title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Friday, January 2, 2015

It May Be January 3rd, but It's Also The 9th Day of Christmas.

It’s the 9th day of Christmas,
Nine dancing ladies in hats.
“Get off of my porch.
You’re scaring my cats!”

It's the 8th day after Christmas.

It’s the 8th day of Christmas,
Eight maids bring milk to my door.
Finally, a nice gift for me,
‘Cause I didn’t get up to the store.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

It’s the 7th day of Christmas,
There’s seven Swans on the lake.
I yell and scare them away,
Then with laughter, I shake.

 One evening, Fred and I were sitting in our chairs, watching TV, I heard him sigh and then he looked over at me and said, “I love living this life with you.  It’s so easy and comfortable.”  Some women wouldn’t think that a compliment, but I did.  I never believed in that whole “Soul Mate” stuff, but I think (maybe), we were.  In our time together, we never had one single disagreement.  That is kind of amazing. 

We were so much alike, in our backgrounds, our beliefs and our thinking.  We’d even start singing the same song at the same moment and then look at each other like---“Well, that was weird.”  We’d be driving in the car, in silence and he’d say something and I’d look at him and say, “Oh my gosh!  I was just thinking the same thing!” 

When he died, January 1st, 2012, people said they couldn’t believe that I didn’t sob or that I wasn’t prostrate with grief.  As I drove home from the hospital that morning, I just kept saying, “Thank you, God.  Thank you.”  I was just so thankful to God for bringing us together, because in a normal life scenario, it was impossible for Fred and me to EVER meet. 

The tears come every once in a while now, but still, when I think of Fred, I get a big smile on my face.    I am still just always so grateful and consider myself so lucky to have had seven wonderful years with him. 

His last words to me were, “I love you, Sweetheart—I’ll see you in a little while.” 

I miss his voice and his smile and his laugh.  I miss his arms and his kisses and the sound of him breathing beside me every night. 

Now, I whisper to him, “I love you, Sweetheart—I’ll see you in a little while.”   

Softball.  Three nights a week.  He played with kids in their 40's. 

His two daughters who live in Florida and his 3 grandchildren 

His two kids who live in Michigan.


The day we  got engaged.
My 65th birthday.
Also a softball game.

His beloved dog Tootz. 
Five days before he died.
How can a person look so healthy one day
and be gone the next?

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Wednesday, December 30, 2014--the 6th Day of Christmas

It’s the 6th day of Christmas,
I see six Geese making nests.
I hate those dang things,
They make such a mess!

Tuesday--5th day of Christmas

It’s the 5th day of Christmas,
Ah ha, five golden rings!
I'll take them up to the jeweler,
See how much cash they’ll bring.

Monday, December 29, 2014


It’s the 4th day of Christmas,
I hear four Blackbirds loudly calling.
I wished they'd fly away,
Their noise is galling.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

On The Second & Third Day of Christmas.................

It’s the 2nd day of Christmas,
I see two Turtle Doves.
Who shat on my car,
As they flew high above.

It’s the 3rd day of Christmas,
Three French Hens being proper.
By dusk they’ll be two,
I’m having one for supper.

to be continued for the next 10 days...