title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I Forgot Monday..........

I didn't do very much Monday, so I didn't post.  Besides, I was watching a 3 hour long DVD and when it was over, I just tumbled into bed instead of posting.

I didn't do too much today either, other than (trying) to get all my prescriptions refilled.  I had put in my order at Wal-Mart Pharmacy and never got a call telling me they were ready.  I called only to find out that they were just 2 days away from being put back AND two of them were not refilled because the doc hadn't called back.

So I called the doc's office and told my favorite nurse to call them in ASAP, as I was completely out of my high blood pressure medicine and my water pill.  Wal-Mart called at 10:00 to tell me, all of them were ready.  Jump in car, up to Wal-Mart, pick them up, back home and take my Lisinopril and my Hydrochlorthiazide.  Dizzy by noon!  I hate that water pill!!!

When I got home I noticed these---it must be Dragonfly season?  One on the front of my house and one landed on my car antenna.

Watched my Soap and then out to start my fall clean-up.  This garden, just off the porch, has become so filled with under growth of Rose-of-Sharon suckers.  If  you don't cut those babies down to the ground, you will end up with a Rose-of-Sharon grove, and although I love those bushes, I have other things growing under them that now do not show.

I filled up my birds feeders (I think I will take the Hummer feeder down tomorrow) and out to the shed where I got my small hand cutters, my big long-handled loppers, my rake, shovel, trowel, yard waste bags, gloves, and chair.  I sat in my chair and leaned over to start lopping off the Rose-of-Sharon suckers at ground level.  It is much easier on my back to do it from a sitting position.

Even with all that, my back was killing me after 30 minutes.  A quick break, sitting in my recliner and back out.  I could only work an hour, but I have the front all done (photos of completed job tomorrow).

Picked up the mail and there was a letter from Social Services (Welfare) that they were cutting off paying my Medicare payments.  


I could feel that cold chill wrap around my body again!  I'm not making it now.  What am I going to do with having to pay another hundred a month!!??

Quickly called my caseworker and was told that it was time for my yearly re-determination and I hadn't sent in the proper forms.

"But, I wasn't put on Welfare until May.  It has only been five months."

"I see that.  I don't know.  They sent you forms to fill out in August and they had to be back September second or you would lose your benefits."

"I didn't get any forms."

"They mailed them."

"Let me look"....I reach in the drawer and pull out my folder with all (you know I have them all organized) forms/communications/determination/benefits forms..............."I'm looking at my folder and I have no re-determination forms from DHS."

"Do you have a computer?  Are you good on a computer?"


"Go into the MI Bridges website and you can fill out the form for re-determination.  I will get it as soon as it is submitted.  Then if I need any proof forms, I will mail them to you...or you can probably upload copies of the proofs and file by e-mail."

"Oh...thank you so much, Ms. Pharfennoogle!"

So--I got on their site immediately and got it all done and submitted.  Hopefully--as it has to absolutely be submitted by end of month, I will be all right.

It just doesn't let up!!!

We are having the most wonderful weather ever!!  Sunny every day and in the low to mid '70's.  Quite cool in the mornings, but by the time I am ready to get outside and work, it is perfect.  No rain for 7 or more days!!

Drove up the street and got me a Subway for supper and lunch tomorrow.  Thank you, Melissa!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Quite a boring weekend and rainy and grey and stormy and high winds.  GEEZ!!  One of those chilly, grey days that cries NAP, but I didn't.

I did get a few things done.  Little Evan's 3rd birthday is next Sunday, so I made him a card.

He's still in love with anything Elmo.  I even put a little Elmo on the bottom left corner of the envelope.

Then I drove to Walgreen's in Brighton and although they told me, they can only do 35mm slides-to-print, when I told the guy why I had to have my 126 slide printed, he said he'd try and after 45 minutes--this was the result.  Perfect!!  Picture of my parent's home in 1966.  He made me 3 prints and only charged me for one--$0.52.  Amazing.

I came home and watched the finish of the MSU football game in which they set a record by, playing 75 different kids in the game and winning 73-12.

Then, I got into Shutterfly and put my son Mark's farm collage together.  He lives on the farm where I was born and raised.

 I do not remember that ice house 
next to the back door

Can you see my play pen on the

This aerial view shows the new Blue Harvestor Silo's
and a new garage/tool house on the left lower 

We had a terrific wind storm during the night, with hard rain--it woke me up.  This morning, I heard there was an EF1 tornado touch-down about 15 miles east of me.  

