title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, August 19, 2019

I did an adventurous thing, at least for me, Saturday evening.
My daughter Karen's high school class of 1979, were having their 40th class reunion.  Up in Durand.  Just 31 miles away.

This group of "kids" were my favorites.  Of all my children, I was closest with this class.  A small town school, they graduated around 60 people and I knew more than half.

I was their "room mother" for 5 years, attending their school parties and going with them on field trips.  In high school, many of the boys played 4-H softball for my Dad and I was the scorekeeper for the team.  Many more of them took Gun Safety classes, taught by my Dad, out at our farm.  They built their homecoming floats in our barn.  We chaperoned their high school dances.

A bunch of them would show up at our house after a school dance or the last night of their Senior play--all wanting a snack and then sitting around in the living room, talking until the wee hours.

At times, half a dozen girls running around upstairs, laughing and giggling at a pajama party.

Some are friends on Face Book.  Most of them, I haven't seen since their graduation day.

I wanted to see and talk to these kids one more time!

But....maybe it wouldn't be cool to crash their reunion?  Then I saw on their on-line notice of the reunion, "all alumni are welcome".

AHA--I am an Alumni of that school and besides--it might be fun. I was shaking the last few miles, still wondering if I should just turn around and go back home.

I didn't tell Karen and Mark that I was going.  I just drove up to the Eagles Club near Durand and walked into their banquet room.

Two of the girls that organized the party and are FB friends and would recognize me after 40 years, yelled, "Momma Miller"! and rushed up to me for hugs.  Hey--I figured I was in like Flynn!

Karen and Mark looked a little surprised when they walked in and saw me, so I went up to them and reached out to shake Mark's hand and said, "Hi.  I'm Judy Miller, Karen Miller's Mom.  I didn't know if you'd recognize me or not."

Mark replied, "Hi.  I think I remember you."

Of course I had just been to their house last Sunday.

Digress--Karen and Mark knew each other all their life, at school.  He was the smartest boy in the class and Karen was always trying to beat him in grades.  They got together on their Senior Trip and married two years later.  I remember well the day she came home from school and announced, "I beat that Rivard kid!  I am the class Valedictorian and he is second place!"  She had beat him by one-tenth of a point on their GPA.

Most everyone recognized me.  There were 3 guys that I didn't even recognize their names, but in talking, found out they took Gun Safety and they said, "Wasn't that out at your farm?"  Of course, they all knew Karen, when I mentioned I was her Mom.  They also all mentioned what a nice, kind person she was to everyone--which made this Mom proud.

I only stayed about an hour and a half and as they were getting ready to sit down to eat, I knew it was time to leave so I could get home before dark.  

They encouraged me to stay and eat, but I told them all, "You kids don't need a chaperone and I gotta get home before dark.  It was a wonderful treat for me to see you again.  I'll see you at your 50th reunion," and I turned to leave.

"Bye Momma Miller.  Thank you for coming. Be careful driving home.  See ya later."

Karen and Leslie--one of Karen's friends.  She spent a lot of time at our house when they were growing up.


As I was coming home and got near Byron, I stopped at the Dollar General to get a cold Diet Pepsi.  I saw Pammie's truck in the parking lot, so I knew she was working the check-out.

I thought I'd sneak in, get my Pepsi, get in line and surprise her when I got up to the cash register.

She was checking out a guy and his little girl and I thought totally engaged with them, but she must keep one eye on the entry door because she nonchalantly said, like it happened all the time, "Hello Mother."

I went and got the Pepsi and stood in line, watching her as she checked people out.  

She is wonderful with people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had heard that some people have written to the management of that store that Pam is the best clerk ever, but Saturday evening, I got to see it in person.

She engages each person in a bit of conversation, while she works the till.  Always chats it up with the little kids.  Smiles and laughs for everyone, thanks them and sends them off with well wishes.

Now, I know how painful this job is for her.  With her severe back problems, she is in constant pain, but you'd never know it by the way she interacts with the customers.

I paid for my Pepsi quickly because I didn't want to hold up the people behind me, but she put her hand up high, pointed at me and said, "This is my Momma!"  People clapped.

Then she leaned over and kissed me good-bye.  I whispered, "I'll bet sales would soar if you kissed every customer good-bye."
I got home just as it was getting dark.  I was so high on happy that I didn't get relaxed enough to go to bed until well after 1:00am.

What a great time I had.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

My kids go up to Karen and Mark's cottage for a few days every August.
Jennifer is in town for a two week business conference, so they got to go this past week.
The cottage is near where their Dad lives so they got to visit him too.
I am so blessed that my kids love each other enough to want to spend time together.  I know so many families where siblings don't speak to each other for years and years.
I'm glad they lined up in chronological age order--a lesson I always nagged them about.  LOL

     Mark 61 and a half-Pam 60-Karen almost 58-Jennifer almost 48.

I don't care how old my children get, as a mother, when I look at them, I still see my little kids.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

4 generations.

Karen invited me down to their house Sunday to celebrate the August birthdays in their family.
Aug. 1:  Maddie's 24th and Harrison's real birth day.
Aug. 12:  My son-in-law Mark and new grand daughter Morgan (married to Marcus)
Aug. 16:  My new grandson Stefan (married to Maddie).
Aug. 21:  Helene and Mike's 3rd anniversary
Aug. 29:  Karen and Mark's 38th anniversary.

I gave Helene the blanket I had made.

 ...and Della's pillow, because she is a big sister now.

...and got to hold this little peanut for hours........

