Yesterday I got to drive up the road to the Cardiologist's office and get a heart monitor stuck on my chest. Not one of those hold fashioned Holter Monitor's with the 20 leads stuck all over your chest and a heavy bag to carry around on your shoulder, this one is small.
It has a smart phone sized recording and battery pack that I have to keep within 30 feet of me and if I have a "symptom", like a rapid heart rate, I put the info into the smart phone thingie.
I guess this the newest thing out there and probably the Cardiologist is promoting it, as there were 3 other people in the office getting one stuck on their chest too.
Well, since, at my suggestion, they changed my one med to a time-released one, my heart rate has been in the 60's and my BP in the 126 range, SO--I don't think I am going to have any symptoms to record,'s kind of have a mini EKG recording all the time.
In a week, I take it off, bag everything up and Fed Ex it back to the maker, where they check the readings and send a report to my Cardiologist...which I see again on Oct. 30th.
Did you watch the VP debate? I didn't, but the big news seems to be there was a fly sitting on Mr. Pence's head for two whole minutes and he just ignored it.
I don't watch any of the debates anymore. I am not an undecided voter and I don't need to waste my time listening to lies and misinformation and the interrupting and rude behavior that seems the content of our debates.
Which reminds me. I gotta get my absentee ballot up to the township clerk's drop box. It's only a mile away--an easy drive and drop off.
My Jennifer is here from New Jersey, on a business trip. The first time since the shutdown in March. Karen is going to have a cook-out on Saturday so we can all get together. I am going because it is the only way I will get to see Jen. On these trips from NJ to the MI law firm she works for, she is always too busy to drop in--or at least that is the excuse I hear.
I hope my son Mark will be there. His cancer has come out of remission and he has been in the hospital-out patient for more tests.
I am finishing up all my medical appointments that were canceled in March. Got my Flu shot the other day. The week of the 19th, I have an appointment with the Pulmonologist to tell me that my lung CT scan was fine--which I already know because I read the report on my Patient Portal and then the 22nd I have a dental cleaning. I hate going to the Dentist. Why do I hate going to the Dentist? For a cleaning? It's not like I have to have a root canal....or maybe I'm scared that she will find evidence that I DO need a root canal!
See ya--Jude