I had just gotten back in bed and half asleep when I hear a loud THUD!  Something had fallen.  So, I got up again and walked through the house.

Remember this pretty bouquet?

This is what I found. 
I took a picture this morning.
Either we had an earthquake or a very
naughty cat, who's initials are

Then I took a look outside.  A lot of branches down and this.  My Purple Hyacinth Bean plant got blown over.

I noticed something else, when I came back inside.  What's that in the top of that tree, way over there?  Is it Elmo in that tree?

Zoom in to see--fall color in this tree. 

I hope this next week brings no surprises!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

If At First............

I am not worried about my second mammogram because I know there is nothing wrong.  If I get off the caffeine, that little cyst will be gone by Oct. 1st.

Beth:  Thank you so much for the banana nut bread.  It is luscious and I had it for lunch today--just that.  Two slices, smothered in butter :-)

Ernestine:  I received the bars of soap today.  They smell so good and feel so silky on my hands, when I wash with them.  Thank you so much for thinking of me.

Jean:  Guess what?  You were right.  Walgreen's does do slide-to-photo--any size I want!  I am so excited--going to run up to Brighton in the morning and, get 'er done!!!  Thanks for letting me know!!

A lovely, gorgeous day, weather wise.  I had such good intentions, LOL.

I went out to trim and prune and cut back, but first, I went out to my shed to get my yard waste bags.  We have to bag everything and then, every other Tuesday, they come and take it away to compost and turn into soil that landscapers use for their work next spring.

Well--what's this?  Nary a yard waste bag in sight.  While I was in there, I did rummage a bit in my plastic storage boxes--looking for old pictures of Pam and Mark's farms, but found none!!!

I decided, I'd best run up to the Meijer store to get some bags.  Lo and behold, they were on sale!  $1.88 per five-pack of the biodegradable paper bags.  I got two packs.  Then I checked their photo desk and...they don't do slides to prints.  

Then I remembered I didn't have enough milk for breakfast, so way to the other end of the store, but wait---on my way--DIET PEPSI IS ON SALE!!!  10 2-litre bottles for $10 with an 11th one free.  Loaded up 11 jugs of DECAFFEINATED Diet Pepsi.  Got the milk and some watermelon and got out of there for $21.87!! When I put in my M-perks number, I had $5.00 off!!  So glad I went today!

After I got home and lugged all the stuff inside, I decided that the kitchen needed a bit of straightening up.

Then I heard a noise outside.  "Something's happening here.  What it is, ain't exactly clear."

I hear saws and pounding and take another look-----------

Aha, the neighbor's are having the skirting put on their trailer.

Then I remembered, a task that needed doing.  Outside I went and put up my Sparty Tree Face.
We have football tomorrow!

Came back inside and was putting away my groceries when Jackie came over.  She had just walked all the way around the block.  She is having knee replacement in November and walking to strengthen her muscles in preparation of the surgery--it makes for quicker recovery if you get those muscles strong first.    

When she left, it was 5:00 and I decided it was much too late to start my outside work.  There will be another day...or two....or six.
Have you been watching the Roosevelt series on PBS.  It is very interesting!  The way Franklin was brought up reminds me of my Daddy.  Not just loved, but adored by his mother--always telling him he could do no wrong.  A sort of Prince.  No wonder he didn't quite like me a whole lot.  I think he was jealous of the time I took away from him, by my mother and his mother. They both thought he was the most wonderful thing ever invented...and then I came along...and they both thought I was the "more most" wonderful thing ever invented.  I think his "nose was out of joint".  You'd think he would have been proud of his accomplishment.  There had been no girls born in three generations.  The great grand and grand parents were demanding a girl baby--and he did it. LOL
Here are the pictures going into Pam's farm collage.  The farm was purchased in 1920, so in 6 years, it will be classified as a Centennial Farm--meaning a farm owned by the same family for 100 years.

I see my grandma and me in this picture

Aerial view the year we moved in.
We enclosed the front porch and used it for a den

 Love built into the foundation

Friday, September 19, 2014

Does It Ever Let Up?

Just going along--trying to find peace and a bit of joy in every day.  Sometimes having to look hard for it.  There does seem to be at least one good thing each day, to thank God for each night.  I always say Thank You before I get to my "God Bless" list.

I have been spending a lot of time looking for, scanning and editing old pictures of Pam and Mark's farms.  I got the brilliant idea to make them a collage for Christmas--like I did for Susan last year.  Fun and frustrating.  My mother took so many slide pictures.  I have a great one of our house in 1966, that I want to put in Mark's collage, but.....how to get it from slide to photo.  Are there any places that do that anymore?

