title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Thursday, November 22, 2018

It's not everyone that can find time to post on their blog on busy Thanksgiving Day.  Only us, who are alone; neglected by family and friends.  Even the poor and homeless are hauled into churches and centers to be fed the feast of bird, stuffing, potatoes and gravy.  I will be dining on half a sandwich of thinly sliced Hillshire Farms pastrami.

Do I really care?  Not really.  I don't have the energy to get cleaned up and drive to where ever for dinner...I don't really like Turkey all that much.  I guess it just ticks me off that tradition has it to have this day be all about family.  Gathered around the huge table.  Memories shared.  The Matriarch of the family honored.  Grand children waiting with baited breath for grand mother to speak her words of wisdom.  

Then I remember last year.  I was invited to drive up to The Farm and share the day with sister, BIL and her son.  We had chicken--as none of them like turkey.  After dinner--1:00, we cleaned up, went into the living room and they all hauled out their phones and IPads and spent the next hour on them, while I sat on the couch, staring at some football game I had no interest in.

If I asked a question or tried to engage them in conversation, their replies were one or two words--never looking up from their electronic devices.  I remember feeling a slow burn starting in my head, so before I could stand up and let go with a diatribe, laced with curse words, on how rude they were, I gathered my things and came home.

So this year, I can just stay home and not have to go through any real or perceived hurts.  It's just another Thursday and I can do laundry, watch a couple of good movies, crochet and work on a genealogy.  It just might be the nicest Thanksgiving I have had in the last 7 years.
Sister and BIL came down yesterday to put plastic film over the inside of my back door to keep out the winter drafts.  I had found a new blind to put up, to replace the broken one, it however was one of those new cordless ones and didn't fit the holders that were already up, so BIL had to put up new ones and hang the blind.

I don't like it.  You have to pull on the bottom of the blind to get it down to cover the window.  The apparatus holding the blind at the top, feels very flimsy and BIL said to hold onto it while pulling the blind down.  Luckily, I don't raise and lower that blind, only turn the handle to adjust the angle of the blinds, so I guess it will be okay.

One toddler, somewhere, 10 years ago, strangled on the cord from a set of blinds so now we have to live with cordless ones.  I could not find a pair of blinds with  cords!!!  I would like to get 3 new blinds for this computer room.  The kind that help to darken the room, because with the sun at its winter angle, even with these blinds down, it gets so bright in here, and my desk faces the south, that I can't do a thing on my computer from 10:00 until 3:00.  BUT if I can't find any with cords, that means I would have to have BIL install them and I am not going to do that.
I think I have lived too long!!

Everything seems to be so difficult.  Our weather was so weird, I never did get my perennial garden cut back and cleaned up.  We had no Spring, we had no Fall, no Indian Summer...maybe a January thaw?  Maybe it will be 60 degrees in January and I can finish up?

Our society is going...........I don't know where it's going, but it seems to be going crazy to me.  People are becoming so oriented into "it's all about me" attitudes....they are angry and rude and moving way too fast.  

I was using the self-checkout yesterday at Meijer, and the lady at the one behind me was arguing with the check out machine.  I kid you not.  Every time that automated voice gave a command, she replied, angrily, in a not too soft voice.  "I already did that!"  "What the hell?" "No.  I already did that!"

 I got so caught up in the whole thing that when my machine said, "Thank you for shopping at Meijer," I replied "Your welcome."  EGADS!!!!!

People are so tuned into their electronic devices.  The devices are their constant companions.  No wonder they don't need real people around to talk to.

Even I am wondering if I could afford to get a Echo Dot or Alexa.  I would change it to a male voice with a British accent and have someone to talk to all day.  

Then I wouldn't even care that I am also going to be alone on our family traditional Christmas Eve and Christmas day because someone decided to have our family get together on December 27th.  

Yep.  I've lived too long.  Six years ago, "they" promised, as long as I was alive, to have our family Christmas on Christmas Eve, as we have always done.  If I weren't here, they could have it or not have it any dang time they wanted.  I wouldn't feel hurt or neglected and they wouldn't have to give any thought to my feelings--which they don't do now.

But.....I'm fine.  I really don't care.


  1. It sounds like you do care. I would have just ASKED what each family was doing, then ASK if you could join since you are all alone this year without a plan. But if you don't care, then don't. Some years I enjoy being alone. When I'm alone, I still enjoy cooking a modified version of Turkey Day ... just the things I live!

    This year I AM joining the kids and his side of the family. I baked 16 sweet potatoes and Jesse is making them into casseroles. YUM. It will be too noisy, uncomfortable to try to sit and eat and way later than predicted. I will make the most of it!

  2. I hope the rest of your Thanksgiving day goes smoothly. This is my third Thanksgiving as a widow and it is hard because Someone (my hubby) is not here, but my two adult sons come over and we have an easy feast. Did you consider asking someone to join you for a meal? Take care.

