title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Pilot Lights~Plowing~Politics

We only got 6" of snow, but it had the freezing rain under it, so a bit of difficulty walking today.

John came and cleared out half my driveway.  I don't know why only half, but.............

I was feeling a bit achy so decided to jump in the shower for a nice, long soak.  The water pipes are cold this time of year, so it takes a while for the warm water to reach the shower.

It takes a while.  Not five minutes!!!  DAMN!  No hot water.  Again!  3 times in two months.

I put my jammies back on and stomped into the computer room to call the Service Plan company I have through my electric supplier.

"We can have a service man there before noon," she said.  "He will call you first.  He is with CT Heating and Cooling."

"Would that be Mike?"


"Great.  I had him last time."

Back into my bedroom to pull all the clothes and stuff on the floor out of the closet, and take off the fireproof door that encloses the water heater.  This is the hardest part of the whole job!

Big Mike arrived at 12:05.

"Wasn't I just here two weeks ago?"

"Yep.  Same problem.  Pilot light went out.  Blew out from the wind we had yesterday or....something."

"Well, I'm gonna get it fixed this time!"

He went back outside and checked up on the roof to make sure the vent pipe was correct.  Then he came back in (tracking snow all over) and checked above the water heater to make sure the vent pipe was correct.  Then he laid down on the closet floor (barely room for him), got a brush, cleaned out the burner and lit it.

"Hm-mm," he said.  "Didn't you tell me you had a new thermal-couple put in last year?"

"Yes.  Last April."

"Well, I'm going to check it anyway."

When he got it out he handed it to me.  "Can you see what's wrong?"

"It looks like one of the tiny wires is broken."

"Yep.  Whoever put it in, crimped it and bent the copper tube with the wires inside, which broke off one of the wires.  Every time your house moved, with settling or a real windy day, that wire shorted out and stopped the gas from the pilot light."

I waited 30 minutes after he left and had a nice hot shower!  Age and experience is so important in service men.  Rather than just get the job done quickly, they get the job done right the first time.
I had to walk up to Pearl's and buy a can of wet cat food from her.  My cats had none for their supper and I had no money to go buy any.

I spent the rest of the day, cleaning up the house, and watching my team's basketball game in the evening.

"Everyone" is saying the Michigan State Spartans are going to win it all this year.  I've heard that before so I am not getting too excited as yet.  But--this kid is something else.  This is what he did last night, when we trounced Rutgers.
John and Maizey stopped in at 10:00!  I was nearly ready to go to sleep!!!
My Social Security hit my checking account this morning, so I wrote the rent check, which went up this month, and at 2:00, am off to Wal-Mart to buy a whole bunch of stuff I need.  I can't really figure out what kind of food to buy, but I will be well stocked with bathroom tissue, Kleenex, paper towels, water and Diet Pepsi!  I will call John and have him tote everything in from car trunk to kitchen.  HAH!
I am so distressed by all the political mess going on that I can hardly sleep at night.  These "people" are tearing my Grand Old Party to pieces!  It reminds me of 1964 when "they" were trying to keep the nomination away from Goldwater.  I didn't like him any more than I like Trump, so on election day, I left the top of the ballot empty and just voted for the rest of the Republicans.

Appears I might have to do that again this November!  It's just that back then, I didn't worry about politics like I do now.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March's Lion

This guy came roaring in this morning.

We were supposed to get a big snow storm.  When I got up, there was barely a covering on the ground.

At 2:00, I walked up to wish Pearl a Happy Birthday and give her a hug.

An hour later, I came out to walk home and was immediately sprinkled on the head by freezing rain/ice balls and the street was slippery as heck!

At 4:00, precisely on the dot--so weird, the predicted snow hit.  It was clear as a bell at 3:59 and at 4:00, it was like a wall of snow hit and..................snowed until just a few minutes ago.  11:00

We were predicted to get 6-9 inches, but only got 5.5--which, here in Michigan is hardly a bother.

The snow plows will have the streets cleared tonight and by morning, we will be able to drive wherever we want.

I have an appointment with the Chiropractor at 2:45 tomorrow and don't expect to have any problem getting there.

Monday, February 29, 2016

From The Land of Ho Hum

Not much going on around here.