Also starting to crochet my "scrubbies" out of nylon net for gifts for the women--I need at least 25!!  Found a new Mary Maxim yarn that has "fibers" in it.  "They" say, it makes great dishcloths and it was on sale.  http://www.marymaxim.com/mary-maxim-scrub-it-yarn.html.  I ordered 2 of the Spring Variegated--also will use to edge the double-sided scrubbies.

Wednesday, I had my mammogram, bone density scan and chest x-ray.  No big deal.

Yesterday I had lunch up in Durand with my Old Gal Pals, or as Beth calls us, "Old Gal Biddies".  It was great.  I like the place where we meet.  They have a great Antipasto Salad and also Nacho's Supreme.  I alternate.  Yesterday I got the Nacho's.  The Old Gal that none of us care for didn't show up!  I was glad because I had an empty chair next to me and she would have sat there for sure!

Then I drove out to The Farm to visit my "lil Sis and take a picture of Mark's place for his collage.  I needed a recent picture to show changes since 1938.  LOL.

Susan and I had a great chat.  Her hubs, Chuck, managed to get the hood of my car open--I couldn't do it and knew it was rusted.  He sprayed the latch with WD40, let it sit for awhile and got it open.  I needed to refill the window washer tank.  He has finished up the old wrap-around porch with a new floor made from that Trex stuff.  Looks great.

I got home around five and my phone was blinking with a message.  I had a bad feeling--I don't know why, I just did.  I knew ever before I checked to see the caller ID.  Sure enough--it showed, SJMBCC-St. Joseph Mercy Breast Care Center.  I didn't want to, but I went to voice mail and listened.  I was to call them back!

Have you ever had that real cold feeling wrap around your mid-section?  Your heart pounds a bit? Your hands shake?

Too late to call back--I probably wouldn't have anyway.

Slept really well, because after all, I am Cleopatra--Queen of 'de Nile.

Armed with my usual sense of humor--my defense mechanism for scary things--I called back this morning.

Something showed up.  It may be nothing, BUT I have to go back in for another mammogram of my right breast AND an ultra sound...at 8:00 on October 1st!

8:00 a.m. ? 
On October 1st--my favorite day of the year?

Then she said, "Because you are on Medicare, I have to ask you these questions."

"I replied, "No I do not have black lung disease.  I am not a Native American.  I am not a veteran and I am not under a Federally funded clinical trail."

Well--she just lost it completely and got to laughing so hard she couldn't speak.  I sat and waited.

"Oh.  My..   Isn't it------you'd think once a year would be enough to ask......<gasp, gasp>..."

Apparently I started her day out with a good laugh.

She was still giggling when she said, "Okay, Judy.....I have you pre-registered at the Howell hospital for October first......<gasp>, at eight o'clock in the morning.  Please arrive at sever forty-five...."tee hee."


My plan of attack?  Drink only DECAFFEINATED Diet Pepsi from now until then.  It is probably just an enlarged cyst--as I have had fibrocystic breast disease since I was forty-five.  To not give it another thought--going back into my Cleopatra phase.  I will be fine!  and if it's not fine, I will still be fine!!

Now--I am going outside and trim back some bushes, and stuff like that.

Apparently--life likes to throw all this stuff at me, all at one time, with only a few months break in between.  

2012- Fred died.  Best friend died.  New roof installed.  Major car repair.

2013--Step-mother died and no inheritance.  Another major car repair.  Daughter quit speaking to me.

2014--New furnace.  On Welfare.  Bankruptcy.  and now this!

I would just cry if it wasn't so hilarious!!


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

TBT: All In The Family

Byron High School
Homecoming Court Princesses

1955 Me

1968--Sister Susan

Daughter Karen--Jen at 5, was the flower girl
Pammie was proud sister

Jennifer-Homecoming Queen
It took 33 years, but we finally got a Homecoming QUEEN in the family.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


We may not have to go back to the Bankruptcy Court.  Tom (attorney) thinks he can send the judge a copy of the contract and that will suffice.  If not--I did it once and now I know, I can do it again.  That's the best part of challenging myself!

I have Zinnias that are over six foot tall!!!

 I love these flowers.  I did nothing special for them to grow.  I put Round-Up on the soil of the raised bed last fall and this spring, gave it a good deep digging up and coated it with Preen.  A week later, I took my two packets of Burpees seeds, purchased from Wal-Mart.  Dug a small trench back by the shed and sprinkled in the tall variety.  Dug another trench up by the front and put in the short variety.

