for each cookie

Ready to go..........

....into a 350 oven for exactly 12 minutes

Take out, let set on sheet for 2 minutes

I use paper bags to cool the cookies on.  This must be an old one.
I know we went shopping at a Food Lion when we were on the Outer Banks
Is no Food Lion in this part of the world

What I am going to do with 6 dozen +3 cookies is beyond me.
I ate six and froze the rest.

The cookies were good.  The oven did not explode and the smoke alarm did not go off.  I consider that a SUCCESS!!
Balisha posted on her blog about trying to find silence in our lives.  I am in great need of silence right now.  My sister likes noise--I like quiet.  I should trade places with her, LOL. 

There is never a time of complete silence around here.  I have gone out on my porch to sit at two in the morning, and yet I hear the occasional traffic on the Inter-State, three miles away. 

I have everything turned off in this house, right now--seeking total quiet, and still--there is the whirr of the refrigerator, the klump of the ice maker, the hum of the computer.  Complete silence is impossible.  

Neighbor Tami, lives so close and she is very noisy.  She never gets in or out of her car without slamming the car door--I mean, SLAM!  When she closes her kitchen cupboard doors, she doesn't shut them, she slams them.  Sometimes, it sounds like she is moving furniture over there, or hanging a few pictures on the wall--drives me nuts.

The same with light.  I like it totally dark when I go to bed. There is a Mercury light at the end of the street--50 feet away. Oh by the way--they hum too.  Tami, on the bedroom side, has a motion detector light on her front porch. If a car drives by on the street or an animal walks across her lawn, that dang thing turns on and seems to never go off!  She lives so close and she is very noisy.  

PLUS--and this is the kicker--I have had Tinnitus since 1995.  I don't have ringing in my ears--I have a high pitched sound.  So it is never completely quiet in my head/ears.

Tomorrow--after church--seeking some SPACE around me AND more quiet, I am driving up to The Farm.   At least, I can walk in the woods for a bit and hear nothing--except the Cicadas (Tinnitus) that sound in my head/ears.  I can sit out on their front porch and hear only the breeze in the high maple tree branches.  The drive there and back will be peaceful.  I need it a lot, right now.

I am going to take a couple "ZZZ Quil" and go to bed.  I hope I can get more then 5 hours sleep tonight!!!  No wonder my eyes are always red and I look like death warmed over.

Oh, by the way...Monday I am calling around to find a doc who does eye lid lifts.  I was suppose to have my lids done four years ago--they interfere with my seeing, so now---IT IS TIME!!! I'm scared, but maybe with that, it will help make my face look a bit more awake.  BETHIE--I checked.  Life Style Lift costs on average, $7,500.

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Most Beautiful Girl In The World........

Today's high temperature was:  72 degrees
Today's humidity was : 36%
Once again--Sunny, breezy, beautiful!
I think the reason I got flirted with yesterday was my pheromones.  You know--I was a bit stinky, with that musky, female smell?  That must be it, because I just looked in my mirror tonight and I look TERRIBLE!  My eyelids are so low--I need a lift--my eyes look hooded.  Around my eyes is red--all the time now--I have dark spots on my face and wrinkles on my neck.  My hair is way too short and is getting grey.  I look so terrible, that when I saw my expression in the mirror, it startled me and I said right out loud, "Oh Dear God.  I look awful!"  I look sick and really, like I am half dead!!! Quite a shock actually. As you will see later in the photos posted.

I wanted to tell you--I have sold three sets of books on E-Bay and 1 lone book on Amazon.com.  I collect certain authors, keeping the books, thinking I will read them again, but I usually don't.  I usually give them to The Salvation Army or the library, but this time---I sold all my Nicholas Sparks books, the Cedar Cove series by Debbie Macomber and my (Father Tim) Mitford series by Jan Karon--total= $107.00.  The strange thing is, I have a James Herriot book, that is a First Edition, First Printing, that just doesn't seem to want to sell--and I only want 8.00 for it.  Hm-mm.
This is what happened when I opened the refrigerator door this morning.  Oh Oh!!
Now, if I was Pearl, I would use this excuse to go out and buy a new refrigerator.

But--I am Jude.  Household repair woman extraordinaire!
So, I gathered my tools.  Gorilla glue and duct tape.
Didn't need the WD40 for this job.

I do not have C-clamps, so I put duct tape on, to hold it while the glue dried.

Bada Boom, Bada Bing, fixed.  Good as new!!


