title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hey!  I'm fine.

How can it be two weeks since I last posted?
Nothing happening around here.
New great grandson should be born this week.
I guess because of all the rain we had in the spring and now this hot weather, the flowers in my garden are taller and fuller than they have ever been.  The Cone flowers are 5 feet tall!  The Lemon Day Lily is 5 feet across!

The Lilies have taken over that garden--none of my Iris bloomed this year.  I know I need to lift the Iris and put them in a new space, but where?

It's not like I am capable or even have the room, to dig another garden.  Then, I had a thought.  Can Iris be grown in containers?  I Googled and sure enough, they can.

I have 3 large containers behind this garden, planted 2 with tomato plants and one with a trellis and Morning Glory.  This fall, I will rip those dead plants out, or even if they aren't dead, and plant my Iris in them, pull the containers up close to the back of this garden and...see what happens.
Today is Tuesday.  I haven't been out since last Friday.  It got real hot and humid again, so I just stayed inside, worked on some genealogy stuff, cross stitched and cleaned.  No, I do not have Cabin Fever.  I have always been content to stay home and unlike my neighbor, Dar, do not HAVE to go out and drive somewhere every day.

Speaking of Dar, she was over Sunday.  Her Dad is 98 years old and she is getting tired of him.  She feels he is too confining to her life.  Now that she has recovered from her accident, 3 years ago, she wants more freedom.

She's on a kick now to sell her home and move to Greece, where she lived 10 years before she moved here 8 years ago.  There is a fly in the ointment, her daughter that she doesn't speak to, bought and owns the house.  Dar would have to buy her out and the last time she mentioned it to daughter, daughter refused.  Daughter lives in Indianapolis, Indiana and probably will never move back here, but she won't sell that house to Dar.

When I asked her why she wanted to move back to Greece, when she had friends and family here, she said that she has "better" friends in Greece.  Both her brothers live in this area.  Her best friend Sheila, lives just up the street.

I told her that a lot can happen in 8 years, especially as the Greek economy has fallen and her friend over there is 85 years old.

"Sometimes we have a memory of a place that grows in our minds until it becomes a sort of paradise for us....when in reality, when and if we go back, we see that it isn't at all as grand as we remembered."

Dar is 77 years old and has many health problems.  I would think now is the time to downsize and stay here, but she said, "The day after my Dad dies, I'm buying a plane ticket to Greece!"
Didn't I go through this same thing when I was her age?  Wanting to move back "home"?  Then when it was too expensive, soon came to the realization, I am right where I need to be.


  1. Jumping over from Sally's blog...I saw where you had a comment about adding pecans to Pineapple Upside Down cake. ANYWAYS--it is never too old to make changes...its sad about family and how they act. My family has nothing to do with us, sigh. smiles

  2. I can't imagine moving to a foreign country at 77 let alone one you haven't been to in almost a decade. Greece, especially, has changed and not for the good. But everyone needs a dream when they aren't happy with the status quo.

    I'm so sick of the heat! I could turn on the AC but then I'd be sick of the high electric bill. It seems so wasteful to cool a huge house for just me.

  3. I'm excited for you and the new great grandbaby! Hope you get to see them all when you can.

    Hotter than Hades here, but I just had to work in the yard, and still more to do. That's about the only exercise I get these days, which is pitiful. I used to love walking but here, not so much. Patti keeps talking about moving back to St Augustine; we'll see. :)


  4. I don't know how old I thought Dar was..maybe 65?! She's quite brave to think of moving back to Greece. Looks like her dad is not accommodating her move though.;)
    I never think of you being in your eighties, either. You have a young writing voice!

  5. Hi Judy, I wouldn't dream of moving to a foreign country at 77. Somehow, I always thought Dar was younger than that. Just like Bluebird49 said (above)
    Nice to think of you still doing your genealogy, Judy.
    Take care, Cheers,