I sprinkled it down and...that's is all I have done with that garden all summer.  No fertilizer, no watering even.  They get the western sun and when it rains, the rains slides off the shed roof into their flower bed.  Amazing!!!  I shall do this next spring, but I am going to plant a sunflower in the center of the back row--just for fun and to see what happens.

This morning, the new neighbor's finally had a gas line put in to the back of their home.  All these cold nights and mornings and they have had no heat.  I don't know why their sidewalk and other, single parking pad have not been laid, but when she came home this afternoon, she pulled into the new drive.

We don't expect to see any gardens at this place.  I understand neither one of them is into working outside.
Dar came over this morning and woke me up.  I was so exhausted from all the stress yesterday, that I was still asleep at 9:00.

She brought back my dress and told me that she had more compliments on Sunday, than she has ever had in her life and how so many said she had "lost weight".  AHA  Will she take the hint that wearing tight clothes makes you look fat and wearing a bit looser clothes, makes you look better?

She didn't seem to have any drama over the weekend of wedding and Yacht Club fiestas.  I can't imagine that from her.  She did say that everyone at the wedding realizes that, at 92, this is probably her Dad's last big "do" and he was dressed in a tux and, "They must have taken a hundred or more pictures of Daddy and I."
<"me" would be the correct pronoun, but I digress>

She took her Daddy home at midnight, both of them spending the night at her brother's home and that the door, which was suppose to be open, was locked and, "I had to crawl through the doggie door to get inside!"

Her brother has a Cocker Spaniel and I cannot imagine Dar getting her wide shoulders and rather wide hips through a door for a Cocker Spaniel, but I laughed at the mental picture I had.  She may have embellished the story a bit?
There is definitely something wrong with Merle.  They both came down this afternoon.  They had just purchased a second TV to use in their one tiny bedroom as they fight over what to watch on the one in the living room.  Nowadays, no Owner's Manuel is packed with new products.  It is available on-line and since Pearl couldn't figure out how to find it, Merle wondered if I could and then print it out for him.  I did and 90 pages later he had it in his hands and wandered home.

After having cut the cable cable to the Internet last week, Pearl was concerned about what he would do to "screw up the TV hook-up."

"I am worried about him.  This morning, I asked him if he could spread some lineament on my back.  I handed him the bottle.  It has a cap and then a roller-ball thingie--kind of like deodorant."


"He sat behind me for quite a while, it seemed and then he said, 'I don't know how to open this.'  It is just a regular bottle with a cap on it and he didn't know how to unscrew the cap!"

"Oh my gosh!"

"Yesterday, when he got home from work, I fed him lunch and he laid back in his chair and slept until supper time.  I made him supper and he laid back in his chair and slept for another two hours.  When I woke him up to go to bed, he said, 'When are you going to make lunch'.  It was dark outside and he thought he hadn't had lunch and didn't remember eating supper!"

"Oh, Pearl."

"He has always taken care of me and now, I have to take care of him.  How am I going to take care of a senile old man?  I don't like this one bit!"

"Did he find out anything from the sleep study he took last Thursday?  Did he find out how many times he woke up?"

"I don't know."

"When they got him up in the morning, didn't they tell him?"

"He didn't ask, I guess."

"Okay---I gotta tell you this.  You both need to ask more questions when you are at a doctor's office...or in hospital!  This is the difference between you and Merle and Fred and me.  When Fred had his sleep study, when he got home in the morning, he knew how many times he had woken up during the night and if it was within normal ranges or if he needed a bi-pap machine.  They went over the results with him and suggested he get a bi-pap and later that morning, HE called his primary care doc and made an appointment as soon as he could get in.  Fred had the machine by the end of the week."

"Well, we have yo go back to his primary care doctor and he will tell us the results and then we can make a decision."

"But--I think you both need to be more pro-active.  Personally, I think that Merle has Sleep Apnea.  That's why he is so tired and may be why he get confused.  He probably needs a bi-pap and...the sooner the better!  The older we get, the quicker you have to catch these kinds of things."

"We just follow along with whatever the doctor's tell us."

"And you never really know what is going on.  You go from one doctor to the next and have all tests, some you don't even need, and you still...never know what is going on.  Ask them--their findings, their suggestions...get angry and ask his primary care doctor, 'Merle has every test imaginable to man.  You say there is nothing wrong, but...something is wrong!'"

"We wait for them to tell us."

