title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

So I just figured out 2020
and it's pretty obvious what happened.
"Baby Shark" is an ancient
chant that opens a portal to

I just had a thought.

Does it matter who gets elected on Nov. 3rd?

If Trump gets elected, the Dems. have the majority in the House of Reps. and they will continue to stymie him.

If Biden gets elected, the Reps. have the majority in the Senate and they will shoot down everything he wants to do.

Each Party will blame the other one. Nothing will change, nothing will get done.

Just the same ol', same ol'.


  1. I don't think it's gonna go that way, so have hope!

  2. That's some crystal ball there. :/

  3. I wish we could vote NONE OF THE ABOVE and both parties go back to the drawing board.

  4. I agree about the vote it is a no win! I love the baby shark idea I never heard it much but lots of my friends are saying stop already

  5. I think you are pretty much right, unfortunately! 😕
    Hope you are feeling good!

  6. Dear Judy, your assessment is probably right on target. But what if the Democrats flip the Senate and then they hold all three house? If that were to happen Biden would be able to enact many of the things that he and Harris care about--and that I care about also! I think, though, that whatever happens, there might be real chaos afterward. Peace.

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