Then I decided it was time to clean the shower stall.  I made up a spray bottle of my wonderful bathroom/sink/tile cleaning mixture.  12 oz. vinegar, warmed for 2 minutes in the microwave.  12 oz. of BLUE Dawn dish washing detergent, 12 oz. water.  Wet down the shower stall, sprayed on the cleaner, let it set for 20 minutes, scrubbed it down with my mop (ouch, the shoulders and arms hurt again) rinsed it off with the hottest water possible AND, shining again and it doesn't pit or hurt the shower stall material in any way.  The shower walls felt kind of rough with calcium and lime build-up--afterwards, smooth and nice!!
The same cleaning solution I used on the back of my shed.
I could have put bleach in this solution, but--forget.

Then, I came out to get ready for my big night!!!  The football game and the Marching Band!!
The last two days, Maggie has taken too laying
like this on the couch.  Usually she has her front paws crossed,
her head on them and naps on the couch.
Sweet girl.  Bitey, but sweet.
I drove into Brighton, parked in the Meijer's parking lot and Karen and Mark picked me up and off to the high school football field we went.  I walked farther tonight then I have in about 5 years.  We parked on the east side of the new stadium and walked way around to the west side.  Probably 1/4 mile.  Up the bleacher steps to get to our seat.  Bleacher steps have really high risers--never noticed that before, but I did have a hand rail.  During the third quarter, I walked to the bathroom and back--another 1/4 mile total, back up the bleacher steps. Afterwards, 1/4 mile back to the car.  Almost a mile!  Doesn't sound far, but it was for me.

Here at home--I can barely make it down to the lake, which is only about 1/8 mile, WHICH MEANS--I have been lazy.  Tomorrow I am going out and walk around the block.  DAMMIT--I can do it!!

I was there to see my grand daughter Madeleine, who is a Senior this year (gasp) in the marching band.  They are called the Marching 200, but actually there are 245 kids in the band.  245 kids!!!  That is about the total number of kids who were in my school, from K-12.  

Imagine--that number in just the band.  I have 3 other kids in the band that I absolutely adore as much as my own grand children.  Drew, who also plays the horn.  Brian, who plays horn and Matt, who plays trombone, but this time of year, is the main Drum Major.  These kids are fantastic!!  I might note here that these kids come from quite wealthy families, so they have private music lessons--they attend band camp and are quite privileged.  You'd never know it however.  They are not stuck up, they are so respectful and polite--blows my mind.  Matt attended West Point this summer for training.  They are ALL involved in the Leadership Club at school--open only to Seniors.  They call me Gram Gram!   

I had the most wonderful time--cried on the way home because, through the miracle I experienced with my last hip surgery--I can once again LIVE!!!  Also--family times are getting more and more and MORE important to me every day.  I will attend every thing Maddie is involved in this year--because, 9 months from now, all the great times I have had watching those 5 kids of Karen's, grow up and all their school functions, will end.  AND by the looks of the pictures taken of me tonight--I just hope I make it!!!!!

On the way into the stadium, we had to stop and pay homage
to granddaughter #2 (Susanna) for the school record she
still holds from 2004, for the 800 (track).

 Susie Rivard
By the way, she and hubby Derek qualified last week to run
in the Boston Marathon next April.  I told her to wear a 
flak jacket. (Because of the bombing this year.)

...and here they come!
 Matt--my other adopted grandson, is the one in the middle.
 and, by the way, he has been told he has a very good chance of being the drum major
for Michigan State University marching band next fall!!!

Madeleine--over that fat guys right shoulder.

I was several rows up and had my zoom lens, but he saw me!!!
I love the way his ears stick out.
Matthew--I adore him.

Maddie and Drew, the other adopted grandson.  He is
President of the Senior Class!!!
Isn't he adorable!!!

The drum line doing their thing.  Great!

Maddie is gorgeous without make-up.  Gramma--see what I mean?
I look terrible!!!!!  I hope I didn't embarrass her!!!
Nobody flirting with this old hag for sure!!!

I don't know this Bulldogs name, but I know he was pooped out!!!
Their mascot.

I didn't get a picture of Brian, my other adopted grandson, but Karen did and will e-mail it to me.  His name is Brian Tang.  I call him "Ting Tang"--because of the Witch Doctor song?  Oo ee oo ah ah, tin tang, walla walla bing bang, remember that one?  Of course, these youngsters never heard that song.  Hope I don't embarrass them!!!
I feel wonderful right now--close to midnight, and I know I won't be able to find sleep for a few more hours. I am totally GEEKED--or hyper or high, whatever.  I had the most wonderful time tonight.

Time to take a Naproxen so I can get out of bed tomorrow--see ya, Jude