"Merle's primary care guy is the same doc that Fred had.  He's really very good.  He will answer any of your questions.  I know he will."

"I don't think Merle really wants to know."


Tomorrow I go up the road to the little hospital and have my Mammogram, Bone Density and Chest x-ray.  It's been almost two years.  How did I get the appointments?  I TOLD my doctor I wanted a requisition for ALL of them!  

Quit being sheep!  If you are curious about something and you want a non-invasive test, TELL your doctor.  If you want a Doppler Sonogram on your Carotid Arteries (in your neck), tell your doctor.  He may try and pooh-pooh the idea because he listens to those arteries with his stethoscope, but you TELL him, you want the sonogram!  If you are over 65--Medicare will pay for any of those tests.

When I turned 70, I told my doctor that I wanted: an Echo Cardiogram, and an EKG, an abdominal ultra sound, the Doppler Sonogram on my carotid arteries, a check of my Aortic Artery (checking for an aneurysm), appointment with an ENT guy, the name of a good Dermatologist. a check for PAD done on my legs and ankles, a Mammogram, Bone Density Scan and multi-view chest x-ray, and a full blood draw for everything you usually check and cancer markers.

He said, "Why.  You aren't having any problems."

I said, "Because I am seventy and I want to know that everything inside me is okay."

I got them all, sometimes several of the tests at the same place, at the same time.  

I requested that all the test results be mail to ME and my doctor.  When I went back to him, he said, "See, I told you everything was all right."

I said, "Yes...and now I know for sure."

I can't begin to tell you how relieved and happy I was that I got all those tests done.  The results made me feel like a new woman!!!  To know for sure, that I had no problems with any organs, or arteries or...anything.  

The only test I have never had is a colonoscopy. Isn't that weird?  Me that is so pro-active about my health?  But--there is no colon cancer in my family--no cancer of any kind, actually.  When my sister had her first one, they stretched her colon and she was in pain for a week.  When my cousin had his, they perforated his colon and he was in hospital with intestinal infection for three weeks--so...I guess I just will not take that chance.  

Monday, September 15, 2014


Today, was my day in court!!!  NO, I am not going to jail.  It was bankruptcy court.

Boy--I was so nervous and scared, I could not sleep last night.  It was around 2:30 and I had the alarm set for 7:00.

The thing I was most scared of?  The drive up there on the expressway and having car/tire trouble and not being quite sure how to get to the Federal Court Building--even if I have been in that same building twice--25 years ago.

I left here about 9:30 and onto the expressway headed north toward Flint..  I set the cruise control at 69 mph and stayed in the right lane and easily rode along.  I decided to stop at a Rest Area, because 20 minutes later I had to pee.  Back on the road, took the correct exit--turn on the correct street and found the building.  I noticed how Flint has changed in the last 20+ years and, not for the better.  

I had to park over half a block away and wondered how long it would take me to walk back to the building.  I decided to count my steps--I do that sort of thing--it's an OCD symptom.  I know that I can walk 100 steps before I have to stop and rest, so I started off.  1, 2, 3, 4, .......when I got to 100 steps, my back was screaming, but I kept on walking.  I finally had to stop for just a short rest and then off again.  When I got to 246, I was in front of the steps to the building.  The 10 steps up--thank goodness for a hand railing.

Then I was inside and had to put my purse on an x-ray belt and step through a metal detector.  All of a sudden, lights and sounds are going off and I stopped in the middle and said, "I forgot!  I have two metal hips!"

"Just keep walking toward me Ma'am," said a uniformed guy with a wand thingie.  I got up to him and he waved that thing up and down each side, while I stood with my arms out.  Each time it passed over my hip, he sang out a high pitched sound.  Up and down the other side, more singing.  Then he stepped behind me and waved it around my back.  Each time he passed over my buttock, that thing screeched like an Eagle.  Then he asked me to pull my top up and he checked my waist area.  I was scared my underwire bra would set off the screeching wand thingie again!!!

I was embarrassed that my frog belly white waist muffin was out in full view.  I guess he was looking to make sure I didn't have a gun or knife tucked into my waistband?

Down the steps to the building's basement and follow the signs.  I found another bathroom and then walked into a sort of waiting room with chairs and tables.  Six of us sitting there awaiting our attorney's.  It was now 10:35.  My attorney soon came in and told me a bit about what the judge would ask me and then we went into the room where the hearing was.

