title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, January 1, 2018

A Good Man

He was simply a fine, good man.  He had such enthusiasm for life.  Never an argument or unkind word.  My life changed, when I met him.  I was much happier, content and peaceful. We adored each other.

This photo was taken just a few days before he passed.  He wasn't feeling well, but you would never know it by the way he acted.

He got through Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my sister and her husband, and the day after Christmas with his daughter and grandson.

On the 27th, late at night, he said, "I better go to the hospital."

New Year's morning, 2012, he said, "I love you, Sweetheart."  I kissed him and he squeezed my hand and a few minutes later, he gently passed.

He was simply a fine, good man, who came into my life and changed it forever. 

Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Dwindling Days

It looks like I have been the only one to take a blogging holiday.  I didn't really mean too, but it's been a week since I posted.

Last week sure felt funny.  Most of the time, I had no idea what day it was--date or name.  I was so busy, spending many hours on genealogy research.  Fairly newly immigrated family.  Nothing in Ancestry.com or Family Search.  I had to get into International files and hope I could find some that had been translated.    When I did, I spent many hours getting all the information I could.  Even then it was difficult.  Some ancestor's were just "dead ends" after only 3 generations.  It's difficult to find the next generation "up" when all information on parents stop.  I tried to just search the surname, but with the surname being the most popular in that country---well............

But I did find some ancestor's that I don't think my client knows about, so that gives me a feeling of accomplishment.
When I wasn't "climbing branches", I was taking a break watching the Football bowl games or MSU basketball.  The reason for the breaks--the windows in this computer room face south.  At about 11:00 each day, if the sun is shining, which it has been, even with the mini blinds closed, it is so bright I can't see the monitor.  I can work from 9:00am until 11:00 and then have to stop until late afternoon.

Of course, that gave me time to eat lunch, watch my Soap and run to the store if needed.  As cold as it has been, I only left to go to Walmart one day, and quickly filled bird and squirrel feeders twice.

My daughter Karen gave me one of these "Climb Carts" for Christmas and it sure is great.  Normally, I have about 7 trips to bring in the groceries.  With this thing packed up with bags, it only took me 3 trips.
It has 6 wheels and "climbs" up the steps easily.

So, tomorrow is a new year.  I like it.  It makes me feel like I have a clean slate to write on.  Like pounding a stake into the ground, leaving last year behind me, facing forward and trying to make this year better.  

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas At The Farm.

Pictorial Family Christmas--missing Granddaughter Maddie and her Dad Mark with the stomach virus.
Missing Jennifer and her family in Disney World, but other than that........................

Ancestor's farm.  Settled in 1850.  The house built in 1857 and renovated in 2012,

The farm from Susan's kitchen window--where I was born and my son lives now.

Between the entry-way and the family room.

 Sister and me

2nd child and oldest daughter--Pammie    

My eldest, son Mark and 3rd child, Karen
Poor Mark--bloated from the steroids he has to take
to keep his cancer at bay.

Susan's son and his two girls

 My grandsons, actually I just met the one on the left.  Susanna, from Oregon, boyfriend from Alaska.
James, a  nicer man I have never met--next to my own grandson's

Marcus and Stephen.

 My grand girls--Helene, Morgan and Susanna holding Della.
Actually, Morgan isn't official until June 2, 2018 when she and Marcus will marry.

Our family tradition since I was a little girl.  The singing of the carols here.

Sure glad I rode up and home with Karen.  The outside photos were taken at 1:00.  By the time we left to come home, there was 2" of snow on the ground and another 5" predicted.  Karen has a nice new car and new snow tires.  We never slipped a bit on those country roads.

...and Darling Della celebrating
Hanukkah two weeks ago.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry Christmas

May you find moments of peace, 
contentment and love
this weekend.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Blessed Day

I left kind of early this morning so I could stop in to visit a friend on my way to our Old School Gal Pals lunch.

Becky is Pam's friend, but she and I visit a few times a year.  Her house is immaculately clean and decorated to the nines for Christmas.

Lunch was wonderful and my best friend Arlene's, daughter stopped and paid for ALL our lunches!!

Then out to The Farm to visit sister and drop off my presents, so I only have to tote in my food on Christmas Even.  She only put up 5 trees this year.

Entry Way by front door 

Family Room

Crystal Christmas Trees on the mantle
in the dining room 

Between Dining and Living Room
The Christmas Angel cross-stitch I made of her on the wall

Corner of the living room 

her special memory tree in the bedroom

This is the house where we will celebrate our Christmas.

Click on this to see a video of her house. Susan's

Dear Dar.

Yes--Dar.  Dear Dar.

She came over for a visit.  A conversation.  Well, her kind of conversation.

