title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Saturday, April 13, 2019

My son's "numbers" are going back up again.  If you have or know someone with cancer, you know the numbers are critical to watch.  However, tests revealed that none of his tumors are growing.  He did have to have a large Melanoma removed under his arm.   7 hours after they removed the stitches, the whole wound reopened and his girlfriend had to rush him back to the hospital.  I feel sorry for his girlfriend.  She is a rather odd duck, and drinks a bit more than I care for, but I'm sure glad he has her there with him.
Wednesday I went to the new Doc.  A Psyiatrist.  Fizz-i-ah-trist.  Never heard of that kind of Doc. He doesn't just use one method to deal with the back pain/shoulder pain/ whatever pain people have.  He has many methods to try.  Oral steroids, steroid injections, physical therapy, traction, manipulation, or referral to a surgeon.

He has started me out on oral steroid and physical therapy.  He knows I've been the whole injections route and don't want to go there again and he knows I will not have surgery.

I was impressed with the young man and his carefulness in starting with the lowest way to help, instead of rushing into something.

Thankfully, even though I can't take anti-inflammatories because of the blood thinner, I can take Prednisone with no ill effects.  Personally, I love Prednisone..it makes me feel so good and gives me energy.  I hope it works the same this time.  
Saturday-----I just can't believe it.  After taking one day's worth of the steroid, I woke up with no back pain.  Just amazing.

Oh--did I tell you the water heater is leaking?
Oh--did I tell you the plumber, who promised to call Thursday or Friday to set up the install appointment, hasn't called?

Trying to find out when he can get to work before I set up my physical therapy appointments.

I think I will just watch the Master's Golf tourney today and Sunday for forget about the problems of the world!!!!!!


  1. I love Prednisone too. I wish doctors would let us have it more often.

    I watch the Master's highlights, can you believe it. It's about the only sport I like. Going to be an exciting weekend.

    Sorry about your son. Good luck getting the plumber to call back. I'm having the same trouble with a tree cutter.

  2. Prednisone is no friend of mine. I've had it once for an ear problem, and it literally drove me crazy. I became quite the risk-taker, doing and saying things I should not have. It cost me a very important professional relationship that has never mended.

  3. Prednisone takes care of my issues in the past but a nightmare to come off off, will never take again.
    Understand so well your issues
    I have traveled that road for about 7 years.
    Good Luck to You

  4. I am not good at having chronic pain. I'm so glad something is working for you!

    You should have named that water heater ... I've come to know him through you and will be glad when he is gone (should that happen during our lifetime!)

    And very sorry to hear about your son's PSA going up. It's a horrible disease and no one wants people nosing around down under. And taking blood. And anxiously awaiting results. Roller coaster ride and I hope that his medical team can get it under control.

    Blog more!

  5. Oh, you are wonderful. I forgot to look at my calendar while setting up my appointments this week. Glad his numbers are good, and glad he has a girlfriend with him. Oh, wonderful stuff Prednisone...I feel like a young woman again.

  6. Glad your son has a girlfriend to be with him.
    Good to hear you're able to have the doctor with the odd name! He sounds proactive, but not too much so!
    Wish I could take Prednisone all the time! This flare up with Fibromyalgia has lasted nearly eight months, and my nerves stay on edge. Not wanting to complain, I get more silent, which bothers Ed.He thinks he's done or said something that bothered me. (And often, he has! Lol!)
    It's good to think you're gong to be feeling better soon...when the water heater gets fixed!

  7. Back issues are a pain. I have it, too. I start working on something in the kitchen and after about ten minutes the pain starts, but I'm very lucky that when I sit down the pain goes away. i know that doesn't happen for everyone. Back issues are so common among people "of a certain age." Your new doc sounds good. Glad the Prednisone is working for you.

    Sorry to hear about your son's problems. I hope things improve.