    1. Great idea! Invite a couple of people and they can each bring a dish!

  3. You can still buy blinds with cords. Try Home Depot, they show them on their website. The cords are no longer attached to each other to prevent strangling. According to emergency room records, 17,000 children under age 6 were treated for injuries from window blinds cord accidents between 1990-2015. It is a serious problem. But I know what you mean about getting stuck in the past, the way it's always been done. I haven't bought Hershey brand chocolate syrup since they discontinued the metal cans last year.

    Your Thanksgiving last year sounds like the pits. I went to a Christmas party like that once and I said to myself I would have been better off staying home with the dog.

    Holidays are never going to be the same way they used to be when we were younger so we have to find a way to manage our expectations. I'm worried about you, Judy. Usually you're able to work yourself off the pity pot after a couple of days. Time to start the process. You know what works for you to reach that goal. I've seen you do it a dozen times since I've been reading your blog.

  4. I "think" I saw where Amazon has a sale on the Dot for $10. Some kind of Black Friday deal. I don't think you need a promo code but I did see a code Nov18 for something to get 25% off. I'm not even sure it's Amazon, lol, but it never hurts e try a code to get a little extra off.

    I try not to remark on people's family because you never know but I've been reading your blog for quite a while and I must say...well, I won't say what I must say about them after all. BUT, if it were me, I would announce to them all before leaving on the 27th, "I just wanted to say I'm (whatever age you are) and I don't know how much longer I'll be around. So, from now on I'd like our family Christmas to be on Christmas eve just like we agreed several years ago so I don't have to spend the whole holiday alone. And also, I live on a VERY fixed income, so fixed that some months I can't pay all my bills and eat too. I would really appreciate it if it crosses your mind to give me a gift for any holiday or whatever, please consider that the cash would be much more helpful to me than the gift, as much as I appreciate the thought you were to put into it. Merry Christmas to you all, I love you." And then leave. Sorry, Judy. It just burns my butt how little regard they show you. Hope you had a good day anyway.

    1. Here, here! You could even type it up, like an annual Christmas letter style, and hand it out on the 27th. It's hard to be alone, let alone ALONE on family holidays.

  5. This time of year really points out "change" more than any other time of year and loss. I felt a little melancholy when we left my brother's yesterday. So many loved ones gone. It's part of the deal if we live long enough, but it isn't so much fun, is it? I wish your family realized how hard it is for you to be alone at the holidays. I agree that if you have a friend who is going to be alone, inviting them over is a good idea. You don't have to cook a big feast. It's the companionship that matters.

  6. I wish things were different for you, Judy. :(


  7. I love Terra's suggestion: invite a friend who is also alone to spend Christmas Day with you. If I didn't have my family here to fix for, I'd probably be alone too. Sorta looking forward for some of them to fix for me someday. :) "Chin up!" as Charlotte the spider told Wilbur the pig, in "Charlotte's Web".

  8. Dear Judy, what came across to me in your posting is that you are lonely. That loneliness has become part and parcel of your life. That concerns me. I'm wondering if you are able normally to take yourself (figuratively) by the scruff of your neck and say, "Cancel that feeling! Find a way to enjoy life!" If so hope you can do that. That you can cancel the feelings of hurt that lead to the loneliness and find a new path o travel. Peace.

  9. We spent Turkey day without anything but bbq sandwiches for dinner. Hubby doesn't care for turkey, and neither of us felt like going to eat with son and family. We were in ited, but they told us they'd come down Friday and bring leftovers. I fixed a couple of dishes and we ate off paper plates. I get so tired of the way "holidays" are built into an impossible dream -- a sales pitch for everything. It's overwhelming, especially for us older folk. I just think, " Well, when I was young, I did this and that, and both my mother and his parents were honored. "
    Yes, it was hard to do, but we did it. I guess what I'm thinking is I had my younger days, now they have theirs!
    Plus, I know it's different because I have my husband with me. I don't know what it is to be really alone. I really hope I don't live to find out!

  10. Sometimes spending time with family is not what you imagine it to be. Ahh, the expectations and disappointments. Anyway - the blinds situation - at Home Depot I know they have the ones with the cords. We have no other kind. Hope that helps!

  11. Well we had a traditional Thanksgiving and all of them were here, and it was great, but that has its downside too; believe me. I love being alone but it would hurt if everyone else was together and left me out. I thank God that my children, I don't believe, would ever do that to me. In other news, Jean is correct that it isn't hard at all to find blinds with cords. I have them throughout my house and they are new-ish. Audrey just bought new ones for her house. Home Depot is the place to go, or order from blinds dot com.

    Take control of your Christmas! Don't let others determine what you do that day. And I can't believe you don't like turkey! I love turkey. But you could have ham! Whatever you have, enjoy it with all the cheer you can muster.


  12. I did not see either one of my kids on Thanksgiving. We went to my nephews house. My daughter, sil, and grands were going to come but Maxwell didnt nap and was pretty cranky so they decided to skip and my son was busy with his inlaws. Fun times. Not.
