title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Everything just feels so strange now.
Just a week ago I was having lunch with friends--all 80 years old or over--sitting close enough to touch shoulders, all hugging and kissing went we left.

Then all heck broke loose.

We have 800 cases of The Virus in our state--6 deaths.  Detroit area and the large cities having the most cases, of course.  The rest of us are generally spread out and the towns we live near aren't all that large, but still..................

You have no idea if the person you just passed in the store aisle is a carrier.  I'm sure they wouldn't be out shopping if they were ill because This Virus makes you really sick feeling.

Now the main grocery stores are opening early on certain days for the "most vulnerable" to shop.  7:00-8:00am are the hours.  Why does the world think that all old people are early risers?  I get up at 9:00 every morning.  What am I supposed to do?

Well, I have two prescriptions that I have to pick up tomorrow at Walmart.  Also I am out of cat food and bread.  The pharmacy doesn't open until 9:00am.  So...I set my alarm for 7:00 and hopefully, I will be awake and alert enough to drive on up at 8:30--get what I need and be at the pharmacy when they open.

Cat food and bread are not all the things I am out of.  I bought a good supply of groceries last month the day my SS hit my checking about--March 3rd, so I am just about out of everything--which means, the 3rd of April I will have to make another trip for groceries.

Now, even though I am 80, I have a strong immune system and no real bad underlying health risks.  High blood pressure, which is controlled and pretty low most of the time.  That's it!  But--I could still die if I caught This Virus.  

I will wear my gloves to handle anything and everything.  If I get any cash back, when I get home, I will lay it out on a towel and spray it with Lysol, both front and back, and let it dry.  Paper money is the dirtiest thing in this world!  I will bring in the groceries--still wearing my gloves. I will empty out the bag of cat food and throw the bag away.  Then I will throw my gloves into the washer and wash my hands.  I will wash off every can of cat food with hot water and detergent.  I will wash my hands again.

Since I live alone I don't worry about my own germs, but whenever I bring anything into this house--I will clean it off good and wash my hands.

I have been in this house since the 14th.  It doesn't bother me at all.  My car sits in the driveway for days on end in my normal life, so this quarantine doesn't bother me.  Dar, is going nuts!!!  She is used to going somewhere every day, but now she is worried she might bring a bad buggie home to her 98 year old Dad.

I don't mind, but sometimes just knowing I can't go out, makes me want to go out more.  I still have a bit of rebel that has always been there.  Tell me NOT to do something and I just might.

I still hear of women baby sitting their grandchildren.  Visiting their kids.  No way that is happening here!  The grandchildren are just the age of the carriers.  Even young children are getting it now.  So...I haven't seen my newest great grandbabe yet.  My grandson is getting married June 6th--who knows.  His fiance's shower is end of April.  I may have to miss both as I think this self quarantine is going to last longer than 15 days.

I think the President and his Task Force have done a good job, but who could ever be prepared enough for something like this.  It would have been nice if China had notified the world earlier, but with their closed government...they probably thought they had  a crisis they could contain.

Just think.  One man in Wuhan province decided he wanted to fry up a couple of bats for supper.  One man--a couple bats and here we are with a world pandemic.  Unreal.  

I always thought it would be a terrorist walking through Times Square releasing drops of Anthrax or opening a vial of Smallpox.  I never thought it could be a bat!

So, onward and upward we go.  I pray daily, often times a day, for God to intervene.   

But--it still kind of scares me.    


  1. I agree the President and other leaders are doing a good job in this difficult time. I think the reason seniors and other vulnerable people are being let in to stores first thing is that the stores will be at their cleanest and most germ free at that time. I am praying too, and attended church today, via live streaming. Be well.

  2. I agree with Terra, the reason why the 7-8 AM for senior shopping is the cleaning crew ends their shift then.

    Knowing you can't go even when you wouldn't ordinarily go anyway is really is strange feeling. Just so weird!!!

  3. I am glad you are well and staying put. I too wash everything when I bring it in. I also strip down and throw my clothes in the washer and head right up to the shower I do not want my husband to get this.

  4. You sound calm as always. You've been relying on God for a good while now -- He's still over all. It's hard not to worry -- about my kids and grants and greats but life goes on. It will, I think, be forever changed in some ways, though. Our grands will know different things than we even imagined.
    Poor Dar! We can stay home most all the time, so we're ok. I know you can research, cross stitch, crochet, etc. And tead, and enjoy pics of your grandson and greats.
    Take care. I know you will be careful..You've got a handful of sense. 💕

  5. I don't wash anything when I bring it home except my hands. Maybe I should start. The worst part is not seeing my grandsons! I miss them and it's only been since Wednesday! But I can't chance bringing anything to them! Especially little Levi who has some medical issues already! Take care and stay safe!

  6. Here's what the experts say about how to handle our groceries during this crisis. https://www.thekitchn.com/coronavirus-grocery-produce-safety-23016495?fbclid=IwAR3iBwJ9i9UqVRQcwolOA5SmvDs54A_QjxAPdDA7mqZ0Tb1ouuVTD960GZk

  7. I am glad you are doing well. I have an 89 yr old Mom and I helped to get her situated before the all hit and everyone went in and emptied the shelves out of the grocery store. We about both set for a few weeks, not that we'll not be out of fresh things but we have enough to get by. I hope that it soons reaches it's peak. I too think the President and his team are doing a fine job considering the magnitude of this. Right now I am so disappointed in what is happening in the Congress it's the first time politics have entered into it.

  8. Our Walmart is open 6am-7am for the vulnerable! Thankfully I have live-in germaphobes to get groceries and necessities. We have a 365 Whole Foods 3 blocks away who have 8am - 9am EVERY day for the vulnerable.

    The worst thing about this covid19? I have to be ready for video chat on a moment's notice ... Mr 9 has been getting calls from buddies (my phone). I have to be out of my jammies by 10am!!

  9. Well, dang it I need to get groceries and have decided I'll just get what I can. No food shopping to more than one grocery for me.

    You reminded me about money; after I retired I decided to get a part time job as a cashier at WD. After about a week, I got so sick and had to see the dr. He told me it was from handling the green stuff. I had no idea money was so dirty. lol

    Take care, Judy.


  10. A few of our stores here in So Cal have early hours for seniors. So far I haven't needed to go but eventually will have to do so. I don't think this Administration started doing something soon enough given what we knew about China, but can't change that now. Really scary that our medical people out here (NYC, too) don't have enough personal protective equipment, unlike when I worked in such settings before this virus. Do take good care of yourself and I'm doing the same for myself as best I can.