...and, not that I want to say "I told you so", but Maddie is 10 weeks pregnant.  A Honeymoon baby, expected March 1st, 2020.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

One week old and I haven't met him.

Today I woke to cool weather and low humidity, which caused me to react in a frenzy of opening windows and the front door.  I do so hate the hot and muggy.

Lunch today with the Old School Gal Pals.  For some reason, they decided to drive down here to Howell.  I checked the menu prices and I'm not liking the $10.00 price for a sandwich!

I like to have our lunches in Durand, which is about a 35 minute drive from here and close to my sister, so that I can swing by for a visit after lunch.  Saves time and gas.

I don't know who suggested Howell--it will an hour drive for those coming from Owosso (north of Durand).  I guess they thought it would be more convenient for Beth and me?

I don't even know where the place is so had to do a Map Quest.  LOL and, Bethie is off on vacation so she won't be there.  I am curious to see how many of the 11 of us show up.
A Dear Friend just diagnosed with breast cancer.  She is taking it better than I am.  She's just about the age of my daughter Pammie, and it feels like one of my own kids had to go through this.  It just makes me sad for her.  I know she will be all right, but still.......

People keep telling her what a strong woman she is and I think.....    people always say that, like there is any other choice?

We aren't all that strong, but what can we do when we are faced with the death of a husband, or a malignancy, or other life threatening disease?  

We have to walk through it or stumble through it or just make it through however we can.  It is as it is.  There are only two choices--get through or give up, and we rarely give up.

People have told me, that for all I have gone through, what a strong woman I am.  It just makes me laugh inside.

I certainly am not.  I'm scared most of the time.  Sometimes I get so anxious, my whole body shakes.  I wake up each morning with a lot of depression.

I just put one foot in front of the other and keep stumbling along.  If I have any strength, it comes in my faith that God will get me through anything I have to face.  He has for 80 years, why would He quit on me now?

It's a beautiful day today.  I will take it with no expectations and tonight, during my prayers, I will thank God for this day.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

I knew last night that grand daughter Helene's C-section was scheduled this morning at 10:15 and got notice and a photo at 10:43, but Karen made be vow secrecy and not post anything on FB.

I didn't hear another word.  I called my sister at 6:00, she hadn't heard anything either, so of course, all sorts of worries came into my head.  Was the baby all right?  Was Helene all right.

So I e-mailed Karen and told her we had to have some information.
Harrison Curtis Klar--his middle name in honor of his great grandpa Rivard who died last year.  I have no idea who Harrison honors or what we are going to call him.  Harry?  Oh--I hope not!
8 # 3 oz, 21" long

Do you remember me telling you, big sister Della was born on her grandmother's birthday--my daughter Karen's and now--this one born on his Aunt and God Mother, Madeleine's 23rd birthday.

It appears one can schedule a C-section on a special day, if it is time for the birth.

Madeleine posted some photos on FB at 6:30, so I figured they were "public" and I wouldn't get into trouble for posting on my own page.  LOL

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hey!  I'm fine.

How can it be two weeks since I last posted?
Nothing happening around here.
New great grandson should be born this week.
I guess because of all the rain we had in the spring and now this hot weather, the flowers in my garden are taller and fuller than they have ever been.  The Cone flowers are 5 feet tall!  The Lemon Day Lily is 5 feet across!

The Lilies have taken over that garden--none of my Iris bloomed this year.  I know I need to lift the Iris and put them in a new space, but where?

It's not like I am capable or even have the room, to dig another garden.  Then, I had a thought.  Can Iris be grown in containers?  I Googled and sure enough, they can.

I have 3 large containers behind this garden, planted 2 with tomato plants and one with a trellis and Morning Glory.  This fall, I will rip those dead plants out, or even if they aren't dead, and plant my Iris in them, pull the containers up close to the back of this garden and...see what happens.
Today is Tuesday.  I haven't been out since last Friday.  It got real hot and humid again, so I just stayed inside, worked on some genealogy stuff, cross stitched and cleaned.  No, I do not have Cabin Fever.  I have always been content to stay home and unlike my neighbor, Dar, do not HAVE to go out and drive somewhere every day.

Speaking of Dar, she was over Sunday.  Her Dad is 98 years old and she is getting tired of him.  She feels he is too confining to her life.  Now that she has recovered from her accident, 3 years ago, she wants more freedom.

She's on a kick now to sell her home and move to Greece, where she lived 10 years before she moved here 8 years ago.  There is a fly in the ointment, her daughter that she doesn't speak to, bought and owns the house.  Dar would have to buy her out and the last time she mentioned it to daughter, daughter refused.  Daughter lives in Indianapolis, Indiana and probably will never move back here, but she won't sell that house to Dar.

When I asked her why she wanted to move back to Greece, when she had friends and family here, she said that she has "better" friends in Greece.  Both her brothers live in this area.  Her best friend Sheila, lives just up the street.

I told her that a lot can happen in 8 years, especially as the Greek economy has fallen and her friend over there is 85 years old.

"Sometimes we have a memory of a place that grows in our minds until it becomes a sort of paradise for us....when in reality, when and if we go back, we see that it isn't at all as grand as we remembered."

Dar is 77 years old and has many health problems.  I would think now is the time to downsize and stay here, but she said, "The day after my Dad dies, I'm buying a plane ticket to Greece!"
Didn't I go through this same thing when I was her age?  Wanting to move back "home"?  Then when it was too expensive, soon came to the realization, I am right where I need to be.