Usually when I visit someone, my first words are, "Hi. How are you?"  and then I listen to their answer.  Dar's first words on walking in my front door are, "I had to come over and vent!"  She has yet, in the 7 years I've known her, asked how I am.

She walked in, threw her coat on the couch, dumped Buddy out of the rocking chair and sat down with a big, "WHEW!"

Before she could say a word, I asked, "I haven't seen you in two weeks.  How are you doing?"

"I met with my attorney.  My tail bone is getting better.  I am going to have surgery on my shoulder January ninth and.......we have an infestation of bed bugs."

Wait.  What?

"Get your nasty self outta my house!"
did I say that?  Of course not, but I started itching.

"My attorney tells me he can get back all the money I have spent on doctor's bills.  He says he can't get me anything for pain and suffering and I still have pain and I have suffered!"


"I am finally feeling more comfortable with my therapist.  I am beginning to trust him.  He knows not too get to close to me, not to walk around behind me and...he let's me smoke during our sessions."


"My right arm and hand are still numb, but the surgeon thinks that when he fixes my shoulder...all that will go away.  My tail bone is better.  The inflammation is going down, but...they can't do a thing for my neck and the doctor told me, I will have to live with it for the rest of my life."


"My doctor and therapist both told me I probably won't be able to go back to work...ever...but I won't accept that."


"I had a flare up of my herpes, but it's better now"


"My daughter texted me...first text I have gotten for three years.  She wants to move back here.  No way--I just ignored the text and I'm not going to respond."
even though her daughter owns the house Dar lives in.  

Pause, as she lit another cigarette.

I quickly jumped in, "And the bugs?"

"Oh...the bugs!  Well, about three months ago I started getting a rash.  It got larger and worse.  I thought I had Lyme's Disease, so I went to the dermatologist.  He took a biopsy of one of the areas and told me I had "mite bites".  Like dust mites, you know."


"I had to shower with a special soap and launder all the bedding.  It seemed to get worse, so I went back to the dermatologist.  He looked again and told me to go home and check my furniture and mattress and see if....if there were any little, tiny black specks."


"Sure enough.  So I called him and told him and he said they were bed bugs instead of mites!"


"My housekeeper won't come back into my house.  I had to get pest control to come out and fumigate--they've done it twice and are coming back again next week."


"I had the garbage men come and take my mattress and box springs--my new recliner and Dad's mattress, box springs and head board.  You can see the tiny little black specks on the carpeting under the beds, along the wall above the furnace registers."


"I have to wash all my clothes in the hottest water and dry them on the hottest dryer setting.  What can't be washed, I have to take to the cleaners or throw out.  Same with my drapes, all blankets and sheets.  I have been to the laundromat three times and done 25 loads of laundry."


"All clean items have to be put into big zippered bags and all bed buggy ones also in zippered bags until they are cleaned."


"That's why I haven't been over.  I didn't want to bring any in here."

"But.,.you were over here two weeks ago.  You had them then, right?" I asked.

"Well, I didn't know I had them then.  I'm sure I didn't bring any with me.  If you see any tiny, black specks, look careful, but...I'm sure I didn't bring any in."

Good grief, Woman!  You said you are still seeing them in your house.  You're sitting in my chair and you have a wool sweater, bed bug breeding ground, on your self.  Go away!!
did I say that?  Of course not.

After she left, I did wash the cushion she was sitting on.  I wiped down the chair with water and bleach and sprayed where she had thrown her coat.

...and I've felt itchy every since!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

That's It!!!

Get a grip on yourself, Jude!!!

Finances or the lack thereof, will no longer be posted on this blog!  It makes me sound whiny and ungrateful and "poor me", and like I'm asking for a hand-out.  I dislike people that complain that the government doesn't give them enough assistance.   The government owes us nothing, financially.  

If I was stupid enough to get divorced, or to sign off on his pension, or to keep that big house, instead of selling it, NO MATTER how much pressure I was getting from my Daddy, then all that is my problem!

Yes--I got money from "our" estate sale two years ago.  I spent some of it on a new living room, which I probably should not have done.  I took $150.00 each month to supplement my budget.  I paid to get my car fixed with a new undercarriage, radiator, exhaust system and tires.  I got my kids nice presents last year for Christmas.

I have $200.00 left from that sale.

But--I am NOT poor.  I have a nice little house, with a fairly new roof and furnace.  I have an old car, that runs like a new car.  I have my health.  I have a mighty God that has sustained me these last 25+ years and I believe He will continue to do so.

I just finished a genealogy.  I am working on a new one.  I have two promised in the new year.  You know how much I love doing them for people.  The money I receive is secondary, but I am grateful for it and it will bring my budget into the "black" at least for a few months.

Nope.  No more complaining and no more venting.  How boring to "listen" to someone whine about their finances.
By the way, Dar came over for a visit yesterday.  Wait until you hear about that!!!