title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tuesday--5th day of Christmas

It’s the 5th day of Christmas,
Ah ha, five golden rings!
I'll take them up to the jeweler,
See how much cash they’ll bring.

Monday, December 29, 2014


It’s the 4th day of Christmas,
I hear four Blackbirds loudly calling.
I wished they'd fly away,
Their noise is galling.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

On The Second & Third Day of Christmas.................

It’s the 2nd day of Christmas,
I see two Turtle Doves.
Who shat on my car,
As they flew high above.

It’s the 3rd day of Christmas,
Three French Hens being proper.
By dusk they’ll be two,
I’m having one for supper.

to be continued for the next 10 days...

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Decoratiosn--BEGONE!

A poem to be continued for the next 12 days:

It’s the first day of Christmas,
And what do I see?
A dang Partridge sitting up high,
In my leafless Maple tree.


You all know how excited I was that Jennifer and the kids were coming to our family Christmas Eve.  I think I also mentioned that I was going in with no expectations.  I would greet her and the kids the same way I greet any of my other children/grandchildren.  But I gotta tell you, all the way up to The Farm, in the grey, rainy weather, I had a big smile on my face.

My brother-in-law hauled all my stuff in and my sister greeted me with, "Jen and the kids aren't coming.  Evan got Norovirus from his grandma on the cruise and now Elise has it."  My heart hit the slate floor and then she said, "Oh, and Pammie has been with them all week and she is afraid she might be carrying it, so...she isn't coming either."  I wanted to just fall on the slate entryway floor and scream and cry and throw one of those kinds of tantrums I used to throw when I was three!

Pam did come up with her gifts for us, but she had on a mask and dropped the gifts off and left.

Then Karen and Mark arrived with their kids and brought the gifts Jennifer had for us and her planned dish of Deviled Eggs.  (I did not eat any of the eggs from the Norovirus infested home!)

I really tried to be cheerful and I think I fooled everyone that was there.    We all sang carols, while Susan played the piano--like we always used to when our Mother was alive and then Chuck showed us a video he had made of Christmas 1999--when Karen's kids were young.  

My son Mark and his partner, Cindy

Karen & Mark  

Karen's Kids and my Plus One (grandson in-law)

My nephew Adam and his wife and Kate.
At 3:30, Karen & Mark and the kids had to leave to make it 4:30 Mass, it was getting dark and I wanted to start home too.  I was also so worn out and tired I felt like I was getting sick.

I was still so upset so, I stopped at Pammie's on the way home because I wanted to see her open one particular gift from me--the photo collage I had done of her farm--from 1922 on.   We got to talking and griping and I felt better when I left at 5:00.

Of course, it was already dark.  I do not see well enough to drive very well after dark and my parting words to Pammie were, "Well, I'll probably crash into a tree and die on the way home, but I don't care!  I'll never see you again, so I want you to know that I love you!"

She laughed as I ran through the downpour to my car.  She had no idea that, at that time, I really thought crashing into a tree and dying would be a perfect end to Christmas Eve 2014.

I was a very difficult drive!  Every car I met--their headlights, glaring off the wet dark pavement, the rain pouring down, blinding me.  I decided to drive the last 10 miles home the back way--knowing it would be better than having to look at oncoming traffic.

I no more than got in the door and the phone rang.  It was Pammie.  "I called fifteen minutes ago and you didn't answer and I got a bit worried that you might have crashed into a tree. "

"It was a bad drive, but I made it.  Took me about twenty minutes longer than normal.  No, I'm not dead--darn it."

"Love you, Momma.  Merry Christmas."

"Bah!  Humbug!"

I couldn't sleep and finally at 1:00 am, I got up and sat in my chair and just cried and cried.  When they move to NJ, I probably will never have another Christmas with Jen and her family!

Then, I cursed myself of being TOO excited and feeling such anticipation of such a wonderful time.  When will I learn that NOTHING turns out the way I'd like anymore!  
I woke up around 10:00 Christmas morning and felt like someone had beat me up.  Karen had invited me to come down to their house for dinner, at 3:30.  Her in-laws were going to be there for their Christmas.

I had promised her kids, the night before, that I would see them on Christmas day, so down I went.  We had a nice turkey, stuffing, potatoes kind of dinner--the Thanksgiving turkey dinner I had missed out on.

They were wanting to have their "tree", so we took some pictures and I was home by 5:00.  Perfect!


Woke up this morning, feeling a lot better, but not in the mood anymore for Christmas, so I have spent the day, packing it all away.  

I did get a nice "haul"--gift cards and some $$$ and this nice picture of Jennifer and her family.  She has lost 50# and looks like her gorgeous self again.

At least I know, she was VERY disappointed that she and the kids couldn't come.  That makes me feel a bit better.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

Today was a bust!

A big goose egg.

The suckiest Christmas Eve ever.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

I'm Ready!

Fifties today and misty. I don't care.  I ran around outside without my coat on--much fun.

 24 quarts of spaghetti sauce, in their bags, with their gift tags, ready to go in the transport cooler tomorrow morning.    Pammie has her 4 quarts as does Eric.  At least I don't have to transport theirs :-)

My famous taco dip--have to take this every year.
It is delish!

