title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, July 2, 2018

Let me see...where did I leave off?

Ah yes.  Pammie is home from New Jersey.  She has 4 different doctor's appointments, an appointment with the Social Security office and an attorney.

She and Karen came over on Thursday and stayed for 4 hours!!!!!!!!!!!  Karen brought food and Pam painted my toe nails for me.

Oh my--we had some great conversations and a lot of laughter. 

Karen said, "Mom, your house looks great!"

I said, "I got busy and cleaned up the clutter, dusted, vacuumed and mopped the kitchen floor.  When kids visit their elderly parents and see messes, they start thinking about nursing homes, because Mom can't take care of herself anymore."

Pam said, "We've discussed this Mom.  Karen is going to drive, you will sit in the back with me and when we get to the nursing home, Karen will slow down, I will open the back door, say 'drop and roll Mom' and gently push you out!"

Karen was nodding her head.

I said, "I'm staying here as long as I can!  I don't want to end up in one of those places, sharing a room with Ditzy Donna!"

We all laughed and laughed.  Then Karen said,  "Mom, I have wondered though, if you would ever want to move into an assisted living place.  You can get assistance or none, whichever you prefer."

"Sure.  They cost about $3,000.00 a month.  Are you going to pay for that?  Besides I have a plan."

Pammie says, "What's that?"

"When you go back to Jersey, I'm going to move into your upstairs."

"How you gonna get in my house.  I'm the only one with a key."

"Pammie, Pammie, Pammie.  I lived in that house long enough to know which window I can jimmy open, or how to take the outside basement door off the hinges.  I got locked out twice and managed to get inside by myself.  I can do it again, Girlie!"

Pam pulls out her smart phone and writes something down.

"What are you doing?" asks Karen.

"Just writing a reminder.  'Make sure all downstairs windows are locked tight and basement door is bolted, chained and reinforced!' "

More laughter.

Then Pammie suggested that I move my trailer over to Karens'.  "You could put it over on their side lawn, where they used to store their camper."

"Sure," said Karen.  "The grass won't grow over there anyway."

"Mark could run me an electrical line and hook me up to your septic tank and I'd be all set.  Then you could check on me everyday so you would know I was still alive."  I said.

"I don't know, Mom.  I get so busy some days.......and what would you do when Mark and I go up north?"

"Guess that won't work," I said.

Pam said, "Guess you'll just have to stay here.  If you die during the night...probably one of your neighbor's would notify us......after awhile."
Pam looks great!  So relaxed and happy and has lost over 25# in the last six months.  I miss her, but I can't be sad that she is staying "out there" with Jen and Eric and the kids.  She is loving it so much!
The rest of the weekend, I stayed inside with the blinds lowered and closed to keep out the hot sun and the A/C on, set at 75.  Our heat indices were 104 on Sunday, with humidity at 72%!  Unbearable!!  We Michiganders aren't used to this kind of weather.  I HATE IT!!!


  1. I didn't think Pammie would like it out in New Jersey but I'm glad I was wrong.

    Sounds like you and your daughters had a wonderful visit.

  2. Sounds like a great visit with your daughters! Lots of love and laughter! This has been a humid summer so far for sure! I'm sitting here this morning at 5:15 and it's 89% humidity!

  3. Understand the conversation, it has gone on here, tried a place
    in January and February, lost weight and it was depressing, will
    stay here and least help I can have and like you if all sold it may not last our lifetime. We need to just keep going and to me you are young compared to my 83 with arthritis and shingles still active :)

    1. If it weren't for the Arthritis--we'd sure be a lot better!!

  4. Hi Judy, dropped in here after E's and I had to laugh at your daughters' comments.


  5. ditzy donna could be fun!?!? hehehe

    your place does look great and i hope you will be able to stay there forever!!

    it's so hot here, i fried our eggs on the patio today!! the pool water is up to 92 degrees, hardly refreshing!!

  6. Now, that was an awesome visit! So glad y'all had a fun day, Judy.

    Britt keeps telling me that when I get "old" I'm gonna live with them. Oh hail no, and that's all I have to say. :)


  7. So glad you were able to have such a wonderful visit with your daughters.

  8. Good times. I'm hoping Andrew makes a fortune and builds a house on Lake Murray with a secluded apartment for me, or me and TG. We shall see. xoxo

  9. Sounds like you and your girls had a good afternoon! We've had really hot days here in SE VA, too. :(
