title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Saturday, September 28, 2019

For some unknown reason, since Fred died, I have not been able to read any book all the way through.  I can't believe there is any correlation between the two events, but.................

People have raved about books they are reading and loaned them to me to read and three chapters in, I'm like "Meh" and put it aside.

Maybe it's because my memory has dwindled and when I pick up the book to read the next chapter, I have forgotten what happened in the chapter before?

I don't know.

Then a couple of weeks ago, I was reading a blog I follow:
http://cominghometomyself.blogspot.com/ and the author stated she had finished a book she has been working on for 20 years.  It was on Amazon.

I read a description of the book and also because I wanted to support a fellow blogger, I ordered it.

OH MY GOSH!!  I love this book!!!  I can't put this book down!

I love the way the publisher set it up--nice large print, so it's easy to read.  The style in which the main character's thoughts are printed.  The whole store line.  It is fascinating.

Just go to Dee's blog, the link above, and she has a description of the plot.  You might be interested too.

I guess there is nothing wrong with my memory or my interest in reading.  It just takes a very special kind of book to hold my interest.


  1. There is a correlation between your lack of concentration for reading and Fred's passing. I've talked to many widows who have experienced this. Mine lasted about three years before which time I always had my nose in a book. I still don't read as much as I used to but its coming back.

    I'm glad you're enjoying Dee's book, she's such a nice lady. I loved her first memoir and will buy the next memoir about her life after the convent. The 'spy book' is not my cup of tea subject-wise. But I really admire her dedication to writing the story. It's quite an accomplishment.

  2. I have recently been reading lots of books, all from the library. For years now I have bought books, and spent lots of money doing so, most of which I read and then passed on to others. This year I decided to start ordering my books from the library and I try all sorts of things. Many do not hold my interest and they go back to the library in a day or so. Some I skip whole chapters to get to the point of the book. I don't believe one has to read every word on every page of a book.

  3. Enjoy. Glad you found something.
    Coffee is on

  4. I too had trouble reading a book cover to cover for 3-4 years after my husband died. But, I never stopped listening to books on CD. My library now offers the ability to download audible books to my PC (or any other WIFI device I can download their app too) and they also offer a Walkman like device that uses my earplugs or headset to listen to the book. I especially enjoy books read by the author. You might enjoy listening to a book while you crochet.

    I don’t comment very often, but do enjoy reading your blog. Please don’t stop writing.

  5. Dear Judy, what a surprise when I came to your blog just now--to find that you were sharing with others your enthusiasm for "The Reluctant Spy." Thank you so much. I've always known, during those 22 years of coming back again and again to this book, that it wouldn't be the "cup of tea" many readers enjoy. Lots of readers like fiction, many fewer like historical fiction, and may fewer than that like historical fiction about biblical times. So I didn't expect a lot of readers and thus I am overjoying when someone really likes the book. Thank you so much, you've made my day. And the autograph is coming! Peace.

  6. I used to be an avid reader! I still read but it takes me much longer to read now! Sometimes several weeks for one book, where I used to read at least 2 a week! Oh well, I find my concentration is a lot less now for some reason!

  7. Just checking on you! Hope you're doing well!