 ...and the chips to "scoop" it up with

Jennifer and the kid's gifts 

How long has it been since you laid under your Christmas tree and looked up through the branches?  Did you do this as a kid?  

Have you ever made love, on the floor, next to the Christmas tree--not a single light on in the house, except those from the tree? :-)

...and last but certainly not least:

...and to all a Good Night.  Love-----

Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Miracles

What a glorious day!  Sunny and 48 degrees.


This e-mail, from my sister,  greeted me at 8:00 a.m.

"Jennifer and the kids will be joining us!  Eric has to work."

Thank you for praying for this--our prayers have been answered, I got my Christmas miracle!!!  Didn't you hear me yelling?  Didn't the sun shine just a bit brighter this morning?

Thank you, God.
The day was just getting started however.  I got the mail around 11:00 and there were more Christmas cards and letters from people I never get to see AND-surprises!  Christmas gifts!

The first little package I opened was from a kid in Karen's grade.  Vic Betterly.  He lives way up in the UP of Michigan, on Lake Superior.  On Face Book he talks about how he goes along the shore in summer and looks for Agates.  I wrote back once and told him that, when we went camping, if we got near Lake Superior, the kids and I looked and looked for hours along the shore or wading in that frigid water, looking for Agates and we never found any.  Well, in that little pack were Agates!  Raw Agates and beautifully polished ones.  Raw copper from his back yard! and Green Stones from Isle Royale.  I was so excited I just squealed!  After all this time, I finally have some Lake Superior Agates!  How sweet of him to remember me!

Then, I opened up my next Christmas card and inside--another wonderful surprise.  A Dear Friend, that I have never met, a fellow blogger, except she isn't a fellow, a Subway gift card from Sally at Whispering Hope.   

I had wondered what I was going to have for supper--well, that problem solved!  Thank you so much, Sally.  I'd say, "Well, Bless your heart," but I guess down south, that isn't a very nice thing to say?

On to the next card and a lovely letter from a friend who used to play in the community band with me.  She also played French Horn.  I haven't been able to see her since 1986, but at that time, she and I shared a whole lot of talks about being divorced and scared and where could we find a nice SINGLE guy.  She is a mere 4'11" to my 5'11"--we made quite a pair!

Another card & letter from a young woman who I used to work with.  Haven't seen her since 2001--she now has a son in college!  Unbelievable.  She and I and another lady used to hit ALL the Christmas bazaars when I lived in Saginaw.

Then my last Christmas card and inside, a book of postage stamps from my friend Chris!!  Just this morning I looked in my desk drawer and noticed I only had one stamp left and "first of the month" bills coming up that need to be mailed.  How was I ever going to afford a book of stamps?

Man I felt like I had blessings showering down on me from Heaven above!!

I have been giddy with happiness all day long!
After my Soap, I had to run up to Wal-Mart to get ALL my prescriptions.  Stock up, end of year, just in case my new Medicare Advantage Insurance requires me to pay a bit for them next year.  I am still kind of scared of the new plan.  Haven't received the big book to read through as yet.

I got them--cost to me -$0-YAY!!  Hugged the girls in the Pharmacy and called out, "Merry Christmas" to the rest of the staff.

I also had to get fixings to take up to The Farm for Christmas Eve.  I knew I only had $40.00 in my checking account, so as I walked around the store, I kept track of the amount of each thing.

I also wanted to get some things for my big pot of Chili, but realized, "I don't need to make Chili until next year!", so I didn't get those things.

Plus--my purry furry's were down to two cans of food.  So I had to get that too.

Up to the register.  I had $19.00 on my food card and $1.00 in cash assistance on that card. (I get $1.00 a year cash assistance from the State).   The bill came to $46.00.  Take away the food assistance and it was down to $26.00 and I took that off my Blue Bird card, which is where my Wal-Mart Savings Catcher rebates have been going.  

Badda Boom, Badda Bing!!

I realized that I was only about a mile from my doctor's and dentist, so I bopped down to each office and went in to wish them all a Merry Christmas and "I'll see ya next month!"  I wished a Merry Christmas to everyone in the waiting room too--I am sure they thought this old lady was eccentric and a bit daft, but--I didn't care.  I was feeling the love today.

Back in the car and homeward bound.  But wait.  I still had to get something for my grandson-in-law coming in from Portland.  He can't very well take frozen spaghetti back with him, so....a lottery ticket?  I don't know much about them, but I stopped at a little market half-way home and went in to get a $10.00 one.  Pulled out my debit card, "Sorry.  Lottery tickets are cash only."  Oh Egads!!

"I'm sorry," I said.  "I'll be back tomorrow."

I got home around 6:00, man it still gets dark awfully early--the phone rang, it was Pearl.

"Merle is coming down with a gift for you."

He helped me haul in the groceries and presented me with a, still warm loaf of bread Pearl had baked and a small jar of home made strawberry jam.  Delish, with lots of butter and that jam!

I am so grateful!

Think I am the most blessed woman in this world today.

This has been such a lovely day.  I think I will sleep real well tonight, without any nightmares.

Thank you all again--so much!!