John and Maizey stop in every day.  Yesterday, it was so nice and warm that we sat out on the front porch.  Most all of the 15" of snow we got last Wednesday is gone, just in time for..................

5.4" predicted to start tonight, into tomorrow.  YAY.

Oh--who cares?  Not me.  Whatever!

Sunday I watched a couple of Basketball games.  My Michigan State Spartans are on fire!  The people in the know say, they are going to win it all.  I've heard that before, so I'm not too excited yet.  Wait until the Final Four and if they are still in it--then I can get geeked!

Tomorrow is Pearl's birthday.  I created and made her a really pretty birthday card and got it in the mail so it will be delivered to her mail box (30 feet away) tomorrow.  Hey--we all like to get cards in the mail.  I wish I could get her a spring bouquet, but I'm down to $6.00 until the 3rd, when my SS hits my checking account.

Pearl has completed 80 years of life!!  80 years!  That sounds so old and yet---I am only 3.5 years away from that age myself.  ARGGH!

Karen had an appointment in this area this afternoon, so she stopped in for a hour's visit.  How wonderful.  I got to quiz her about each of her kids doing's.  Hard to know what's going on when the grand kids are older.  

My oldest, Helene, once wanted to be a nun, is now living, in sin, with the Jewish man and their dog, Rupert.  Helene attended a Catholic run college, which turned her into quite a Liberal.  Karen explained why.  Strange and weird.

Susanna, is in Portland with her newish guy, Brian.  Every day, Susanna walks her cat, "Ponderosa", on a leash in and around the streets.  The cat thinks he is a dog and sort of "barks" at the door when he wants to go for a walk.  Animals are allowed in many restaurants in that area, so in they go and the cat sits on a chair and shares their meal.   Strange and weird.

Marcus, hasn't dated in three years.  It seems he was "in love" with a girl, but she was dating another guy, so Marcus waited.  She has told him for 3 years that she wasn't interested in Marcus, but would date him off and on, sending him mixed messages.  She finally told him, she'd never be interested.  He then took time off work to go back into the Monastery for a retreat to see if perhaps (again) he might want to be a Priest.  Decided he didn't.  His younger brother set him up on New Year's Eve with a girl who was interested in Marcus, remembered him from high school, and she and Marcus having been dating ever since.  Strange and weird.

Younger brother, Stephen, isn't dating anyone (for a change), a Senior at Michigan State, is in the IZZONE (the student cheering section) and at their last home basketball game yesterday, they  honored the IZZONE Seniors and he went out to center court, got down and kissed the block "S".  Stephen will start medical school in the fall.  His great ambition?  To be an ER doctor.  Strange and weird.

And then there's Karen's youngest, Madeleine.  Maddie is also not dating, thank goodness, and is in college taking classes in nursing and working nights, with her Elderly Lady client.  She is going to perform in a ballet of "Punchinella" On March 21st.  Jennifer will be in Michigan at the time and is coming to the performance and Pammie asked for the day off so she can attend too.  I will get to be with all my daughter's and most of Karen's kids will also be there.  Maddie is planning on going back to Guatemala, this coming winter, before she starts full time nursing school.

Madeleine, who goes to a community college, has already been studying muscles and bones cutting into cadavers.  Her older brother, in his last year of pre-med, at a Big Ten college, has NEVER observed cadaver work.  Strange and weird.

Karen also told me that my son Mark's oncologist wants Mark to start chemo-therapy.  I thought Mark was already getting that.  Apparently, the hormone depleting therapy he has been on has shrunk the tumors to a sufficient size that now, "they" figure the chemo would take them down even better.  The doctor told Mark they could give him many years of good quality of life.  So far, none of us know if Mark is going to decide to do it, as his girlfriend is very non-communicative and he refuses to talk to or see anyone.

When she and Mark got the news, she texted Jennifer, way out in New Jersey and got Jen so upset she phoned Karen who then phoned Mark's mate, Cindy, who told her.  

