title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Sunday, June 24, 2018


I found a baby Robin, on the edge of my lawn, directly under the nest he had apparently fallen out of, and near the edge of the street.

I put him by the base of the tree and watched as Momma came to feed him several times a day.

Then, yesterday, I noticed he was not at the base of the tree, but out in the middle of the lawn again.  Not a good place.  We have two feral cats in this area and I was afraid they would get him.  Plus, it was rainy and cold.  So I got a potholder, put it in the crotch of the tree and put Robbie in it.

Man, there must have been half a dozen Robins swooping at me and chirping and carrying on.

But they wouldn't come near him.

So, I went back out and took away the potholder and just put Robbie in the protected area.

He was chirping like crazy.  Dad did a couple of walk-bys and........................

Finally, two hours later, Dad came by to feed him and Robbie was fed every few minutes for the rest of the day.
A steady procession of Momma and Dad and probably Aunts and Uncles feeding him.

Now--this morning, Robbie is not in the tree.  I can't see him anywhere, so I am going to have to do a walk-about to see where he is.


  1. Oh no, I sure hope you find him safe!

    I love how you take such good care of the birds, and others.


  2. Think positive that he flew away on his own, or the parent birds coaxed him to a safe place.

  3. I'll bet if a cat had gotten it you would have heard the adult robins carrying on like they did diving at you. Thinking positively, he flew away. Did you check low branches in the scrubs, though? What a interesting part of nature you got to witness.

  4. Sure hope Robbie makes it.
    Coffee is on

  5. aren't they precious ? Had a baby here not too long ago learning to fly...same thing last summer

  6. I remember many we have given a hand! Some didn't make it but so many did!
