title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Well, it's official.
I have completed 80 years of life.

It feels weird.  You'd be surprised how differently 80 feels from 79--which I was on Thursday.  When someone asks how old I am, when told 79, they just kept on, but when told 80, it's like now they view me as elderly.  A lot of "youngers" view the elderly as slow, falling down, memory loss, in the way, sort of humans they have to put up with.

I don't understand at all how I got to be this old, this quick.  There seems to be no definition of how 80 year old's are suppose to think or act.  I don't feel 80 in my mind.  I just don't quite know what I am supposed to do now.  

My face isn't full of wrinkles.  I don't have dentures.  I don't use a cane or a walker.  I am still quite straight and tall and not hunched half over with Arthritis.  I don't take naps and I'm not Lactose or Gluten intolerant.  I don't wear Depends, I still eat spicy food and I go to bed at midnight not 9:00pm.  I drink way too much caffeine and puff on my nicotine vapor pen.

People say, "Age is only a number."

Yeah...it's a number.  A really high number.

It's a scary number.  I've seen it in neighbors, family and friends.  80 is when everything starts to go wrong.  Pacemakers and heart surgeries become the norm.  Old age diseases set in.  You start thinking about which nursing home or care facility you can afford.  You make sure all your important papers are up to date and you plan your funeral.

It happens so quickly.  You feel great one day and the next you have taken a fall and your internal organs are bleeding.  You get the news of a terminal disease.  The next thing you know, you're in Hospice.  The next few years are going to bring all of this.

I should be grateful, and I am, that I've lived this long.  So many of my friends have not had that privilege.  I miss them, but know in the back of my mind, I will soon join them.

Negative?  No, realistic.  Truths that I know are coming and wondering how I will handle it all.

I hope gracefully, but I very much doubt it.

I don't know who I am anymore.  

It is very disconcerting. 


  1. You are the same person you were before your birthday, though I will admit that many people do judge that birthday as some kind of turning point which is so unfair. Look at you! You've got so much going for you with the things listed above. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a little cake.

  2. Congratulation on a wonderful milestone of 80. Many more years.
    Coffee is on

  3. Happy 80th Birthday. Those milestone birthdays can be confusing, I am well into my senior years too. In my case, as you said, it's only a number, but a BIG number. Enjoy the day and the year.

  4. Happy Birthday! Wishing you many more wonderful years to come!

  5. I hear you. some similar but since 82 a lot changed, now severe arthur,
    balance bad at times and use cane and heart attack 3 months ago. Told
    I am doing good, but do not like this if it is good. Never told my age
    as always looked younger then the number and now when I say sailing through my 80's told you do not look like it. I do not care what I look like just want to feel better. Cannot do like in the past, energy jus not there, but do not take naps, up at 5 and to bed by 8 a lifelong habit. Enough shared.

  6. I understand! But at 80 you are in better shape than I am at 70. I’ll be 71 in September.
    Still......this is the day the Lord hath made, we will be glad and rejoice in it! He gives us grace for every day......
    My 100 year old friend never dreamed she’d still be alive! You may have 20 more years!
    I try to live each day to the fullest and make the best of what I’ve got and take care of myself and Louis Dean. You have a lot of adventures ahead of you!

  7. First a belated happy birthday! I know as I age that is kind of a misnomer! But, I suppose as in aging, every day we wake up and can do the things we want is a good one. You are right and being realistic, I think of it in terms of rebounding as we age we can't rebound as quickly or perhaps not at all depending on what it is. Our cells just don't have the ability to do what they once did. But as long as we can have a good day and be independent that is a good one!

  8. You may be like my sister. She had arthritis, but otherwise her health was fine. She lived in her own apartment, drove, took care of herself with no assistance. Cooked for her grandkids every chance they would give her. Went Christmas shopping one Saturday. Came home, unloaded her purchases, took off her shoes, made a cup of coffee, and collapsed and died. No warning. No debilitating illness. Just gone.

  9. Happy birthday, Judy! I'm 56 and very much doubt I'll get anywhere near 80 (for health problems that can't be cured...yet), so I must say congratulations on reaching that and still relatively healthy. I think it's disconcerting to you because not so far in the past, 80 was old, very old. Most people who reached that age were like you described - stooped, memory problems or senility, many health problems. It wasn't the norm to be as healthy and mentally alert and stable as you are. But people are living longer and healthier. I remember when I thought 60,70,80 was OLD. Not so much, anymore, lol. I have siblings in their 60s and 70s who don't seem old to me at all. And while I don't know you personally, neither do you. You keep your mind alert and fresh doing your cross stitch, genealogy and watching your favorite sports teams on TV. You are still active and cognitive enough to drive, grocery shop, clean, garden, pay bills...all things you did 20,30,40 years ago. So maybe don't view it as a downhill slide as a continuation of life. After all, we begin aging as soon as we're born. You just keep going. Well done!

  10. My mom is turning 82 this week and she seems so discouraged about it, although she's very healthy. I don't know what to say because, what's the alternative? Being in the grave. None of this are getting out of this alive. I hope I can age with grace but we shall see. I hope you received Greg's and my greeting and gift. xoxo

  11. I think you do very well, Judy. You have a lot of spunk, a great personality. Not too many people these days seem to think 80 is 'old' like they did years ago. I'm not going to be old until I am.

    So glad the family (the ones who could) gave you such a wonderful birthday party. I love you!

  12. Happy belated birthday! I always get a bit of an AHHH moment when I enter a new age bracket on forms. Otherwise, I just celebrate. Not much of an alternative that I'm interested in! Love you!

  13. Happy Birthday Judy! All the best in the coming year.

  14. You are very blessed with good health!!