My whole famdamily is like this about health issues!!! (Including me.)  Don't think about it.  Don't tell anyone about up-coming tests or surgeries until they are over.  Don't tell anyone bad news.  Deny it all and maybe it will go away.  Strange and weird.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

It's a Shiny Day

I rarely post on Sunday, but-------

This morning the sun is so bright that even with the blinds pulled on these south-east windows, I can barely see my monitor!  That reminded me---

One early morning, when I lived on the farm, I was in the kitchen, starting to make breakfast for the family.  The large windows faced the east and the kitchen was flooded with such bright sunshine, I was squinting.  

I heard Jennifer's feet hit the floor as she got out of bed and toddled toward the kitchen.  She was 15 months old.  I heard her coming through the dining room and when she got to the kitchen door, she stopped dead still.  There she stood, hair all tousled, little fists covering her eyes, "Momma," she said.  "It's a shiny day!"

Whenever we have bright, "shiny" mornings like this, I always "see" that precious moment in my mind.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Morning After

We got about a foot of snow here.  No big deal.  The county keeps the main roads cleared, the park keeps our streets cleared and John keeps every one's driveways cleared. :-)

John lives down the corner to the right of me.  He is the third house down on the left.  He does the two houses up to the corner and then, 15 houses on this street.  We have older couples on this street, or women who live alone, a lady with an Autistic son, a younger guy with a heart condition,   I don't know why he does the Wiccan's, because they are very capable, but he always does that pile behind their cars.  The pile that the park snow cleaners always pile up at the ends of our drive.

He was out over 2 hours this morning and finished up with my driveway.  Of course, I get special treatment because he cleans off my porch and car.  The only problem is, he is so short he can't reach the entire roof of my car.  LOL   By this evening, the warm sun had melted most of the snow on my car.  Predicted 50 degree temps on Sunday, will take care of the rest.

                                        The Wiccan's

The guy in that house HAS a snow blower,
but he went to work early, so John
cleaned out his driveway too.

                                                         Dar's driveway

Jackie's driveway

my driveway 

trying to clean off my car

...and since it was garbage pick-up day, he carried all our empty garbage cans up and put them on our porches-----------that is, all except Dar's.  He left hers laying in the snow.  Tee Hee
When I asked him why, he said, "Her son is living there and a 17 year old grandson.  I think they are capable of taking the trash cans up to the house.  Besides, whenever I see her in Meijer's, where she works, she snubs me!"

The warm afternoon sun took care of cleaning off my car.

John and Maizey stopped in for a visit this evening.

Odd for me, but I am stir crazy from the last two days shut in.  Tomorrow morning--I am outta here, even if it is only for a trip up to Wal-Mart to get my prescriptions. :-)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

As Promised

Snow and lots of it.

Weird that the storms down south, the tornadoes in those storms, that moisture coming up from those storms and meeting the cold front, is fueling the snow storm we are getting here.  Weather systems fascinate me, but personally?  I'd rather have a mega snow storm than tornadoes touching down all around me!

I have to quit voicing my political opinions on Face Book.  People get so irate!  Hey--I don't care who you are going to vote for.  I am not trying to change your mind.  It's merely my opinions.  Opinions are neither right or wrong.  They are just opinions!  But, a friend will post a comment and then another will argue with the person who posted the comment.

That really irritates me!  Argue with me--I'm the one who wrote the original post.  Don't get in an argument with the rest of the "commentators", that is so not Face Book etiquette.  AND--you know what, those on the far-right can be just as snotty with their comments as those on the left.

A couple of months ago, I blocked a Liberal friend (?) because of her nasty comments and arguments with my other commentators.  Now I've got a Right-Winger that is doing the same thing.  

The only way to stop all this nonsense, is not to post any of my opinions or political links.  AND just so you all know,  I am NOT voting for Bernie, Hillary, or Trump.  
Just before dark, we had about 6" of snow and along came my neighbor and pal, John.  He goes way up my street and cleans out every driveway he comes to.  A lot of elderly/alone people on this street unable to do their own drives.  John refuses to take any money for gas for his snow-blower.

He does Merle & Pearls, then up the street.  On his way back, he does the people across from Merle & Pearl.

then he does Dar's

 even the Wiccan's next door

across the street to Jackies

then mine

Then, after 90 minutes working on this street, he does two on his street and then, last of all, he does his.

