Well, that was a stunner, wasn't it? No matter which candidate you voted for, I think we are all in a state of shock today.
I had to laugh at the pollsters and the NBC TV crew. I thought Chuck Todd was going to have a heart attack, when his board started turning Red. The thing of it is--Exit Polls mean not one dang thing. Democrats are likely to stop and take the Poll and talk about their candidate. Republicans push on by and say, "Sorry--I have other things to do." As for the pollsters? When have they ever come out into the rural areas and asked? They stick in the cities and think they are getting a "real" test of what is going on in our country.
Even my State of Michigan went Red--eventually. First time in 30+ years, I think. The Silent Majority? 52% of white women voted for Trump--that's unreal.
In my opinion, I don't think this election had anything to do with abortion, women's rights, immigration, or gun rights. I don't think the vote was against Hillary as much as it was more of a message to our government. People were just sick and tired and angry about how life altering things have been rammed down their throats and into their daily lives by the present President. If he didn't get his way via congressional vote, he wrote an Executive Order. People didn't like that. President Bush did it too and angered a lot of people.
Congress hasn't been very representative of how their constituents feel on either side of the aisle and that has angered people too. Apparently last night, 59 million people told the government just how they feel.
One thing that makes me sad is our race relations. I thought the present President would have helped, but it seemed he did not. Many African American thinkers have stated that he just made it worse by giving them a feeling of entitlement to do whatever they wanted without reprisal. Now--I don't know if that is true, but it sure felt that way to me. I do know, the present President has not helped their life situation. Black on black crime is at a higher rate than ever. Blacks are living in object poverty, more than ever. He just didn't help them with his Hope and Change method. I don't think I have ever seen it this bad--even back in the 60's and 70's with the race riots.
I have a dear friend on Face Book. A friend of my daughter Karen. She is a Liberal and posted the most vile, hateful post I have seen in the last 18 months. Now, "they" tell me that the Trump supporters are posting vile and nasty stuff--I did not see that--not on my FB page. I did see a lot of Liberals seething and angry and striking out. Which I did not expect. Where is the tolerance they preach? Even my grand daughter posted a negative status. Oh well--this too shall pass.
Our society has become nasty, vile and immoral over the last two decades and I don't ever see it getting any better--when you have the likes of Miley Cyrus strutting around the stage with a giant penis strapped to the front of her. When you have the likes of JayeZ and the other nasty thug rappers spewing out their hatred. When you see those kinds of people supporting a candidate? That doesn't help.
I do know one thing for sure--the Democratic Party is not like the one I've known and the Republican Party? It has nothing that looks familiar to the one I grew up with. Scary stuff all around.
In the long-run, it is what it is. To my Liberal friends? If I have managed to live these past 8 years with a man in the White House that I disliked more than any other President, then you can manage to live the next 4 years with this guy. Unless of course, as one of my Liberal friends stated this morning, "Trump is a dead man", then we will have Mike Pence and he's a really good guy--IMHO.
As I said before the election--God help us all.