We were sixth in line.  I found it interesting to watch the proceedings.  Most of the people spoke so softly that the judge had to ask them to speak up.  I guess they were embarrassed when they had to give their names and addresses?  A few of them were young.  Most of them had jobs, one was a GM retiree and had a pension--yet they are getting a clean slate. 

The lady ahead of me, Fredericka, spoke with a very broken accent.  She had filed two years ago and the judge questioned her as to why it had taken her so long to come for the judgment.

"My son, he disabled.  He in hospital last winter and he in hospital in June.  He dying in the Hospice place now.  My sister, she and her baby die in July."

"Have you paid your attorney's fee and court costs?"

"I pay five hundred.  My son, he tell me he pay the rest last week."

The judge looked at her attorney, who shook his head slightly.  In other words, the son had not paid, but told his mother he had.

The judge said, "We can't go forward with the judgment until you or your attorney can find a receipt for the entire amount of attorney and court costs.  You will have to make another appointment and come back."

I felt so sorry for her--when she passed my chair, I reached out squeezed her hand and patted her arm.  Probably not something I should have done, but...I could not, not.

My turn.

"Please raise your right hand.  Do you swear that every answer you give today is truthful"

"I do."

"I need to see your Social Security card and drivers license."

I passed then to him.

"Please give me your full name and your address.

I did.

"Are you in the process of suing anyone?"


"Is anyone in the process of suing you?"


"Does anyone owe you money?"


"Are you entitled to any inheritance?"

I hesitated for a moment, "No."

"Do you own any real estate?"


"Did you file Federal Income Tax in 2013?"


My attorney had told me just to answer yes or no and if there were any extended questions, he would answer them, but...the judge had a different idea.

"Ms, Miller, I don't quite understand this annuity you have.  Can you explain it to me."

"It was set up 10 years ago as a, Fixed guaranteed annuity paying out the same monthly amount for 20 years... or less, if I die."

"Why haven't you cashed it in or raised the monthly payout?"

"It is Fixed  I cannot cash it in nor can I change the monthly payment.  It has no intrinsic cash value.  The monthly payout is guaranteed to remain the same for 20 years.  Ten more years."

"I will need to see the original contract."  He looked at my attorney.

"We don't have that with us, but I can get it for you."

"I'll need to see it before I make a judgment."

So, we are released and go outside.  

"The judge doesn't understand that the annuity can't be cashed in.  He is worried that the minute you are cleared for bankruptcy, you'll cash it in."

"Wish I could," I said.  "I tried before and I tried to the the monthly payment raised.  Can't do it.  I'll go home and see if I have the contract."

"Okay.  If you don't, I will write to MetLife and ask for a copy.  By the way...you did great in there!"


"You weren't a bit nervous when he questioned you.  You were calm and answered all the questions fully and concisely.  Especially after I told you if there was any question of the annuity, I handle the answers.  That means a lot."

"Oh.  Well...Tom...I'm not usually intimidated by court rooms.  Remember, I have had two divorces and have even been in this very building when my second husband was up for contempt of court.  I haven't done anything wrong, so I'm not scared."
<maybe that tiny Ativan I took before I left home, helped?>

"I noticed you hesitated a bit when he asked about any inheritance."

"Yes--it caught me by surprise and I so wanted to say, 'I should have, but my step-mother stole my quarter of a million dollars from my Dad's estate.  Can you do anything about that in this court?' "

He laughed.  "You did just great!"

We start walking to our cars and he wanted to know where I was parked.  I pointed down the block to where my car was still parked--with all four wheels still intact, not up on blocks."

"I'll walk you down."

"No need.  I'll be fine."

"This is Flint!  Are you sure?"

"Yes," I laughed and I walked on.

  I got back out on the highway, feeling very confident and sort of powerful and tooled on south, at 75 mph, stopping at the Mega Coney Island place, half-way home, to get me a FLINT style Coney Dog and got home in time to watch my soap.

I found the original contract, in my funeral box with all my other important papers and sent off an e-mail to my attorney to let him know I could drop it off at his office this week.
Pearl came down in a few minutes to see if I was okay and as we were talking, I almost fell asleep.  I guess the whole ordeal took more out of me than I realized--or the fact that I had a short night and an early rising.

She brought me some blooms off her Hydrangea bush to put in a vase and dry.  They are gorgeous!!!

I was so yawny, but I had to stay up to watch the PBS Ken Burns special on the Roosevelt's.  My they are an odd bunch of people--so many mental issues and childhood family freakiness.  Of course they marry their cousins, so...that may have added to their weirdness, but the two President's managed to do a lot of our country.