Sweet man!

We expect another 6" during the night.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Bad, The Ugly, The Good

I felt so miserable late yesterday afternoon.  Just exhausted, and I don't know why.  Plus a pain that came and went, in my lower left side.  I assumed of course, it was my pancreas, or perhaps a tumor in the lower left lobe of my lung, or even a heart issue.  I assume these things so that if it IS true, I am not taken by surprise.

I know you won't get that, but..........it's the way my brain works.  Assume the worse and it won't happen?  Assume the worse and if it does happen, I'm prepared?

I had stopped after my Chiropractor visit to stock up a few things for the upcoming "maybe" mega snowstorm.  No way am I going to be stuck in this house without Diet Pepsi, wet cat food, milk, candy bars and bologna for sandwiches.  Being near the end of the month, I had to use my food assistance--all $16.00 of it, the money on my Wal-Mart savings card AND $10.00 from my checking account.  I now have a balance of $17.00 and that ought to get me through.

John and Maizey stopped in and he scolded me for carrying in my six bags of groceries.

"You should have called me.  You shouldn't be carrying in that stuff with your bad shoulder!" 

:Well, you have a bad ankle and have to wear a "boot" on your foot, you shouldn't be carrying heavy loads either!"

"Yes, but my foot will heal.  You're going to the Chiropractor to help your shoulder and you're just making it worse."

"I'll be fine."

"You're just so stubborn!"

Sweet or controlling?  I haven't figured out which as yet.

So--I went to bed at 9:30, which is unheard of around here.  When I woke up at 8:30, I felt great.  No pain (other than in my neck).  So my pancreatic cancer/lung cancer/heart attack must have been gas?  Or just a normal small piece of gravel passing through my left kidney--which I DO have on occasion.
I've been worried about Pammie.  She has insurance through the State and she has to go to the doc once a year for a Healthy Wellness Check-up, which is good, or like her mother and brother, she'd never go.

The nurse practitioner there told Pam that she had a large fibroid tumor that was growing!!

Pam said, "Last year you told me it had shrunk.  Now it's growing?"

The nurse said, "yes", and sent Pam to a Gynecologist for an ultra sound and exam.

Pam was concerned, a little bit.  We talked about what could cause this thing to grow.  Too much caffeine?  Taking collagen pills for her wrinkles?  We Googled and searched.

I told her that after menopause, fibroids are suppose to shrink.  That I had them, but mine had calcified, instead of shrinking, thus giving me a "poochy" stomach.

Pam was worried because she cannot afford to lose any work to take time for a hysterectomy.  Plus, her insurance isn't good enough to pay for all of the surgery.

They can remove just the fibroid, but she would still have to take time off work.

Pammie called at 10:00 this morning.  

Yes, she has a uterine fibroid tumor.

No, it is not growing.  It has calcified and has been for many years.

The only thing that makes fibroids "grow" is estrogen and since Pam is not on estrogen and has gone through menopause, there is no problem.

The specialist asked her if her mother had ever had fibroids and Pam said, "Yes, and still does.  Calcified just like this one."

Doc says. "The tendency to have fibroid tumors in the uterus or the breasts is usually a genetic condition.  You can bet...if your Mom has them, you probably will too...and you do."

I am very happy.  I've been lugging mine around for the last 20 years and know there is nothing to worry about, but...I am so glad she had an  ultra sound (just like the one I requested 3 years ago), to just make sure there is nothing wrong with her ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.
Today was sunny and 48 degrees.  This afternoon, I opened up the front door to get all the sunshine possible in here.
When I turned around, I noticed that my big Beastie Boy, Buddy was napping in the basket where I keep my crochet/knitting projects.  He knows he's not supposed to be in there--we have talked about it on numerous occasions!  I do not need his gray fur shedding on my yarn!
Precious as he may be, and he IS precious, I lifted him out, put him on my lap and we had a "rocky-bye" for a few minutes.
We are expecting a rain/snow event tomorrow morning and then....either 3-5 inches of snow or 12+ inches of snow, like we had in November.  I am voting for the 12+.  I just hope it holds off so I have time to get to my Chiropractor at 2:30 and a much needed stop at Michael's for one skein of yarn!